since we don’t have arrow key on mobile by default….it is possible to change the default keys on mobile for the awsd on querty keyboard and qzsd on azerty or something like that? and do the plugin need an update or it’S safe to use at the moment?
]]>Hello! I really love this plugin but I keep accidentally activating the konami code while on mobile. Is there a way to deactivate just the mobile command input?
]]>Hi there,
Would it be possible in a future update to have the choice of activating the code on a specific page on my website instead of having the code work on every page?
Great plugin! It works very well. I’m just having one problem with the settings page. I checked the boxes next to “Search Engine Visibility” and “Internal Search Engine Visibility” but now I want to uncheck them. When I uncheck them and click “Save Changes” it doesn’t save my changes. Is there a way to fix this?
]]>I tried to change the pattern in wp-konami-code/js/konami/konami.js with Javascript keycodes but it would not respond to the code being inputted, the second I set it back to the default Konami code it worked.
How do I change the pattern to accept new characters and keep it working?