This is a shame. I’ve been searching for a plugin like this, and can’t find one until now. But this is old and outdated. ??
I’m currently reviving the plugin, so keep posted!
Hi all!!!
Installed Photocontest plugin 1.5.6 version, the captcha required on vote is DISABLED but still appearing a message everytime anybody votes with the error:
The code you entered incorrect.
The correct tekst was XXXX while you typed XXXX.
Try it again
How it’s possible to apear this message if captcha is disable?
PLEASE: How can i disable completely the captcha system on vote. We have a contest online and people are disgusting because can’t vote.
Any solution?
]]>Hi ,
I have the contest installed . i have my pictures on but i tryed to resize and all but can’t seem to get my sidebar next to my pictures
I want the edit the size of the table but can’t find how .
I tryed the manual but not working .
<div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn content_wppc” role=”main”>
it says when i inspect the element that the size of the container is
But can’t edit this
]]>I am having more problems with this plugin. It worked fine until i got 3 pages of photos…what is the probeem? Now i have the following error?
Undefined index: db in /home/lillibta/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-photocontest/photocontest-settings.php on line 74
What is this? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY Contest was going great and now the polaroid theme is gone pics look awful i got media and press looking at my contest and this is how it looks now… please give me some answers ASAP1
]]>I’ve searched through forums for a resolution to the 1.5.6 error of page 2 not being found. Unfortunately no resolution or help was given on this topic or comments were closed. Why dont you leave the resolutions visible to these questions?
My site is I really need help here i’m also getting this error when viewing the photo contest via admin
Undefined variable: i in /home/lillibta/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-photocontest/photocontest-manager.php on line 722
Also line 756
]]>Hi there
I would like to know if there’s any way to post myself several pics without any restriction on a contest with a small amount of upload allowed?
Thanks for the answaer and… sorry for my hugly English language! ??
There are 4 pages of photos but when I click to see any of the other pages I get a 404. I am using photo contest version 1.5.6
I saw that this was supposed to be fixed in 1.5.6, but I’m still getting this error.
Can anyone help?
]]>After changing around a lot, play.php (the submit form) did not do anything.
I broke my head over it and spent 2 frustrating hours, after I found the solution:
You need this tag in the template:
<div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn content_wppc” role=”main”>
found at:
Apart from that, the system is a good starting point but not really 100% finished.
]]>When I try to upload an image, I click on the link “Be the first” and end up on the Upload(en) page with a pink box that has the text “Error – Not Enough Rights” in white.
Spent yesterday trying different rights privileges, but nothing worked.
What do the file and folder permissions need to be set to? The instructions say they need to be set to be writable, but I have done that. Is this error really about file/folder permissions or something else?
i have a problem with the Captcha.
Captcha is set to “True” so that it is not shown.
But when I vote on a picture it says that I enter the wrong captcha o.O but there is no captcha.
Can someone please tell me whats going wrong.
]]>Hello guys,
i have a problem with my Photo Contest Plugin.
I created a new photo contest and uploaded some photos.
I loaded the wp site with the pictures in an iframe on another site.
When I vote on a picture it only works when i’m logged in in wp. When I’m logged out or another person try’s it, it says that the captcha is wrong even if its 100% correct. It doesn’t work either when I’m not using captcha.
Does anyone know what’s the problem?
PS: Sry for my bad english i’m not a native speeker ??
]]>I′m getting this error:
Error saving PhotoContest ‘nameOfMyContest’.
Can’t insert into the database
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp.wp_photocontest_admin’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTO wp_photocontest_admin
) VALUES (25,’2012-07-17′,’2012-07-24′,’2012-08-24′,’teste_de_promocao2′,’teste de promocao2′,’texto01′,’text02′,0,1)
If you want, you can download a zip with the files needed to translate into other languages. In the zip file is the Spanish translation, which can be edited and the Poedit.exe, a software for edit .po files. Download ZIP
This was possible thanks to the contribution of X3msnake, who translated it into Portuguese.
Hoi Frank,
Is deze plug inn nog in ontwikkeling? Ik hoop het!
Wil hem graag gebruiken op mijn site,.
Echter de breedte van de contest site is te breed , hij gooit mijn thema in de war. Zie hier:
Is dit ergens in te stellen?
]]>Captcha won’t show up anymore and people cant vote.
My site is running WP 2.7.1 with wp-photocontest 1.5.6 and the system works pretty well. This is a very cool plugin.
However, it is difficult to manage contests with lots of images because the “View Contest” admin page does not really sort the images:
Is there a way to ORDER BY so that the images that have not been approved for visibility can appear at the top of the list? That addition would actually make this plugin twice as good as it already is.
]]>I want to allow a user to vote at least 3 pictures per contest. Do you have any idea if I can achieve that? Thanks!
]]>2 questions:
Added the plug-in. I am having a problem with my page, when you go to look at pictures displayed or to enter your photo, my page doesn’t load correctly.
Is there a way to allow the entered pics to show on the page or do you have to click on the button that says display pics?
do you have notice of compatibility with WP 3.3.1?
I’d really need your plugin as it suits all my needs but I am afraid to test it with an unchecked version.
Many thanks!
I installed Photocontest plugin! Its added integration of bulgarian. I tried to create a contest for bulgarian blog and users, but when i choose “Post photos” “Most views” “Recently added” etc., its appear red-pink field, not form for participation!
Help me please! May be i’m wrong somewhere!:)
when people register they are redirected to an image within the photo contest
I need to resolve this
I have tried this now, but I have a qusteion:
when the contest is closed, its only possibly to see the thumbs of all the images. It is not possibly to see the bigger format of the images, why?
]]>How do I change the text color of the photo’s info page. I use a dark color theme and the photo contest is using black text. See here
]]>Voting doesn’t seem to work. I did a test vote and published the vote, but it still says “0 Votes.”
]]>This plugin conflicts with the WP-FB-AutoConnect plugin. Get a 404 redirect after the login.
Any help?
]]>I’m trying to install on my personal blog:
As much as I’d like to work on customizing this plugin to use my theme and appear correctly in that theme, I don’t have time with all that is on my plate.
I’d really like to just hire the developer to make those tweaks, if he is available, please.
I may be reached at [email protected].
Thank you.
]]>sounds weird but it somehow stop counting the votes because when I tried to verify the list of emails I’ve gathered it wont tallied with the number of votes that is showing up.
there’s also other some problems that I’ve encountered like:
1. captcha – if the person wants to vote other images with the same computer with and with the same emails, the captcha wont appear
2. comments – it wont appear
I do not get the customization part meaning, sorry. This is my template.tpl:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<!--BEGIN #primary .hfeed-->
<div id="primary" class="hfeed">
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<!--BEGIN .hentry-->
<div <?php post_class() ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php if ( current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID ) ): ?>
<!--BEGIN .entry-meta .entry-header-->
<div class="entry-meta entry-header">
<?php edit_post_link( __('edit', 'framework'), '<span class="edit-post">[', ']</span>' ); ?>
<!--END .entry-meta .entry-header-->
<?php endif; ?>
<!--BEGIN .entry-content -->
<div class="entry-content">
<!--END .entry-content -->
<!--END .hentry-->
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
<!--END #primary .hfeed-->
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
The web still looking bad due to the full width of the photocontest plugin. On the other hand, i have this:
Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /usr/home/ on line 32
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/home/ in /usr/home/ on line 153
Help please,