Hi Andrea,
Will you still update the plugin? I would appreciate it when you do.
I have been trying to find the plugin that will work with my pages that are not only for posts. This is the best plugin thus far, alot of work went into this. The only problem I have is my thumbnails are not working. Can you help?
I have excerpts on pages same as on posts.
In your widget display settings I select to show excerpts. It does, when there’s post listed, but it doesn’t if pages are listed. It only shows “…”
What I want to achieve is for excerpts of my pages in listed view to be visible.
Hi, how can we display the list of pages by page title ?
I need to show only pages are starting with “xxxx zzz” and not those are starting with “jjj zzz”. I need to filter the output only for the first one.
Is possible ?
Hi Andrea,
I had to deactivate the plugin to test wordpress. After deactivating it the plugin didn’t work any more. It was not presented in the frontend. I also got the warning that I had to update pbytax_template.php I could resolve the problem by removing the plugin and installing it again. I tell you this to help you and other people who have this problem.
Thanks for your plugin!
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
]]>All of my thumbnails have always been square. I would like smaller versions of the original rectangle (16/9). How is this done?
]]>Hi there, I want to first thank you for a great piece of work. I came across it today in my search to generate a list of pags based on tags.
1) I’m getting some strange initial results for Order by title. This is the result for 3 page test.
Condos and Townhomes For Sale in Weber County
Condos and Townhouses For Sale in Davis County
Condos and Townhouses for sale in Salt Lake County
2) is it possible to use this plugin without widgets, ie: just as a short code. The website I’m building has hundreds of pages and I can see the need to make an equal number of widgets or more. I was using a different [list pages] plugin which worked as a shortcode only, but don’t see ability to filter by tags with that one so that is how I ended up here.
Thank you again.
]]>Hi, this is not a request of help, but a suggestion (or simply examples of the power of this fantastic plugin).
On the sidebar in this page (https://weloveitalian.org/a-taste-of-italian/) I have ‘Latest post in Topics’ widget with the list of ‘only’ recent posts having same categories of the viewed article (in this case: ‘food’ and ‘italian language ..’) and not recent posts of the whole parent category ‘Topics’ (the category declared in the widget).
Following there are two my hooks that make the work (choose only one to insert in functions.php of your theme).
********** This is my filter for pbytax_query_args:
/* Latest in Topics shows posts for children categories really presents in the actually viewed post */
add_filter( 'pbytax_query_args', 'wli_post_categories', 11, 3 );
function wli_post_categories( $pbytax_args, $instance, $widget_num ){
if ( $widget_num == 8 ){
$wli_parent = $pbytax_args["tax_query"][0]["terms"][0]; // the parent category declared in the widget
$wli_categories = array();
$wli_post_categories = get_the_category();
if ( ! empty( $wli_post_categories ) && ! is_wp_error( $wli_post_categories ) ) {
foreach ( $wli_post_categories as $wli_term ) {
if ( $wli_term->parent == $wli_parent ){
$wli_categories[] = "$wli_term->term_id"; // children category in the viewed post
if ( count( $wli_categories )>0 ) {
$pbytax_args["tax_query"][0]["terms"] = $wli_categories;
//return the args
return $pbytax_args;
********** This is my filter for pbytax_prepare_instance:
/* Latest in Topics - shows last posts for children categories really presents in the actually viewed post */
add_filter( 'pbytax_prepare_instance', 'wli_post_categories', 11, 3 );
function wli_post_categories( $new_instance, $instance, $widget_num ){
if ( $widget_num == 8 ){
$wli_parent = $new_instance["filter_term"][0]; // the parent category declared in the widget
$wli_categories = array();
$wli_post_categories = get_the_category();
if ( ! empty( $wli_post_categories ) && ! is_wp_error( $wli_post_categories ) ) {
foreach ( $wli_post_categories as $wli_term ) {
if ( $wli_term->parent == $wli_parent ){
$wli_categories[] = "$wli_term->term_id"; // children category in the viewed post
if ( count( $wli_categories )>0 ) {
$new_instance["filter_term"] = $wli_categories;
//return the new instance
return $new_instance;
Best regards,
maurizio guercio
WP List Pages by Custom Taxonomy
Hey there Andrea. I finally found your plugin after searching for a widget that would display pages in a drop box. It works great, except for one thing. The page titles, the long ones, make the drop box run off the screen. That means you can’t see the scroll bar. Is there a way to have it open to the left instead of the right? Take a look and see what I mean at one of my websites I am testing it on. The drop box is first at the top of the sidebar. Please advise and let me know a remedy if there is one.
While setting of your plugin I tried to use sort by custom field which is a date field but i found the option and i don’t know what is this and there is no proper mention on documentation . can anybody help with this option I have attached one image link also for reference
]]>Hello Andrea,
I changed the pbytac_template.php in my child theme. See:
* Template for the output of the Widget
* Override by placing a file called pbytax_template.php in your active theme
* @version 1.4.3
v. 1.3.0 query args logic is moved to file /includes/pbytax_query_args.php and included from here
v. 1.4.0 query args included from main function, and query get_posts() made from there too
Despite the fact that I changed the file I get the next warning:
Your Theme contains a customized template file ( pbytax_template.php ) which is not the latest one!
The new version contains only minor changes, therefore the update is not mandatory, though it is recommended. Please check the plugin folder and make a new custom file starting from the latest version.
You can dismiss this notice, but in order to stop it from appearing again, your custom template file must have this version in the header: @version 1.4.3
]]>Hi. I love this plugin.
I have made some updates to the code but I’m afraid they will go away upon the next release of this plugin. My specific needs were to show a list of recently modified pages to users (and displaying the modified date). If you have a suggestion for better implementation of these codes let me know. Thank you and thanks for making this awesome plugin!
Here are the suggestions/changes…
1. Add “Order by: Modified Date”
(This was simple enough to implement as I added the following code to pages-by-custom-tax.php)
<option value="modified" <?php if($order_by=="modified"){ echo "selected"; } ?> ><?php _e( 'Modified Date', 'wp-list-pages-by-custom-taxonomy' ); ?></option>
2. Add “Display: Modified Date”
(This was a little more complicated to implement but basically, I copied every line of code containing display_date and changed it to a display_modified.)
3. Remove forced format for date display.
(This was easy enough to implement by removing the variables from the date display code in pbytax_template.php.)
<?php echo get_the_date( '', $pbytax_post->ID ); ?>
There are three mods I wish to make but unsure where or how to make them in the pbytax-style.css file:
For reference see this page: https://blog.godreports.com/country/?countrycode=af&joshua=af
The left column is using your widget
1. Reduce the size of the image and the corresponding margins around the image (could not figure that out).
2. Reduce any left and right margins for the widget image and text. See how on the page referenced there is a small margin on the left side for the widget.
3. Reduce the bold title wrap around to the same line height as the post text. Right now it looks almost double spaced taking up way too much room.
4. Am I able to insert a line <hr> to separate each entry.
In other words, I am trying to format it similar to the middle column of the page which I linked too (uses my own custom coding and template)
I’d like to list my pages, not posts, but am having difficulty. Is this possible? And if so, do how do the pages need to be set up?
]]>Hi, is it possible to use the plugin in a page instead of widget area?
Is there a shortcode to use it?
thank you
]]>Hi Andrea,
You helped me with showing the total amount of posts in the dropdown box of your plugin. It works very nice. Now I’m trying to put the code <?php echo count($pbytax_posts); ?> on one of my pages.
I’m using the plugin ‘easy code placement’ to make a shortcode of the php code. When I do this, it shows a zero. So it looks like the plugin ‘easy code placement’ does what it promises but it doesn’t show the right amount of posts.
I think I need another php code. Can you help me?
]]>I am wanting to have the output of the widget use my default theme fonts, sizes and styles. I can see that I can modify the pbytax_template.php file by putting it in my templates folder. I also see the pbytax-style.css file. Is there a way for the widget to automatically pickup my theme fonts and styles or do I need to modify one or more of these widget files. If I need to modify your widget files, please direct me as to what file and where. I’m only interested in making the output adopt the theme font and font sizes. Thanks.
]]>I think similar to the “Auto Populate Taxonomy Term on Which to Filter”, I am wanting to create a single dynamic Page which uses your plugin to lists Posts based on a custom taxonomy value that I pass in the WordPress URL.
For example, I’m passing a country code to this page in the WordPress URL like:
I want the countrycode value automatically passed as the value for the custom taxonomy field I’ve selected in your widget to then display only the posts for that taxonomy field.
Please let me know how I could do this. I love the functionality of your plugin!
Thanks, Greg
Thank you for a great plugin! I use it to show the most engaging posts on my site, since I have an other plugin that generates this data as a custom meta data. But what I’d really like to do, is to limit the posts shown to posts published the past week. Is there any smart hack to do this?
I am trying to set up a filter for myself for this page of my site: https://port-sebastian.com/navigating-this-site/nav-for-myself/. I am putting together a doll photostory soap opera and I use custom taxonomies as a way to filter my character bios when I’m developing certain characters. The instance of the plugin used in the link above (below the horizontal line on the page) is for me to see a list of characters who I haven’t decided on occupations for yet and who are also single. I’m filtering by my custom taxonomy, “tags_for_my_own_use” and choosing terms “ou” and “single”. My problem is that is is giving me results that have either of those two terms, but I need them to have both, so that I can see only the single characters whose occupations I haven’t decided on yet.
Is there a way I can do that? I tried searching the forum but I didn’t know what keyword combinations to use to find this question, if it is already out there.
]]>I want a dropdown menu created. I therefore selected “nav_menu” in the options of taxonomy and “page” in the post type, but in the sidebar I get the message “no matches”.
What I can do to work and get a dropdown menu created?
]]>Hi there, and thank you for a great plugin. I created page (not post) categories using another plugin and I couldn’t figure out how to display them as a list. Your plugin will do that. Yay!
Is there a way to configure the widget so that it shows only the *other* pages in the sidebar that are in the same category as that page? (Sometimes there is a checkbox for a widget that says something like “Exclude current post.”)
Thank you for your help,
]]>Took a long time to find this plugin! Thank you for making it.
Question re displaying the date:
Can I reverse the position of the Date so that it comes before and not after a list item?
i.e. In my Concert post lists I’d like to put the date first.
Replace Terminal 5 Concert 17-03-2016
with 17-03-2016 Terminal 5 Concert
Thanks again for awesome plugin.
]]>I get this warning (I’m using twentytwelve):
Your theme contains a customized template file ( pbytax_template.php ) which must be updated!
Please check the plugin folder and make a new custom file starting from the latest version.
In order to dismiss this notice, your custom template file must have in the header: @version 1.3.0
I don’t know what I have changed exactly in this file. Can you tell me what I have to replace after re?nstalling this php file?
]]>I was hoping this plugin would let me display the value in a custom field key that I specify, but it seems to only let me filter by them and display the title of the post.
My reasoning is that my post titles have extra information that I don’t need cluttering up the list, so I have a custom field for each one with a “short title” value, but I’m having trouble finding something that lets me display that short title instead of the full post title.
]]>Thank you for this plugin!
I am curious if it provides the ability to auto-populate the term on which to filter the list based on the terms applied to the page on which the list is displayed.
For example, my site has pages which describe Ministries and a CPT for Projects. I am using a custom taxonomy to categories the ministries described by both the Ministry pages as well as the Projects.
On a given Ministry page (say, Category=Women’s Ministry), I want to list all projects with the same category. This way the widget in my Ministry Sidebar can dynamically select the appropriate projects based on the category of the active Ministry page.
Thanks for you thoughts on this…
]]>Hi Andrea,
Is it possible to reduce the width of a title in the dropdown box?
Like you can see on my blog the last post has a title which is too big.
]]>Placed in the Widget function, the following code will create a clickable heading to /taxonomy/term/
$term_info = get_term_by('id', $instance['filter_term'][0], $instance['filter_taxonomy']);
echo $args['before_title'] . '<a href="/' . $term_info->taxonomy . '/' . $term_info->slug . '/">' . $term_info->name . '</a>' . $args['after_title'];
This is a feature I need on one site that uses your plugin. It’s easy to add, although I think this should be optional and have backend settings – maybe use this as default if the Widget Title is left blank?
]]>Hi Andrea,
Like you know I change the tekst ‘Browse..’ in ‘Selecteer een titel..’ Isn’t it possible to change this text in the widget? It’s, in my opinion, the only text that a user wants to change.
When I change the text ‘Browse..’ I get the next problem when I select the wrong file: the other files disappear at the right side. I have to use the return function in the browser to see all the files again.
New feature: I should like to show the total amount of posts in the title of the widget or in the text “Browse..’
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-list-pages-by-custom-taxonomy/pages-by-custom-tax.php on line 263