Love this pop up plugin, HOWEVER, it’s insane they don’t offer a way to optimize pop ups for mobile as we all know more than 50% of users are on mobile. Nor do they offer an option to create two separate pop ups (one for mobile, one for desktop), that would be a great and easy solution. Just add another checkbox in addition to “don’t show on mobile” that says “don’t show on desktop” so I could create two version (one for mobile, one for desktop)… pretty standard stuff for WP in all honesty… Or am I just missing something? Kind of can’t believe these options aren’t available.
I am updating a site that uses this plugin to PHP 8, and I’ve noticed the plugin causes the following PHP deprecation warning:
Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in /<website>/wp-content/plugins/wp-pop-up/classes/class-wp-popup.php on line 972
It’s not currently causing an issue, but as with any deprecation warning it could in future releases, so I wanted to raise it to your attention to be remedied eventually. I haven’t gone through extensive steps to reproduce the error but if you have any issue recreating it please let me know and I’ll share what info I can about our setup.
WP Popups
You just upgraded to WP Popups v2.1.4.4. We need to update the database and import your old popups. To start the migration choose which popups you want to import by clicking here.
Thats the error i get. But when i click “clicking here” i get:
Er heeft zich een kritieke fout voorgedaan op deze site. Controleer je site beheerder e-mail inbox voor instructies.
Meer informatie over probleemoplossing in WordPress.
(translate: A critical error has occurred on this site. Check your site administrator email inbox for instructions. Learn more about troubleshooting in WordPress. )
I don’t know what to do. I already uninstalled the plugin, but that was not the trick.
But: the plugin works fine so it’s an internal error, i think.
Can you help?
]]>We’ve had trouble with this plugin ignoring content using the classic editor. Beaver Builder is active on our site, but we don’t want to be forced to use it for all of our popups.
There’s a line in WP_Popup->footer that checks for the existence of FLBuilderModel::is_builder_enabled but doesn’t call it. Adding the function call as another condition has fixed the issue for us, like so:
if ( class_exists( 'FLBuilderModel' ) && method_exists( FLBuilderModel, 'is_builder_enabled' ) && FLBuilderModel::is_builder_enabled() ) {
Can this be included as a fix in the next update?
]]>After installation there is a settings page and an popup icon in the menu of my post editor for creating a link to a popup… but there is no option to actually create a new popup.
The installation instructions says:
“Visit WP Popup > Create New Popup to begin setting up your first popup.”
I can’t see any “Create New Popup” option anywhere, and there is no “WP Popup” entry in the menu of the control panel.
This commit introduced a disable_single_post
function hook’ed into pre_get_posts
This function makes use of is_singular
which, at this stage is not usable (because get_posts didn’t finished and as such can’t determine the type of the current page).
This trigger this problem:
Trying to get property 'post_type' of non-object in /wp/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php on line 4147
from is_singular( ) at class-wp-popup.php:807
Our team may have to suggest some improvements.
Is there an public place where Git-based development is happening? That would be helpful.
Thank you.
This morning i updated Wp-Popup (Worpress 5.3) and it exploded ?? (well not literrally exploded, but you get the idea ??
[Thu Dec 05 11:16:57.565419 2019] [:error] [pid 36235] [client 176.162.XXX.XXX:25457] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: <strong>Call to undefined function get_plugin_data()</strong> in /var/www/boldair/\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/boldair/ include_once()\n#1 /var/www/boldair/ require_once('/var/www/boldai...')\n#2 /var/www/boldair/ require_once('/var/www/boldai...')\n#3 /var/www/boldair/ require_once('/var/www/boldai...')\n#4 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/boldair/ on line 16, referer:
It’s no biggie, this is an empty site where I test all the plugins normally use on all my sites before applying upgrades to the staging sites, and then only on the production sites. Still I’m sure you’ll want to look into that. It happened at upgrade..
Will a full page overlay be seen by seqrch engines or is there a way to hide it?
What is the SEO impact if it’s non-closable full page [so it looks like page content]?
Can I embed another website’s page in there or a lander from same site?
]]>Hi there, I discarded Smart Overlay in favor of WP-Popup and I get this notice in my error log :
Notice: Undefined property: WP_Popup::$modal_inner_has_set_style_properties in /var/www/oxfam/dev/ on line 341
I didn’t check further to see what caused it.
WP 5.1, PHP 7.2.