Can we change the login and logout landing page to the website login landing page and not the wordpress? (it should go to “my account” page.
Why customer should login via wordpress?
same for the sign up.
Hi, may i request for the feature update to have the option to display a login user profile avatar on the menu navi please.
Hope this code can be useful
This code display a login user profile avatar name and a welcome message optional.
if ( is_user_logged_in() ):
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( ($current_user instanceof WP_User) ) {
echo 'Welcome : ' . $current_user->display_name ;
echo get_avatar( $current_user->user_email, 32 );
Thanks great plugin.
]]>I activated the plugin and implemented the pages, and then when I refreshed the page – it said that my website “is currently unable to handle this request” and won’t load, giving me error 500 on Google Chrome..
This is only after I use the “ProfilePress Links” – it seems there is an error with the URL you are providing, at least that is what I believe. I added edit profile, my profile, and login | logout to the navigation and this is what occurred. Feedback?
]]>When I add the ProfilePress link to the menu bar, the menu bar and everything below that disappears. If I am logged in, that does not happen.