I am using the lite version to test the plugin, but when I go to the pages I set up in the ring, I don’t see the links from No Sweat WP Internal Links Lite. I choose for the links to be on the bottom.
]]>Dear Sirs,
I tried several times buying the premium version of this plugin but italian VAT validation doesn’t work. My vat is a 11 numbers series. Please check or correct error so that I can send all my data for receiving the right invoice.
Btw, it’s a shame no contact link is available on the selling page, just in case someone need troubleshooting with payment, like me. I suggest you provide. Please reply when done and available. Thanks.
]]>it appears that I have to create one ring at a time by hand? or did I get it wrong?
if yes, even for three pages, will it not be too much work, even for the benefits, to do this?
is there an automated way to do this? by tags? categories, if both matched? (the last would be the most preferred methods)
After I installed the plugin, I am getting the following error:
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /data/8/1/39/48/1854863/user/2013820/htdocs/my-domain-name/wp-content/plugins/wp-internal-links-lite/inter-links.php on line 243
Please advise.
]]>I need to manage thousands, maybe ore of 100.000 or 1 million pages, can I manage them with this plugin?
]]>Is it possible to see some online real demo websites?
]]>I’m getting an error blockUI no longer uses jquery 1.11…
Does your pro version support latest and current wordpress version and does it work with jquery 1.11.0?
How does this plugin compare to wp silo?
]]>I purchased Internal Links Lite Pro Version for multiple website. But cant find how to activate Pro Version instructions?
Can yu please help?
Just wondering whether you can add _blank so the link opens in a new page?
Hi guys,
is there a shortcode and the option to place those links manually?
I’d love to use this plugin (and maybe the premium version) for links within my footer and want to check if this is possible?
I would need two features:
1) the option to NOT automatically attach the links within the content
2) a shortcode to insert the links in my footer
Can I do this with your plugin?
You have an issue with the lite version of the plugin.
All my sites are set up using the following the structure
WordPress Address (URL) url.com/wordpress folder
Site Address (URL) url.com
When you use the save buttons its trying to save the as though the its url.com
its does not save to url.com/wordpress folder
As its does not save anything I can not test this