orbit slider featured image alt text display for slider images in the site. Please provide the answer.
]]>The plugin works perfectly in the frontpage I’m working on. Just a small but annoying side-effect happens to me: when loading the page for the first time or refreshing it, all images are loaded at the same time and displayed for a fraction of second and then all but the first image disappear and the slider plays normally. Is there a way to avoid this?
]]>The custom Slides taxonomy doesn’t include a featured image interface.
]]>Hey Guys,
I’m actually using the slider on a website and not a wordpress site but couldn’t find a forum for that usage.
I’m having a problem with multiple left arrows showing. Right arrow is only showing once as it’s supposed to.
]]>I apologize in advance for being very new to WordPress.
I have been trying to update the slider images on my company’s website. It uses the Paradise theme and the Orbit Slider. I have uploaded 2 images, both of which are 960px x 405px. One is sized perfectly and looks great, the other has been resized and cropped and the ratio is off.
I’ve looked everywhere for advice and can’t even find anyone else that seems to be experiencing the same problem.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
]]>We installed Orbit Slider plugin on our site last week in hopes of getting a responsive way to have our customer logos scroll along the bottom of our home page (as they are now with a thumbnail slider, but it’s not responsive on mobile so we needed to try yours, but it’s not working off the shelf).
This is what we want to achieve how we have it now, but in a responsive manner: https://corp.lingospot.com/ see bottom of page (this is with thumbnail slider, but it’s not responsive.
Here is the test page we set up to use Orbit slider:
However, as you can see it’s not working at all. Rather than have to search for yet another responsive plugin to use, I was hoping you could help us troubleshoot why your plugin is not working off the shelf for us.
My boss was hoping to have this functioning tonight so we are in a hurry to get this functioning as quickly as possible.
Thank you.
]]>Hi, had a problem with the orbit slider not working in ie8. resolved by:
1. adding a featured image to all of the sliders (fixing one of the empty img elements.
2. setting the width in advanced-settings from “540, 450 hard crop” to custom.
3. and then hidding the one remaining empty img inside each slider’s div element.
thankfully conditionizr makes attacking browser issues easier so was soon fixed.
Just posting if anyone else runs into this problem.
]]>I believe I have for the most part the slider installed.
I can see the slide, load images, I understand that I can add them to a category and add this shortcode to the page on which you want the slider to work.
[orbit-slider category=”my-category”]
However, when I did this in the Images come up stacked ontop of eachother.
What am I missing? Do I have to gointo the specific pages and change the code? or can I make it work with the shortcode.?
Hopefully I can get this to work so that I can move on…. Deadlines ya know.
]]>I have 5000ms selected for “Set Slider Time Delay” in the Autoplay Timer Settings. IE seems confused about this and takes about 20seconds per slide. The timer animation also doesn’t work properly. Any idea why the timing is off?
I will be removing the slider plugin from the repo towards the end of February 2013.
A little background…
Some time ago it was created using Orbit Slider from Zurb. Several weeks after I first released the WordPress plugin version, Zurb announced they were no longer supporting the stand-alone version and since bundled it with the (excellent) Foundation framework.
I’ve followed the progress and the slider does feel locked into the framework. Also, what started out as a lightweight slider script is getting bigger and bigger.
There are plenty of good alternatives coming out every week. I would suggest searching Responsive Slider in the repo or try Flexslider from Woo.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
I can confirm the plugin continues to work on WP 3.5 so you should be fine for now.
You are more than welcome to take the existing code and continue its development. Essentially, its just a custom-post-type, taxonomies and a jQuery slider script.
Firstly, after scouring the wordpress plugin I finally came across your plugin, and all I can say is WOW! It does exactly as it is supposed to, didn’t even have to recode it for our custom build wordpress site. Well done on the correct wordpress coding ??
The one suggestion which I would make is the ability to rearrange the sliders, as an example I uploaded all of my sliders, worked fine looked fabulous, uploaded another one and I couldn’t move it to position 2, I wanted a previously uploaded one to be 1 then my new one to show on slide 2.
I hope it isn’t there already :/ *Blushing*
]]>Since I upgraded to 3.5 I have this weird thing going on…
Slider works but then below shows all slides that are in the slider. Any idea?
]]>Can a video be added and played within the orbit slider?
]]>Hi. The plugin works perfectly in the frontpage I’m working on, totally customized and added random display order option. Just a small but annoying side-effect happens to me: when loading the page for the first time or refreshing it, all images are loaded at the same time and displayed for a fraction of second and then all starts well according with options. It’s just like content box explodes to contain all images and then everything is ok again. Is it any suggestion to avoid this slightly strange behavior? Maybe did I change any css rule (overflow something… i.e.)? I can’t say honestly. Thanx.
]]>I have added a caption, which will not show. Even when changing display:none to display:block for .orbit-caption in FireBug there is no content for the caption.
What is the trick here?
]]>I cant seem to get categories to work. I am using this in my template file
<?php echo do_shortcode('[orbit-slider category="home_page_main"]'); ?>
However, it just displays a slider with all my images in, presumably it should only show the slides in that specific category?
]]>Hi have one problem using code for show in home theme
<?php echo do_shortcode('[orbit-slider category="advocacia"]'); ?>
no show arrows and background
sliders show one below the other instead of passing one by one
]]>Hi. I installed the latest version of this fantastic plugin, but I realized that my slider is not correctly displayed in IE8 while perfectly working in FF and IE9. The JS engine works (I see the changing of images) but it looks like all images collide or being partly hidden. I think it’s a matter of css, but all my attempts were vain. Any suggestion, please?
You can see a comparison here. Thanks
I’ve come across this bug where if you make all of the slides linking to something, the Orbit display collapses and basically hides the pictures behind the other content on the page. The Orbit UI elements still show up but all in a row.
If I have one slide with no link then it’s fine.
On the Slide Options backend in WordPress I have selected Custom Size and have it registering that in functions.php
I think it has something to do with how if all of the slides have links their formatting is <img /> where as one without is <img/>.
If someone else has come across this and found a fix it’d be great to hear about it.
]]>I was having a lot of trouble getting the HTML content to display rather than just the caption. In case someone else runs into the same issue, I wanted to drop in this note.
It turns out that my problem was having a link associated with the slide. I had to clear out the “URL Link” field within the Orbit Slider Options. Once this was clear, then my regular content showed up.
It would be helpful if there was text next to this field saying “leave blank if main editor content is being used” or some such message.
Apologies if this was mentioned some place else and I just missed it.
]]>I changed the orbit-caption class to display:block instead of display:none in the foundation.css file but they will not show up and firebug continues to output a display:none.
Does anybody know where this other display:none can be coming from? I really need these captions to display.
There doesn’t seem to be the option for creating a link from the slide. Does anybody know if it’s possible and how?
I am using the orbit plugin that came with Foundation wp when I downloaded the theme.
Just wanted to say that I love the slider! It’s one of the best slider plugin.
I’m trying to make the slider not responsive, because my website will have a special version for mobile, and a standard one, which is only for web — the one I’m working on right now.
I need my slider image to be exactly 1600px wide and centered on screen, so, if the user has a lower screen resolution (such as 1024×768), he/she would see only the middle of the slider (just like Rovio’s slider, at https://www.rovio.com). Does anybody know how I could achieve this via CSS?
I’ve tried to edit “custom.css”, but all I could do was make the slider’s width and height fixed. Good! But the images didn’t get centered :/
Any help is welcome!
To developer,
please take note of a small error on html semantics. Currently the plugin outputs this:
<div class="content" style=""data-thumb="URLOFIMAGE:>
Notice that there’s no space between style=”” and data-thumb which create error on validation.
What I did is change this code (/wp-orbit-slider/index.php line 389) from
$datathumb = 'data-thumb="' . $urlthumb . '"';
$datathumb = ' data-thumb="' . $urlthumb . '"';
I’m trying to use wp-orbit slider to render a slider on one “page” using an “orbit-custom” defined size of 980 x 430px. And I would like to display an orbit slider on a different page that is a size of 720 x 360px. Is it possible to force wp-orbit slider to render two different sized sliders? Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m trying to change this:
<li class="has-thumb" style="background-image: url(https://dustinarmstrong.com/wordpress2/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/healthcare-100x83.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">1</li>
into this:
<li class="has-thumb" style="background-image: url(https://dustinarmstrong.com/wordpress2/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/healthcare-100x83.jpg); background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">SLIDE TITLE HERE</li>
I have no idea what to do to make it work. I can’t find where it would be called in the code. Via Javascript (jquery.orbit-1.3.0.min) I’ve managed to find where it’s located in the code, but I’m not sure how to call the slide’s title into the information.
Current site can be viewed at https://dustinarmstrong.com/wordpress2
]]>Hey, All. I’m getting WP Orbit Slider to work almost perfectly but I would love to add a capability in which the user can advance to the next slide on click.
Is there anyone that can help me with the writing and placement of this code?
– WordPress 3.4.1
– Responsive child-theme 1.7.4
– WP Orbit Slider 1.0
The plugin is very nice, just one thing that bothers me. I used it to mix some HTML (an H2, a paragraphe and a link) and images. The problem is that the current output of the plugin uses get_the_content(), which does not convert paragraphs correctly.
To add support for p tags and the WordPress automagically fonction that adds paragraphs when you press enter :
1. open index.php
2. find line 397 to 403
3. change it to
elseif( !empty($post->post_content) ) {
$content = get_the_content();
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
echo '<div class="content" style=""' . $datathumb . '>';
echo '<div class="slide-content slide-content-' . $imgid . '">' .$content. '</div>';
echo '<img class="orbit-slide" src="' . $urlimg . '" />';
echo '</div>';
If anybody has an idea how I could make this more “generic” without hacking the plugin code it would be great. Maybe something like a function in functions.php ? Or better, add this to the plugin code in next release, I might no be the only on who wants clean paragraphs in the output.
Thanks ??
]]>I want to have an image hover over my slider like the “create your own” image here. Does anyone know how to do this or a tutorial/article that can help?
When you register the custom post type, please set the exclude_from_search to be true. Is there a reason you allow these post types to be searchable????