Hi Aryanduntley,
I have a old website and after upgrading wordpress 6.4.2. This pluggin does not work. ?the wp_posts in database are not showed full on the all posts tab of wp-admin. That ‘s why my family tree does not appear any more.
Could you update this plugin (WordPress MooTools Tree Creator) for WordPress 6.4.2?
I am running WordPress 4.9.8 on a Windows machine. I am getting the following error when I activate the WordPress MooTools Tree Creator plugin:
The plugin generated 360 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
Additionally, the following warning appears in all WP_Admin screens, no matter whether WP_DEBUG is true or false:
Warning: Declaration of Mootree_walker::start_el(&$output, $page, $depth, $args, $current_page = 0) should be compatible with Walker_Page::start_el(&$output, $page, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_page = 0) in C:\Bitnami\wordpress-4.9.8-0\apps\wordpress\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\wp-moo-tree\tree-shortcode.php on line 0
This plugin is causing degradation of basic functionality of WordPress. For instance, the items in the Media Library do not show:
There is no error message output to my browser console; the media files simply do not show.
I’m not sure whether this is one bug or many, as I’m not sure they’re related. I’m guessing that they are. But I have tried deactivating every other plugin on my site, and both these problems persist.
I want to use your plugin on my site. It’s clean and simple to use but I have one request.
I added people (branches) and I created a ‘people hiearchy’.
Now I want that, when people are somewhere scrolling in the tree/branches, that they can click on a name of a person and then the homepage (URL) of that person should open. Is this possible (without to much coding)?
I am using this plugin to make a repository of files for a company intranet.
I see that I can attach an image to a branch. How can I add a PDF?