The global select2 include in wp-password-policy-manager.php > admin_enqueue_scripts() on line 1514 conflicts and overrides the specific version of select2 that our plugin requires to work properly. (Also, this global include negatively impacts the load times of all admin pages–many of which do not use select2). Please restrict this include to just the pages your plugin requires.
Currently running WordPress 4.5.2; WP Password Policy Manager 0.11
]]>When I activate this plugin and reset my password on email link and click on the link I m seeing a single field of new password but when I enter password in it I will show error passwords do not match and I m seeking in the console the other field is hidden so can u please check and fix that issue ASAP
]]>When user get registration/password reset emails it doesn’t matter what password they put in they get this error;
The passwords do not match.
Please confirm your new password.
Strength indicator doesn’t move either.
]]>With this plugin installed the default WordPress forgot password functionality does not work. I get error message that passwords do not match.
]]>We’re experiencing some issues with the password reset functionality.
We create an account for a user and they receive their password reset email. They’re brought to the Password Reset page on the site and are prompted to either accept the provided password, or they can create their own. When they choose to create their own, they click Reset Password and are brought to an error screen, asking them to create a medium or strong one. This happens even if, when choosing their password, the strength meter reports “Strong”. But when they are prompted to enter this new, stronger password, the Reset Password button is gone! It’s not even in the DOM. Also, the page generates a 500 error!
See screenshots below:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
500 Error:
Just as the question in the subecjt says. ??
I’m running a WPMU site and I would like to kindly ask if this plugin is safe to use with Multisite or not?
Thanks a bunch in advance for your answer!
]]>I am running a Multisite installation (4.3.2) with a couple of sites in it.
When i change my admin password due to expiration, the password is updated correctly throughout all sites.
However, when I add a new site, the prompt is shown “ERROR: The password you entered expired 1 week ago.” (Not 1 minute ago as stated in a different support entry.)
This cannot be correct.
My question: where in the database is this information stored?
Any hint?
I desperately need to change this. I do not want to change the password every time I add a new site.
Also, I am not entirely sure if the plugin is Multisite compatible.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Is it possible that you could use an email template that could be customized? There’s a use case for this plug-in that you might not’ve though about yet… My situation is that I am implementing a new Website that is being cutover from another provider that had a proprietary CMS on the back end which wasn’t flexible enough for us to use and manage.
So I’m working on a bulk import of a bunch of user accounts… but WP doesn’t seem to really be all that good at bulk importing WHEN you’re using a custom membership-type plugin. I need to batch import a bunch of user and then send them a welcome email with a temporary password and ask them to login to change it. The plugin I’m using supports batch importing but it won’t sent out the passwords correctly and the support email I sent was met with “sorry, you’ll have to code that yourself.” ??
So I picked up on your plugin which might not be specifically targeted to this use case… but if I could customize your email that you send with the “reset all passwords” options, I could do exactly what I want.
Any thoughts on how I might be able to customize your email effectively (or use a template if that’s something that you might be able to do).
]]>I have install this on my website but they not working please help me Thanks …
]]>This is my second time I have had the issue of resetting all passwords for my users. I clicked the button to reset all pas in admin, and everyone came to login and reset their pass, but they get met again with ” Your password expired one minute ago.”
The only way I get around it is as admin going in and changing it myself and giving it to them. What do you think may be wrong? Cache? Maybe there is a script I should exclude?
If I clear cache after clicking the button, or after the user changed pass, that user still can not login.
]]>The password policies work when changing your password from Users –> Your Profile, but not in WooCommerce if one were to go on the My Account page and to the “edit account” endpoint. I was able to enter “123” and save without a problem.
Is there a possible solution?
is it possible that you can add the Password expiration policy by user role?
In some cases I want for example new subscribers just to have excess for just a certain period of time. I think this would be a helpful addition to the plugin.
Thanks for taking time to look into it.
Warmest Regards
When clicked reset all users passwords. Users are not getting any email that they should change their password. I have confirmed that i can receive all other wordpress notifications.
]]>Nothing happened when I hit the Reset All Passwords button. I’ve tried twice, waiting quite a while in between in case it was delayed. I could still log in fine with my old password. No emails were sent. No messages of any kind displayed. It seems to have silently failed.
Any help?
]]>It is in WordPress v.4.3, there are three errors I found, please let me know if I did anything wrong.
1. when I add a new user, it gives me error
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ID in /Users/chingman/work/clients/ge-alstom-microsite/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-password-policy-manager/wp-password-policy-manager.php on line 1481
I think it need to check whether $update is true on line 1480 at wp-password-policy-manager.php?
public function user_profile_update_errors($errors, $update, $user){
if ($update) {
if (!$errors->get_error_data(‘pass’) && !$errors->get_error_data(‘expired_password’))
update_user_option($user->ID, self::OPT_NAME_UPM, current_time(‘timestamp’));
2. When I use the code above and create a new user, it seems like it bypassed password policy.
3. Even i checked Current Password Policy, it doesn’t seem to ask me current password
We have a situation where we want some users to have simple passwords, not affected by this plugin (because they have access only to low-level pages). A smaller number of special users (with a different role), have access to more important pages and these users need to have good passwords.
Is there any way to cause this plugin to enforce password security to only some roles (or to not enforce the rules for some roles)?
]]>Is there any way to remove the advertisement on the right side within the plugin settings? Would there be a paid version that remove the advertisement for this? I would like to remove the advertisement if possible. Thanks.
can we exlude this message:
New password musts…
not be the same as your username
not be one of the previous 5 used passwords.
be at least 8 characters long
contain mixed case characters
contain numeric digits
on password reset (and any other)
from users with roles that in exception list
(because they are not “must” to do it.
]]>Using multisite, after update plugin, the site shut down, so I unistall it, and when try to install and network activate:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in wp-password-policy-manager/wp-password-policy-manager.php on line 1622
Thanks for your time.
]]>I installed the plugin today and it doesn’t work. The settings screen allows me to create rules, however, when I create a new user in the USER ADMIN screen or if I create a user on my website, both allow me to use non-secure passwords and don’t enforce rules. I was able to make a password “aaaaa”
I like the idea of this password, but doesn’t work for me. Any ideas?
go to and click on register. It will let you register with any password that is 5 characters or more. I have it set for 7 characters, UPPER/lower, Digits, User must supply old password to change. I have also played with other options but nothing works.
Thank you.
]]>When you hit the “Reset all passwords” button, this plugin attempts to immediately reset all user passwords, and send all users an email about this. However, if you have enough users, this task can take long enough that PHP runs out of time and kills the task. There’s no indication in the plugin settings of how far through it gets.
To make it work with any scale of site, this functionality really should be batched and backgrounded. The settings page should come back immediately with a “this is being processed in the background, please wait…” message. It should also be split into two tasks: first reset all passwords, then once that’s done second send emails. That way, in the horrible emergency case that your site’s security has been compromised, you can plug the gap straight away.
Finally, it would be good to get more warning that the system is about to send out emails when you hit that button.
]]>Add the possibility for the admin to force a user to change they password on log in. So force a user to change their password before expire date.
]]>When adding a new user the password policy does not appear and is not enforced.
Works fine when editing a existing u
]]>I’ve installed and activated the plugin but the current password box isn’t appearing on the user profile in the WordPress admin.
It appears on the login screen so it’s definitely doing something, any reason why it would appear on the profile page?
]]>Hi there,
I’m getting a “The form is not valid. Please refresh the page and try again.” error whenever trying to reset a password via the “Forgot password” link sent by WordPress. Any idea of what can be causing this ? It works fine as soon as I deactivate the WP Password Policy Manager plugin.
I’M the owner of the Italian translation.
As you can see there In Example (Esempi) i have translated days to giorni, hours to ore and week to settimane.
This can confound the user who not put 180 days in english but put 180 giorni if they see the Example.
So we should think a solution, maybe Example should be keep in english or think a different solution.
]]>Hi, I’ve recently installed this plugin, and have expired all passwords so they should be updated. However after being sent a new password users are getting an error message above the login box that the password expired a minute ago and that means they can’t login (I should mention that as I had problems with my own admin login expiring, I temporarily disabled the plugin in between first use and having this problem). What can I do about these passwords not working?
]]>Is there any way of managing the password policies of a non-WP registration page such as WP-Member plugin, which is used to make some pages members-only?
]]>Hey there,
at first let me say this is a relly nice, good working plugin!
It would be great if we could force a password change after the first login like the “Force Passwort Change” Plugin does.
Unfortunatley both plugins are not really working together. If i put in a password which is not fitting your plugins requirements, i get access to any page in the wordpress admin.
My solution for the moment is a admin notice which tells the user to change his password (but of course he isnt forced to change and just can discard the message).
Is there a way to discard the message after he changed his Password via the functions.php automatically? So i could write a notice users arent able to discard.
Thanks in advance!