We really like this plugin, for one of our clients that sells products in multiple countries, this was the only one that searched multiple countries without issue. When we first got it we had to deactivate it in order to use the ‘Add Media’ button while editing pages or posts, not a big deal, but now the geocode button doesn’t work with the latest wordpress update.
Will this plugin get an update at some point?
Is there a way of removing the default option to ask about current location when first using the Map?
Is there a way of adding extra Map Marker fields such as telephone number, e-mail address etc.?
I have a serious problem!
I’ve downloaded plugin from my wordpress “plugin search” page, everything as it should be, clicked install, clicked activate and then page turned blank, no text no nothing, I’ve waited and waited and nothing happened, tried to refresh – nothing, nothing works, not a single thing, I can only access my website with ftp connection. So I’ve accesed my website via ftp, deleted plugin from folder where it was installed and website started working again… Then I tried to install it again and same thing happens…. ??? Other map plugins work just fine…
]]>Hi Paul,
Thanks for great plugin. It has been working really well. But the flags seem to have disappeared for all my location posts. Any suggestions. Could it be a theme or wordpress update issue>
Hi, The map icons are not visible. Also tried uploading our own custom marker to the file specified via FTP, however it is not showing on the map. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
I would like to invert the position of the dislpayed elements on the map page: is it possible to view the map first and then the results below it?
I was looking in the php codes but was unable to find the right one…
hi paul, might be doing something wrong here but…i created 3 maps. when i try to insert a map onto a page only the first map is visible in the dropdown menu. the other maps aren’t available to select. went through the settings a few times thinking i had missed something but nothing stands out…any ideas?
]]>Hello everybody,
i’ve a problem. I’ve created many location, but in the map are visible only 5 location.
Can you help me?
]]>Is it possible to set certain features to certain maps?
I have more than one map, and only need specific features to show up on each map …
Any thoughts?
]]>Hi Paul,
I have some questions:
1. How can i make the “Where are you?” field to be automatically populated with users current location.
2. And list the nearest locations depending on that current position.
3. Get rid of filters.
I know these are doable but just need your guideline and suggestions so that I don’t mess with your code/core functionality.
Thanks in advance.
]]>When i add a location the map works fine, but when you click “view details” or the “view location” on the edit screen it goes to a 404.
The url is built correctly like https://example.com/locations/some-location, its just gets a 404 when trying to reach it.
Any ideas?
]]>Hey must be a simple way of doing this but how do you show the map in the home page. I’m building a site that needs to have the map hidden with jQuery in a slider for each page. I’ve got it displaying on every page but the home. Is this something I need to edit in the php somewhere?
]]>Is there any way I could show the map creation form in the front end of the site?
]]>hi there. this plugin works great. however, i’ve installed and tested it and can’t work out where i can ‘style’ the map elements. at the moment i’m using it on a site which has white text and the map bubbles are inheriting the white CSS text from the main site and are therefore invisible!
do you have a list of classes used? – i can’t see them in the HTML because it’s all in one canvas element.
the plugin is great but i think more control is needed over style and label elements.
]]>You can now use custom icons for the locations. You just need to upload the image files via FTP to:
I suggest you use icons from this website:
You can also remove any icons you don’t use from that folder.
You’ll need to place an attriuution link on your website if you use those icons.
]]>Please help! I installed the updated plugin and it broke all my location links.
Can registered user create they own location map (like is in meetings sites profile page)?
If yes, what >php code I must use in single_user.php page.
I’ve used you plugin for 1 month, I don’t know why it doesn’t work for recent day.
Please, help me. Thanks
I have downloaded and installed WP map marker Version
This is probably a dumb question but do I just install the update. Will it impact my existing map information. It’s just that I have created a map entered heaps of locations and I hate for anything to impact of this.
I want to change the text that appears when a search does not locate a store in their area. The text is:
‘There are no stores in this area. However, stores closest to you are listed below.’
Where is this located so I can update it?
hi, thank you first very much for that great plugin!!!
I dont found anything in the forum ?? so i write you and hope you can help someone with a bad english ??
Your WP Map markers is very great for me – i tested it on https://aktionsforum-neuwied.de/neuwied-2.
But how can i make more lines with Locations not only 5 ? And the features also are only 3 which work.
In which file can i change that? I will be very happy if you can help me
]]>I am getting a Page Not Found when clicking the view details to see the individual location.