Using WordPress 6.6.2 and PHP 8.2.23 – receiving the following error:
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /wp-content/plugins/wp-masonry-infinite-scroll/includes/functions.php on line 194
Here’s my shortcode:
[wmis posttype="post" poststatus="publish" postperpage="15" postorder="DESC" postorderby="date" loadingoffset="300" showimage="1" thumbsize="1536x1536" showtitle="1" headingtype="h2" showdate="0" showexcerpt="0" showreadmore="0" loadmorebutton="0"]
I only have one post so far; is that the problem?
]]>Tried using shortcode on a WP “page”
Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.
Can’t proceed. Errors.
Plus “categories” not showing up in Categories selector.
Lost at how to use this plugin.
So far so good, plugin does what it says on the box. However, I can’t seem to use it on search results page, which is a major drawback. Did I miss something in the settings?
]]>Some times I can see the same posts repeating themselves
I’m using your plugin with this shortcode:
[wmis posttype="fotografia" postorder="DESC" postorderby="rand" columns="3" showimage="1" thumbsize="medium" showtitle="0" showdate="0" showexcerpt="0" showreadmore="0" openinnewtab="0" loadmorebutton="1" loadmoresize="medium" loadmorebuttontext="Vedi altre"]
If there are no results (ex. no posts of posttype “fotografia”) the website crash (error 404) .
after last plugin and wordpress update there is an error appearing on my blog that says:
“–content/plugins/wp–masonry–infinite–scroll/includes/functions.php?on line 192.”
you can see it under my blog posts on
I Looked at the file and it seems there is an error with image display. I can get rid of this error but then no images appears.
can you help me?
echo ‘
if ($wmisloop->have_posts()){
while ( $wmisloop->have_posts() ) : $wmisloop->the_post();
$wmis_featuredimage = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID()), $wmis_atts[‘thumbsize’] );
$wmis_featuredimagesrc = $wmis_featuredimage[0]; [THIS IS LINE 192]
I think it would be nice to have posts ordered by random and use it under each post, so the user can see different images under each post.
]]>Hi there —
Is it possible to include the full post content using this plugin? I.e., can this create a masonry layout with all of the content in the post visible on the front page, including any embeds, iframes, images, and all of the text — most masonry plugins don’t seem to give this option, and instead only use the post featured image + excerpt. You can see what I’m trying to achieve on the linked page — essentially I want the posts to display just as they do on the site, but using masonry to fill in the blank spaces that are created because of the differing post lengths. I know this is possible, but I can’t seem to find a plugin that will allow me to do this.
Thanks for any guidance you can give me about whether this plugin will allow for this.
I was looking for the solution to exclude specific posts using post id, so basically I have selected several categories to show posts & I have already shown some posts from those category in above fold so I don’t want to repeat posts in masonry.
If you can add exclude option using post id would really help.
Looking forward for the reply as earlier as possible.
Danil Dilawar