What should I do to use this plugin with phpBB 3.1? Could sb help?
]]>I have successfully installed the bridge without any problems
But then I tried to install other plugins by uploading them from the upload button in admin panel but I received and error so I extracted the .zip content manually in the plugin directory and tried to activate
but I got the same message
Are you sure you want to do this?
Please try again.
I got the same error when I trien to activate a different theme also
Is there is any solution for this problem?
and thanks in advance
I copied a phpBB forum to new hosting, set up WordPress, and added this excellent plugin.
But I needed my phpbb users to create WordPress content before I could go live, so I wasn’t able to switch the live version over from the old phpBB hosting and static site straight away. I have my users in both places, but the forum has continued running on the old hosting while my users explored WordPress and decided what content they wanted to build.
I’m now wondering if this plugin stores anything in the phpbb tables in the database – can I just copy the phpBB tables from the live site over the top of the phpbb tables in my new wordpress-and-phpbb database, and have my wordpress site with all my phpBB content up to date?
Obviously whatever I do, I shall take a backup first!
]]>Error message about are you sure and then it only shows the message try again.
]]>Hi. Well, I came with a realyl bizzare issue. I had to uninstall your app because I couldn’t log in into my website. My website has it’s wordpress files located in (website).bl.ee, and my PHPbb files are located in (website).bl.ee/forums. I activated the plugin and everything. I tried to log in. Perfect! My forum login window appears. I enter my data. It “logs me in” apparently, because I get redirected back to my website homepage. I try to access my dashboard. The window pops up again. I log in again. It gets me back to my homepage. I try to access my dashboard. Same thing. And it kept looping. I tried to disable the plugin via the reset link thing. Nothing. It says the page doesn’t exist. I try to run a little experiment. On one tab I have my forum. I’m logged off. On other tab it’s the login window. I input my login info. It redirects me to my homepage, like usual. I reload the forum tab. I’m not logged it, even tho I checked the “Stay online” button. Help, please?. Also, I’m sorry I may bot be “supporting” the app. I had the app with the backlink thing installed, but I had to uninstall it via FTP, as I said before.
]]>Just installed this to try it out and once installed, it redirects all WordPress pages to /listings which is from this Directory plugin from WPMUD https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/wordpress-directory/
Even the /reset/password url redirected to my /listings page so I had to just delete the plugin folder via FTP.
It’s a multi-site that has had the main site integrated with a phpBB forum using WPUnite – but that one finally completely stopped working and I had to uninstall it.
I know multi-site and maybe something remaining from WPUnite in the database might be causing this – also I have Pro-sites from WPMUDEev https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/pro-sites/ but curious that it seems to want to redirect to the directory listings page.
]]>I logged in my website with username with admin role on both phpBB and WP.
Then I log out via log out -link and log in again in phpBB with another username with user/subscriber role and everything is ok on phpBB but in WP I’m still seeing myself logged in as the previous username with admin role.
There must be some bug in logging out when logging out doesn’t log me out from WP.
Has anyone else encountered this behaviour?
]]>Activating and deactivating plugin gives following errors:
[11-Apr-2014 21:31:05 UTC] PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'deactivate' not found or invalid function name in /usr/www/users/xxx/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 429
[11-Apr-2014 21:32:33 UTC] PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'activate' not found or invalid function name in /usr/www/users/xxx/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 429
How they could be fixed?
]]>Ok so idk if I am missing something, I see the checkbox where it says you can enable cross-posting, so that blog posts go onto the forum, but I don’t see where it asks you to choose a forum to make the posts in?
Please tell me if I am just being a noob and missing something, this is driving me nuts!
]]>The plugin removes the capital letters from the wordpress user name. It appears with capital letters (OK) on the forum.
]]>For the most part the plugin is nicely done. However my client requires some features that don’t seem to be available.
Sync WP user table w/ phpBB3. The site has to create users on the WP side *first*, as membership is paid. Paid membership is established, then we need phpBB to create a user based on the WP table. The flip side of the phpBB -> WP user creation now.
Is there a quick and dirty patch or edit that will allow this or is not possible?
]]>I just upgraded the plug-in from 1.0.3 and then started getting a bunch of errors. The errors follow. The appear on the admin panel once the plug-in is activated, or on the wp page.
Notice: Use of undefined constant STRIP – assumed ‘STRIP’ in /srv/www/virtual/a.com/htdocs/zztest/forum/includes/functions.php on line 54 Notice: Use of undefined constant STRIP – assumed ‘STRIP’ in /srv/www/virtual/a.com/htdocs/zztest/forum/includes/functions.php on line 54 Notice: Undefined property: user::$ID in /srv/www/virtual/a.com/htdocs/zztest/wp-content/plugins/wp-phpbb-bridge/wp_phpbb_bridge.php on line 321
Any ideas how to address the errors?
]]>How do I choose which forum a new post gets crossposted to? Can I choose to post an excerpt?
]]>Hey I am having problems with this plugin.
I have a homepage on https://www.gamehub.dk
I linked a forum https://forum.gamehub.dk
It linked perfectly, but when I logged into the site, I got redirected to forum.gamehub.dk
Now I cant login to my website.
I deleted the plugin and now I can.
But every time I install the plugin, it remember the previous settings and keeps redirecting to the wrong site.
How do I remove ALL settings from phpBB bridge? Every time I reinstall it after deletion it remember all settings ??
I installed the wp phpbb bridge recently. It now will not let me login with my administrator account. When I am logged into the forum I am logged into wordpress with my username with a ‘1’ on the end of it, but no admin panel access. I tried changing my forum username to match the wordpress user but that didn’t give me admin access either. My forum account is a founder account with full admin permissions.
I would just like to be able to deactivate the plugin.
Can I do this from the database?
Is there any other way of deactivating this?
I did try the deactivation reset url which I kept a copy of, but that gives No Results Found.
just a fast message to say that this plugin doesn’t work anymore on wordpress since 3.7…
I’ve tried and tried 10 times, but always the same, it’s not working…
That’s strange cause before I had no problem with this, but now I don’t know what to use…
WP united is too intrusive, and the others bridge I can find works sometimes but are very bad coded and make a lot of errors on both plateform (phpbb & wp).
]]>– one (of two) existing admin/founder is automatically logged in to WP
– a newly created admin/founder is automatically logged in to WP
– the first, original admin/founder of the phpbb forum is not being logged in to WP
– disabled bridge, created a new WP account with the same username and email address as that original phpbb founder (no other WP account with same email exists!), logged in as that new admin and enabled bridge; same as above everybody but this admin is being logged in at WP.
I’d be happy to fix anything in the db, code or whatever to make this work, please just tell me what?
We found that (traditional) chinese user names don’t bridge unless they contain any single roman character or arabic number. Is there any solution to fix this? Any help is most appreciated.
It appears that this plugin is not currently compatible with WP version 3.6. It also doesn’t look like it is going to be updated…. Just a heads up, do NOT update to WP 3.6 if the functionality of this plugin is vital to your site.
]]>I’ve been using this plugin without issues for a couple of years now, but twice in the last six months I’ve run into a rather troubling issue with the administrator account.
Both times, my admin account in WordPress has suddenly become associated with a recently registered account in phpBB. The profile remains the same for the most part, but the email changes to the new user and associates with their phpBB3 user ID, presumably giving them full access to the WP admin. I can still log in with my phpBB account but get the standard user CP in WordPress.
It’s easy enough to fix up by changing the necessary values in phpMyAdmin, but there’s obviously a security risk if I don’t happen to be around to notice it right away. Needless to say, I’d like to prevent it from happening again, so I’m wondering:
1. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
2. Any ideas what may have caused it?
3. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Appreciate any insight. ??
]]>I have an issue on bayernforum.com whereby the great majority of users have several WP users, sometimes like 30 of them or so. Any way to fix this issue? The number of users has grown so large that it’s severely affecting performance of other plugins.
]]>This plugin is desactivate after 2-3 min with the latest version of WP and phpBB.
Doesn’t work.
was just wondering if this plugin is still supported and actively developed? While 2 months isn’t necessarily a long time in development, there haven’t been any author posts either in close to two months. Was planning to use the plugin into an upcoming site.
Cheers ??
I am running a two domain web project, e.g.
Because of this I cannot run WP phpBB Bridge plugin – users cannot ingle logon due to cookies.
But could you introduce a setup, where single logon is not there and only the register link is forwarded to the phpBB register page and where the user database of WordPress is synced with the phpBB users database?
Should work and every WP phpBB Bridge feature should be there exept the singlo logon feature. With my project a synced user database would be very handy.
Thank you and Cheers,
For some reason, when I’ve logged into the Dashboard of WordPress, I have repeatedly found the phpBB Bridge plugin disabled. Of the other three admins for our site, none of them would disable it, so I know it’s not another user doing it.
Sometimes, it actually effects the plugin, and sometimes, it seems that it being disabled in the settings is just a cosmetic thing. No one’s used the deactivation link to disable it, so I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, and wonder if anyone else has been having that problem.
]]>I started to run a phpbb3 and wordpress blog (without cache) on my first webhost.
After a bigger visitor wave (not too big 50 at a time on page) caused account suspension, cause I overused server resources and they are suspecting the responsible is this mod.
Okay no problem, I bought a VPS.
Installed linux, apache, etc. made diags.
Then I realized what the previous hosting company spoken about:
WordPress process WITHOUT bridge:
WordPress process WITH bridge:
This is a really really really big difference.
Here is my stats from bridge settings which is doesn’t really matter because they throw me out from the previous (Hostgator):
Do you have any idea which causes this huge memory loss?
When i login from wp site, plugin go to phpbb and say you succesfuly login, after that take me phpbb home page, but i want to turn back wordpress site automaticly.
Same problem after logout from wp. How i can fix this problem?
my site: https://www.enteldantelfilmler.net
phpbb: forum.enteldantelfilmler.net
Ever since getting this plugin I have been battling with keeping it in “activated” mode. Every week or so I find out that the plugin is deactivated because my users complain they cannot access the WP site while they are logged into PHPBB. Sure enough, when I go to the WP Admin panel, “wp-phpbb-bridge is not activated yet…”.
Here’s what I’ve checked so far
I am lost! What could possibly be deactivating this plugin?
Any help appreciated, thanks!
]]>How would you add login fields and button in top bar as an inline form. I’m decent in php so just give me a idea. Maybe i can call widget in header and style it? Or i can copy your widget and then do some html changes in it and call it in header? What do you think
For example: https://prntscr.com/l7mnl
]]>When adding phpBB usernames into WP, the plugin ignores the ??? -letters and for example user “??li?” becomes “li” and “?hky” becomes “hky”.
Could it be possible to keep the ?, ? and ? as they are or if it isn’t possible, could they be replaced like ? -> a, ? -> a and ? -> o.
The converted usernames would then have the same look & feel on them.
I also noticed that the username replacement uses the ereg_replace function and this function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0.