Just checking to see if this plugin is still being actively maintained. Wordfence threw a warning that it hasn’t been tested in the last 3 major revisions and so it looks abandoned.
From Wordfence:
“The Plugin “WP Libre Form” appears to be abandoned (updated October 24, 2017, tested to WP 4.8.12).
Type: Plugin Abandoned”
Just thought I would ping the plugin authors to see if you can look at either running through the tests or if you no longer wish to maintain it. Thanks
]]>I see the example code you provide for adding reCAPTCHA, which I added to the bottom of wplf-form-validation.php, replacing “RECAPTCHA_KEY” with my secret key.
I then followed Google’s instructions to automatically render the reCAPTCHA widget. I added this before </head>: <script src=”https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js” async defer></script>
And this to my contact form code: <div class=”g-recaptcha” data-sitekey=”your_site_key”></div>, replacing “your_site_key” with my site key.
But it caused my dev site to seize. Could you please give more specific instruction as to integrating the code. Did I put the code it in the wrong file? In the wrong place of the right file? Am I missing a step?
quite often the form creates two or more identical submissions just seconds apart and with different submission IDs. What could be causing this?
Let me know if you need additional details.
]]>First of, this is the plugin I have been looking for!
I would like to customize the email template, is it possible with this plugin?
The plugin causes all other Visual Composer elements on the page to disappear when activating on page with shortcode. Disable it and all elements display again. Using Fevr theme with WP 4.7.2
]]>Thank you for this useful plugin.
I want to add a form where the fields are shown a few at a time in a tabbed interface using my tabby responsive tabs plugin which adds the tabs via shortcodes.
I found that shortcodes were not being processed when added to the form post type, however after reviewing the code, a simple change does allow the shortcodes to be processed:
line 434 of the ‘class-cpt-wplf-form.php’ file – change:
return $output;
return do_shortcode( $output );
This seems to solve my issue without any apparent negative side effects on my test site. i can group the form fields in the tabs and everything seems to work.
It’d be great if you would consider adding this change to the wp libre form plugin – if you can’t see any downside to doing so.