Are you ever going to make this plugin MultiSite compatible?
]]>These PHP errors all occur at once in your settings page with a new install saving! Have WP_DEBUG defined, so may be seeing more than normal.
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in …\wordpress\wp-includes\functions.php on line 2712
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in …\wordpress\wp-includes\functions.php on line 2712
Notice: Undefined index: pui_hide in …\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-manage-plugins\wp-manage-plugins.php on line 142
Notice: Undefined variable: start in ..\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-manage-plugins\inc\admin.php on line 199
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-manage-plugins\inc\admin.php on line 202
Notice: Undefined variable: updates_4_locked in …\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-manage-plugins\inc\admin.php on line 215
]]>This error appeared to me:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …/wp-content/plugins/wp-manage-plugins/inc/admin.php on line 202
Also, the plugin wasnt ignored in this page:
With all of that fancy functionality, expect a slower site. According to my tests, the plugin added a half-second to page loads — totally unacceptable for my production sites.
]]>installed plugin, did a ‘network activate’, got errors (the foreach error that other users have reported) and far as I could see, couldn’t see anywhere to ignore plugin updates in the network admin area, so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t working at all.
Too bad, this would be greatly appreciated as the client in question has a couple of plugins that absolutely MUST NOT be automatically updated or they lose a ton of info (mailpress being the biggest culprit of this).
]]>This plugin works nicely on the plugin menu, but it is bypassed by the (presumably new) dashboard update link, which happily lets you update a plugin marked as ignored.
The end result is this plugin is no longer useful until you update it.
]]>As reported by various other users, there are some simple errors in this plugin causing error messages to print out in the footer, due to unassigned variables being accessed.
(one of them gets assigned the first time you click on “ignore updates” on a plugin. I’m not sure when the other one gets assigned).
But, it is good practice to check whether a variable is null before doing an operation on it anyway.
Here is the fix:
Index: inc/admin.php
--- inc/admin.php (revision 12654)
+++ inc/admin.php (working copy)
@@ -194,11 +194,17 @@
//BRM loop through $update_plugins pull out keys strip to 1st/ match against new array count_arr2 built from keys of count_arr striped to 1st /
$count_arr = get_option('plugin_update_ignore');
+ $count_arr2 = array();
+ if(is_array($count_arr)){
foreach ($count_arr as $key => $value) {
+ }
+ $unlocked_4_update = 0;
+ if(is_array($update_plugins)){
foreach ($update_plugins as $v) {
@@ -212,6 +218,7 @@
+ }
$total_update_count = $update_count - $locked_count;
$js = array();
When WP Manage Plugins is activated, I see the number on the badge on the Plugins menu jump up from 1 to 3.
I hope that gets fixed, as it’s potentially confusing for my clients.