Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me since I have not been able to solve my problem for a long time.
I would like to know if with this plugin I can make my publication expire in 3 days but start the countdown from the moment the user enters the publication, if the user does not enter the countdown will not start. Thank you very much for your help, I hope you can help me or contact a programmer who can do it.
Hello, You plugin is really great, but I can not display full month in french. In the settings I tried j M Y and then j F Y.
The value displayed May instead of mai or June instead of juin.
I also tried < ?php setlocale(LC_TIME, ‘fr’); ?> in the index, this is bad.
Thanks for help
Is there a shortcode to use in the post?
]]>Any change to get this working with a CPT?
]]>I need to set the expiration as TODAY + 30 Days. Posts are created using GF Post Creation. How do I set the expiration to 30 days from today, using a custom field (xn-wppe-expiration)?
Thank you.
]]>Several issues from earlier support tickets seem to still be unresolved.
The time-picker isn’t appearing under the calendar picker.
Custom Post Types aren’t being expired.
I notice that support tickets going back one year haven’t been answered.
Is this plugin active?
]]>On a page I have an iteration of posts like:
foreach( $posts as $post ): setup_postdata($post);
// do something
endforeach; wp_reset_postdata();
Some posts are marked as expired even if they aren’t, and that’s because the filters applied to the_title, post_class and maybe display_post_states on the previous post/iteration are still effective (they’re never removed).
I solved it by adding these lines on row 269 of wp-post-expires.php:
else {
remove_filter('the_title', [$this, 'textTitleFilter'], 10, 2);
remove_filter('post_class', [$this, 'cssClassFilter']);
remove_filter('display_post_states', [$this, 'addPostState'], 10, 2);
Plugin version: 1.2.4
This plugin turns posts to a blank page after it expires. It deletes all the texts on the post. What can be wrong?
]]>In our admin dashboard, posts that do NOT have an expiration date set are showing as expired (they are displaying in the live site just fine, and in the editing page, the Expires date field shows: “yyyy-mm-dd h:i” as expected, it’s just in the list of posts in the dashboard, they show “expired”).
This only affects my posts from 11/25/2019 to present (36 posts). Previous to that, they do not show “expired” at the end of the title unless they were deliberately set with an expiration date.
Posts that DO have an expiration date set seem to be working as expected.
anyone an idea to move/change expired posts from one category to another?
]]>Hi, I use WP All Import to import many post, and I have a custom field where i have an expire date, is it possible to get WP Post Expires to work with WP All Import ?
I have my site showing only specific category (news) on home page. I need posts to expire by getting removed from that category so they don’t show on home page anymore, but are still visible in other categories on the site. Is it possible to add a feature “remove category” (example: news) and “add category” (example: archive) after expiration?
]]>This plugin work on normal post or page, but not work on custom post type. If possible please support on custom post type too. Thanks
]]>I am trying to change month of the year, I installed it today and show only from MAY onward. I try to go back to 2018 as few posts are created with 2018 and i want to set with 2018 for expiration date. So please suggest what to do ?
]]>We use toolset for custom post types and custom fields. Also we use the Block Editor (aka ‘Gutenberg’).
We get the following error if we try to edit a custom post with ‘WP Post Expires’ enabled:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'xn-wppe-expiration' of undefined
at Component (https://<SITE_URL>/wp-content/plugins/wp-post-expires/assets/js/plugin-scripts.js?ver=1.2.3:5:16)
Problem is, we do not have the classic editor installed
My quick’n dirty fix in wp-post-expires.php (line 90) is to use use_block_editor_for_post() function also:
public function gutenbergOrClassic() {
if(!is_plugin_active('classic-editor/classic-editor.php') && use_block_editor_for_post($_QUERY['post'])) {
add_action('enqueue_block_editor_assets', [$this, 'loadScripts']);
} elseif(is_admin()) {
What do you guys think?
]]>This is a great, simple plugin that is working well. A few things I noticed.
1) Appears to always use Pacific time. My server is UTC. This is actually not a problem for me and preferred, but just an FYI.
2) Leaving the Reading Settings at default, no matter what I set in the UI, the “Expired:” prefix is added to the post when it expires.
3) Changing the default in Reading Settings to Draft and blank Prefix, “Expired” is no longer prepended, but the UI in the post will revert back to “Add Prefix” action with a blank prefix field when you go back into an expired post.
Not devastating but just reporting some odd behaviour. Thanks for the plugin.
]]>Hi I’m running WordPress 5.1.1 and get the following when trying to install this plugin (**** to cover my domain name)
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /home/****.org/domains/******.org/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-post-expires/wp-post-expires.php on line 32
I need for a website to specify after expiring the status that is not draft or others but a custom one.
It is possible to add hooks to reuse this plugin?
since last update,the date picker only works in block editor. The date picker does not work in classic editor. Also it is displayed in an new “Expired”-box, not in the “Publish”-box anymore.
I get a Fatal Error if I add wrong time. I added 12:300 instead of 12:30 and I got a “Fatal Error” in Admin page and Front page. Now I’m unable to fix the time because I can’t edit the post. The only thing I can do is fixing it via PhpMyadmin.
I could only get the plugin to work by fixing the following:
-rename the JS function ‘datepicker’ and thus ‘e.fn.datepicker.*’ to something else, because it conflicted with existing jQueryUI plugin.
-wp-post-expires.php:287 changed $del_post[‘post_status’] to $del_post->post_status , because this is an object, not an array
The “use in theme” documentation on the plugin page wasn’t enough of a working example for me, but after some trial-and-error I found another way to display the expiration date.
<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'xn-wppe-expiration', true); ?>
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to display only expired posts in my loop?
Can you give me an example in php?
]]>Uncaught TypeError: i._addTimePicker is not a function
at c.$.datepicker._updateDatepicker (jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.js?ver=1.6.1:1)
at HTMLInputElement._showDatepicker (datepicker.min.js?ver=1.11.4:11)
at HTMLInputElement.dispatch (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-widget,quicktags,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,underscore,backbon&load[]=e,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,moxiejs,plupload,wp-plupload&ver=4.9.6:3)
at HTMLInputElement.r.handle (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-widget,quicktags,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,underscore,backbon&load[]=e,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,moxiejs,plupload,wp-plupload&ver=4.9.6:3)
I have installed your plugin.
I notice that all my contents have the class post-expired now.
I work with Divi.
Portfolio have the class.
All my articles have the class, even when they aren’t expired.
How can I fix this ?
It’s very urgent, please
]]>Nice plugin! Adding an option to place the custom text at the end of the title would make it even more awesome.
]]>When I add an expiry date and click OK, it shows as expiring on the date I entered. But once I click “Update”, the expiry reverts to “Never”.
Any ideas?
Date time field doesnt work, the date/time picker doesnt appear.
]]>Can i Contributor your Plugin ? currently lost of issue in Your plugin Like Date select after https://prnt.sc/gsm8s1
]]>After the expiration date is added, the prefix appears in the category php template, even if the message has not expired yet.
But it does not happen with messages without an expiration date and it seems to have occured to older messages at the time the first message has expired.
Can anyone help me with this? Many thanks in advance.