Rating: 5 stars
Yeah, right it is.
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Add it to WordPress core!
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Been using lazy load in WPFC with problems of images displaying properly. This plugin has made all images display correctly and my site is so much faster.
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The plugin just adds the loading=”lazy” attribute, which works fine, the rest is done by the browsers who support it, which will soon be all relevant ones, since Safari is about to implement this feature. This is a huge improvement for the web platform and web performance in general, I can’t even imagine the amount of data (and thus time, energy, CO2, money…) this will save once WP implements it in core.
The lazy loading experience itself is ok – you DO sometimes see images pop up, but that’s a price worth paying, and browsers will hopefully improve this by starting the loading at just the right time.
Rating: 1 star
Lazy to do the job.
Stopped working.
Rating: 3 stars
I like that, a LOT. This plugin does nothing more than adding the loading=”lazy” tag to images, no dependencies, no extra javascript being loaded. Gives native lazy load in Chrome and Edge, thus improving experience for 63% of my audience, while not hurting the rest… PageSpeed Insights jumped to 100% on both mobile and desktop (yeah, and real life experience is also improved, tested on mediocre 3G connection).
If HTML validation is important to you, proceed with caution. Online validator at w3c dot org, will throw an error since loading=”lacy” isn’t standadized (yet?).