I just moved my website to its final server and the topbar won’t display since I can’t activate the WP-Nice topbar plugin. I get this message :
syntax error, unexpected T_USE, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/puitslajeu/domains/puitslajeunesse.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-nice-topbar/wp-nice-topbar.php on line 25
The website : https://puitslajeunesse.com/
Thanks in advance…
]]>Nice Topbar Image isn’t resizing on small-devices
thanks in advance
Hi there,
Very nice plugin but it does not work on any of the WooCommerce pages. When I select a wooCommerce category or product page, nothing shows up. However for the normal WP pages it displays no issue.
thank you for the plugin
I have question about translate “nice topbar” by wpml , how can I translate it for different language ?
thank you..
My text stays centered whatever i do.
How do i solve it ?
And is there a possibility to add 2 texts next to one another ?
Like 2 columns.
Thanks in advance,
It′s a nice plugin.
My question it′s: I can use email to button?
I was tried with mailto:email and not reconogize this link.
I hope your help
Leonardo Grabow
I’m having difficulty here. The nice top bar only shows when a user is logged in. To test this, go to https://cyndyetler.com/ No nice topbar. Then go https://cyndyetler.com/wp-admin and log in as testuser testtest. Boom! There it is?
Is there any way I can fix this? I’ve already put about 3 hours into finding and setting up various “easy, nice, simple, flexible, awesome” top-bar plugins and still have spit in one hand and not much in the other.
I configured the options in fixed top position, but the topbar hides WordPress admin bar and part of my menu. What should I do?
Best Regards.
Hi, is it possible to place a shortcode in the top-bar (as text)?
I’m using GT-translate and am trying to display it’s language-picker flags, this uses a shortcode. I’ve tried adding ‘Shortcode Anywhere’ plugins (which always works in WP-menus and widgets), but the Top-Bar plugin still shows the shortcode as text.
Also, the option to align the text right isn’t working. Can this be adjusted in the plugin’s CSS?
It would be really nice to be able to copy existing topbars, I have a lot of different bars for different pages and since they all share a lot of settings this could save a lot of time.
Thanks for a great plugin!
Is it possible to add this CSS suggestions?
– TopBar could move all page to the bottom of the bar
– Change font family of message and button text into control panel of the plugin
Thank you for consider this.
]]>Hi there,
big thanks for your Plugin. Clean, easy to use, great!
But… ??
I set up the Plugin and everything is working like it should.
The bar just doesn’t show up on my Android Chrome Browser.
It does show up when decreasing the view port on my Desktop Browser.
It even shows up when checking “Use Desktop Version” on my Android Browser. Tried using Firefox on my Android Phone as well – still no bar.
Any clues why this could be?
Heres the page it happens on: https://habicht-agentur.de/temp-schwedenfrieden/
Thanks in advance
The Logo Link field seems to strip out the : after http so the link won’t actually work. I’ve tried several different urls and each time on the front end the : is removed so the link breaks.
]]>See screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/6tmHBWG.png
I added a topbar and enabled it for all pages, but it doesn’t show up: https://nezteb.net/
I assume this is a plugin conflict, but I want to make sure I’m doing this correctly. I simply create a new topbar, checked the “Everywhere” button, added some text, an clicked “Update”. That’s all I need to do, correct?
Thanks for the great plugin. Good to see there are some new styling features. But.. there is no option to change the font of the button. Like, arial to Titillium Web.
I use Titillium Web for my entire website. However, the buttontext holds the standard font. Iam not home in CSS things. But maybe you can explain me how to do it?
In older versions the font issue was never a problem, it cames with the newer ones. Maybe early-er the standard css of my website overide the css of the plugin?
Much thanks.
This would be great, if we could modify the Font Face/Type. Is it not possible to change the font type used?
Also, on the button you have no Text options besides color..can’t bold it, change font type, etc..
Just need to have full control over the Font for the Text and for the Button.
First of all, I would like to say that I love your plugin. It provides all kinds of customization that I would want. There are two things I’m thinking about doing and I’m wondering if you could help me.
1. When closing out the top bar, it reappears on every new page. Is there an ability to make it persistent?
2. The top bar is currently covering up my top menu bar for user login. How can I make it so that the top bar shows actually ontop of my top bar navigation? Essentially, making the topbar position relative to the site as a whole. I attempted to edit this in CSS but no luck.
I love the plugin, however in the mobile view it covers up my logo and menu. Also the top bar content is shifted down. Any ideas on how to fix? Thanks!
Is it possible to configure automatic stacking on one another of bars on top or bottom of the page?