@pigeonhut plugin abandoned? will be closed entirely?
]]>trying to use the Geo Tag feature but I am getting message “There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”
Running WP 5.4.2
PHP 7.3
Also, could you provide documentation on completing the GEO Tag form.
For location does the form accept City,State format?
Thank you
How do I Geotag Images. As advised, After installation of the image optimizer plugin, I visited the media section in our wordpress dashboard. I am unable to see any option to geo tag images. I even visited the images, one-by-one, i dint see a geo tag option in any of the image pages also.
Please help
Thank You
]]>I can’t figure out how to work this for existing images in the media library or nextgen.
Did I miss the memo?
]]>We had to disable this after the most recent update today, errors on every single page of the website including all Admin pages.
Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined in /wp-config.php on line 86
And many others like the above.
]]>Is it possible to make it work with animated gif ?
]]>Today, I updated the plugin. After that, Images don’t show on the site even though I still see them in the editor. Deactivated the plugin and images show now.
Need to remove lib from resources path.
]]>Is the database table wp_image_compression_settings from this plugin?
]]>Please resolve that issue PHP Notice: Undefined index: wpimage_optimumx in /path/wp-content/plugins/wp-image-compression/wp-image-compression.php on line 535
]]>In the WP dashboard the error notice is shown:
You have reached your free limit of 500 Images JPG, PNG Compression and Optimization Please purchase a Compression plan to continue optimising
This includes a text link to [websiteurl]/wp-admin/tools.php?page=wp-convertor] which goes to a WordPress error page which says “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
I love all 3 of the plugins that you have produced, I’m just struggling with the cloudinary options.
What should this be doing, should it be automatically pulling down images from my cloudinary account or are there ant steps that I need to do within cloudinary itself, I’m using the Salient theme with Visual Composer all im trying to do it get the .webp version for chrome and let Cloudinary handle the images side.
My Cloud name / Api Key / Api Secret are all in the plugin and have been saved.
Thanks Jake.
]]>On the WordPress plugin page is says “Setup under the Tools menu”. For all my WordPress sites using this plugin, there is no setup menu available.
]]>Hi, I’m running WP Engine’s PHP 7 compatibility check plugin and this plugin comes up with warnings:
FILE: /.../wp-content/plugins/wp-image-compression/lib/stripe/StripeObject.php
269 | WARNING | Method name "StripeObject::__toJSON" is discouraged; PHP has reserved all method names with a double underscore prefix for future use
284 | WARNING | Method name "StripeObject::__toArray" is discouraged; PHP has reserved all method names with a double underscore prefix for future use
Will these be fixed? Are we ok to upgrade to PHP 7 anyway, or do you expect a break as a result of this specific plugin’s warnings? Are these false positives? Something to ignore?
]]>but ignoring .jpeg (accepted by WordPress)
]]>The topic below has not been resolved.
So I installed this, ran a batch compression at the default settings and the results were pretty amazing.
What I’d like to do is change the defaults to a higher compression level and re-optimize but all of my images are marked optimized and I cannot run it again at the higher compression level.
Is there any way to reset that status so that I can re-batch my images?
Hey Jody. I tried to go back and re-run the images through the compression via bulk media operations, but it comes back with the screen that shows additional compression cannot be done/gained.
I’m guessing trying to retro compress the images is just not possible/an option, once the images are already touched with this plugin…previously.?
Thank you sir.
Hello. Just updated to latest version. I’m seeing the error shown below. Also, not sure if I’m missing it, but is there a way to bulk compress (or will there be) from within the plugin settings?
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/accuritp/public_html/divvyradio.com/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1993) in /home/accuritp/public_html/divvyradio.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-image-compression/wp-image-compression.php on line 655
Thank you,
Hey Jody. Dig what you’re doing with WP Disable, so thought I might check this plugin out. I normally implement WP Smush. Strictly from a compression standpoint, are there any advantages of this plugin over WP Smush?
Thank you,