<style type=”text/css”>p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; </style>I’ve had trouble with Google Fonts with this plugin in the past. Is it possible to operate the addon GDPR compliant?
]]>When using WP Notes Pro you can embed notes in pages. Does this work with Elementor and/or Gutenberg?
]]>Can I limit the number of posts shown on my website? I would love this function, so that – when I add lots of small notes – it will only show, say, the 10 most recent notes.
Is that possible?
/Betina – komastaj.dk
Hello,first of all great plugin!
second I have a request or maybe it is already a way to do it, if so please tell m how.
I want to align the notes horizontally and I couldnt find an option to do it, they just align one below the other.
I had to a add a div to class-wp-notes-widget.php so I can align them in line.
thank you
]]>Hi, there,
I LOVE this widget, but the graphics really don’t fit the theme of my website. Right now, I am using it as a below-menu widget to post important announcements. My theme already has settings to display text widgets in a format that is compatible with my website, based on where it is displayed. Is there a way to have the WP Notes widget display as plain text (no pin, no post-it, no special font) like a regular text widget does? Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
i have a problem when i use your plugin and the divi builder…
When i desactive WP Notes Widget divi is ok
any solution please ?
Best regard
I’m using the widget via Elementor and when I add it so I have 4 notes going across the page in columns I get the following image.
However when saved they all revert to the same note. Is there a way to stop this happening.
]]>Where are notes displayed? I made a couple notes and can’t find them anywhere.
GREAT plug-in, very nice it runs with the latest WP version, too.
It is too bad, however, that it breaks the posts display. I took a screenshot which I will gladly provide. I could confirm, by de-activating the plugin, all went back to normal.
Using latest version of WordPress and all plug-ins, PHP, etc.
(Don’t want to clutter this with a long list).
If you want and can check into it, we would greatly appreciate it.
Scaffies is a private site and requires login for its members.
I am using the WPNotes plugin and as such it is working. I am using the OceanWP theme and elementor page builder. I chose a font in WPNotes and it showed on my mobile and laptop. But later I changed the font. The updated font reflects correctly in the laptop (and also in the page in elementor in desktop, tablet and mobile modes) but not in my smartphone. I have tried it many times, cleared cache, etc. but nothing works. Can someone please help me in resolving this problem? The fonts should appear the same in all the gadgets. I am using the google chrome in both my laptop and also my mobile.
I am using User Submitted Posts plugin with OceanWP theme and to my dismay find that when I post using a ‘Submit Post’ page that I have made (using this plugin), the image that I use in the post (that I mean to be a featured image) appears twice – one as a big feature image (which is how it should be) and another as a tiny version at the top of the article (inside the article though) so I get two images one the bigger featured one and another the tiny one.
Can anyone let me know how to remove the smaller image?
I’m trying to use WP Notes Widget on my website, but I’m having a problem with it. The page content isn’t displayed when I display the WP Notes Widget. If I take the WP Notes Widget out of the sidebar, the page content is displayed again. I’ve tried the different CSS options to use my own or the themes as well as turning both on and both off. Nothing changes. Any thoughts?
My site is under construction and not visible to visitors. I’ll take it out of maintenance mode for a while to give you a chance to see it. ]
I have a License-Key to upgrade to WP-Notes-Pro but i cannot activate. I always get
cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds
Please help!
Just wondering, is it and how to have visibility in ADMIN Dashboard Only for ADMINS
is pagination possible? It would be great if it works once the notes reach a certain length.
]]>Get me massage my dashboard Thanks for downloading/updating WP Notes Widget! What features would you like to see? Let us know on the support forums or Twitter. Dismiss
Please configure my website
WP Support Chat helped me identify that this plugin was interfering with my print and email buttons that are enabled via my Jetpack plugin. The buttons displayed, but the page only refreshed when you clicked on either of the buttons.
Once we deactivated the plugins, it was determined that my notes plugin was causing this interference.
I’d really like to be able to use the notes plugin. Do you know a way to fix the interference?
I am trying out your Sticky Note to create a notice board. The Page Title I have created is Notice Board. I have also attached the same sticky note on the footer for comparison.
When I insert the Sticky as a widget or shortcode, the title of the page changes to the last sticky note. I did an inspect and H1 automatically changes to the Sticky Title. I am not too sure why. If I removed the sticky and insert some other widget, it looks OK.
1. How can I resolve this.
2. How can I maintain the sticky from stretching (like the footer) when the background is stretched.
My email address, [email protected]
With kind regards,
Hello! I am currently using this plugin which i actually find really great! However, i would like to know if it is possible to make any of the bottom corners of the page to have this folded kind of style in order to look more realistic just like it is shown on the top image/banner of the plugins website! Any help would be Wonderfull! Thank you!
at the first look, this seemed to be what I was looking for. But using it, I ran into some trouble. Maybe you can help me.
I tried to get the notes in a row and columns on a page using the Pagebuilder by SiteOrigin, but this seems to be not possible? It displays only in one column, is that right?
Second thing was, when I wanted a separate item for each note, it repeats always the headline?
When I tried to save the page, I got a blank screen?
This is really a great idea, and could be much better if it works on a page ??
Best wishes, Daniel
]]>is it possible to have a search for notes in case you have over 200 notes on a page and also paginating the notes on a page.
]]>ho do i arrange the notes starting with the newest
thank you
The videos that am adding to the notes are not showing. I have checked the console and noticed that there is a mixed content error. I don’t know why when I add the URLs with https it turns them to HTTP. What could be the problem and how can I solve it.
Any help is welcome.
Thank you.
Feedback and comments isn’t possible on this page: https://webrockstar.net/feedback-comments
at the moment. So, I’m posting it here.
In the widget settings, I’m missing the option to disable the title of the note.
I want to use the titles of the individual notes for my own, internal reference only and have them hidden on the front end.
(as a title for the front end, I prefer to use the optional title that can be entered in the widget settings area)
In other words, I’d like to create 2 notes titled:
“Maintenance Warning (forum)”
“Maintenance Warning (blog)”
but don’t want to display those titles on the front end. They are meant for internal reference only.
Any title that needs to be displayed on the front end can be entered via the optional widget title.
Bug report
This is what happens when the widget title is empty:
I love this plugin, I had it installed in WP version 4.7.3 and have since updated to WP 4.7.4
I used the 3 demo notes to overwrite them and never noticed that I could not write a new note. Only when I wanted to keep some notes to re-publish at a later date, did I find that issue.
When I create a new note I get the title option but no text option nor any of the other options, ie. add media, link, etc. What can be the problem?
]]>Hi Steve
Great plugin, but when I create a small sticky with a youtube video embedded, the full screen button doesn’t appear to work.
It just says Ful Screen unavailable.
Any ideas?
]]>Notes wrapper works fine, however when it is enabled It prevents the Divi theme Visual Editor from working. After it is disabled the Divi Builder Visual editor works again.
Do you plan to have feature where once can create new note directly from the sidebar?
]]>is there a way for users with author or contributor role to be able to create and post notes to be tweeted?
]]>Hi mate, I like your plugin. Great job. I would to use it in my site which I share small tips as note. So it is really good if I can list all the note in a page. I don’t want to use post because these kind of content is short and quick.