The numbers seem to be truncated at the , character for me. Which is the thousands separator. Here is a screenshot of it on my site:
And here’s the screenshot of one of the plugins on (Pushover Notifications for WordPress –
Hi jp2112,
Like the plugin–I would like to see some more display control for future versions, if you can work it in.
1) The Download count section is huge–it takes up too much real estate on the page. I put it at the bottom, but it’s still kind of obnoxious. Would be nice to control that a bit more.
2) The output of the sentence is awkward for a single plugin. “My 1 WordPress Plugins have been downloaded …”
3) I would prefer to suppress the sentence after the count and just have it say “Downloads of [Plugin Name] as of [Current-date]”
4) It would also be nice if I could show the rating with the download count, instead of having that in a table. Maybe this is a new shortcode?
Something like:
Downloads of [Plugin] as of [Date]
Current Rating: * * * *
That’s what I’d really like to show off.
]]>Newrelic reports the following:
Error message
E_-WARNING: DOMDocument-:-:load-HTML-(-)-: html-Parse-Entity-Ref-: expecting ';' in Entity,- line-: 808
Stack trace
/wp-content/plugins/wp-plugin-repo-stats/wp_plugin_repo_stats.php (334)
in wpprs called at ? (?)
]]>I am getting preliminary reports that this plugin is being used by some bad neighborhood sites as a potential attack vector. I have not confirmed what exactly is going on but as soon as I hear more I will post back.
Please make sure your wp-plugin-repo-stats folder is at 755 permission and you have upgraded to the latest version of the plugin (0.0.7 as of this writing) . Make sure you have reviewed carefully. You may also want to use a plugin such as to make sure your system has not been compromised. I used this on my website with 0.0.7 running and did not find any issues.
The code in this plugin is benign. It does not do any database reading or writing, other than to the wp_options table using the Settings API which most plugins do. It does not accept user input other than from the admin page, which only logged-in administrators have access to.
As soon as I find out more information I will update this post.
]]>Really nice plugin ??
I have a wish for the next version, and that’s to be able to disable .wpprs-top and .wpprs-body h3 using shortcode attributes