Just some recommendations here. The headers should be added with send_headers… Especially the X-UA one. wp_headers
is ran inside the send_headers()
function before a cache check is done. So it won’t necessarily get sent if the page has already been statically cached…
Example including x-ua-compatible using send_headers
is_admin() || add_action('send_headers', function(){
header('X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge,chrome=1');
As for the the html5 shim there’s a lot of unnecessary code. IE conditionals aren’t recognized above IE9 so this code essentially does nothing but add to the page load:
<!--[if !IE]>
<script src="//html5shiv-printshiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5shiv-printshiv.js"></script>
<!--[if IE 13]>
<script src="//html5shiv-printshiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5shiv-printshiv.js"></script>
<!--[if IE 12]>
<script src="//html5shiv-printshiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5shiv-printshiv.js"></script>
<!--[if IE 11]>
<script src="//html5shiv-printshiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5shiv-printshiv.js"></script>
<!--[if IE 10]>
<script src="//html5shiv-printshiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5shiv-printshiv.js"></script>
Also, it’s good for plugins to not use wp_head
to include scripts. This way incase another plugin or theme includes this they will be able to dequeue the script. Plus wordpress has a built in way to do add the conditionals…
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_plugin_shim_fix', 99);
function my_plugin_shim_fix() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'html5shiv', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html5shiv/3.7.3/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js', array( '' ), '3.7.2', false );
wp_scripts()->add_data( 'html5shiv', 'conditional', 'lte IE 9' );
Hope this helps ??
]]>I’m trying to come up with a fix so that people browsing with IE8 will be able to view our site.
Our site is: https://www.gormanhealthgroup.com
I’m trying to use this plugin to fix many issues we have with IE8.
Our testing website is https://www.btwnexhibits.com/beta/
Please let me know if I installed incorrectly or anyways I can fix this issue.
Thanks in advance!
]]>They way that this plugin sets edge mode doesn’t work because the compatibility meta tag must be the first tag in the head. Otherwise the document mode is already finalized and this is ignored.
This has to appear first in the head:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
Thanks for a great solution to a big problem!
On my site, the plugin works fine but in IE8 it removes the background image I have there: https://betterlook.net/he/lifting-intense-sample/
]]>Hi there, sounds like the plugin I need because the site I built for a client of mine works on all Browsers BUT not on IE8 and that is still widely used in corporate Netherlands.
I installed you’re plugin, but see no change in IE8. It still doesn’t work. Please help:
the url is https://www.ambassadorwise.nl
I installed the plugin.
Do in need to move it to another directory for it to work?
Does it still need to be in the plugin directory under new directory mu-plugin to work automatically?
The problem I was hoping to solve was in albacubadance.co.uk where the mini soundclud is gold player(top )(soundcloud is gold plugin)does not show on ie.