Hello, I wonder if you know of a plugin that can hide the list of Users or members of a site under Users in Dashboard. Thanks.
]]>After installing and activating the plugin, logged in as a subscriber and yeah the dashboard was hidden, but so was the user profile edit screen. The only thing appearing on the page was the word “Profile” and then the standard grey background.
]]>Hey, I uninstalled the Plugin but people still can’t get into the Dashboard. How do I fix this?
Great idea for a plugin thanks. I just installed it and logged in as a subscriber. Unfortunately one of my plugins is still visible within the dashboard. Moreover, a/the subscriber has full control over it, which is not what I want.
I’ve not looked into the code just yet, maybe I can fork it. Would be nice to get it fixed though. The plugin that’s still visible when logged in as subscriber is: WP Responsive Select Menu.
]]>Just a quick question. Is this plugin going to receive any kind of update in the near future?
]]>This plugin will not work if you use WP User Avatar to allow subscribers to upload their own avatar image (rather than forcing them to use Gravatar). I assume WP User Avatar elevates the subscriber role’s capabilities to allow them to upload an image.
The weird thing is that, when using the Members plugin to view subscriber role capabilities, subscribers still only show as having one capability – to read.
As soon as I deactivate the WP User Avatar plugin, WP Hide Dashboard works fine.
]]>Can the profile link in the WP dashboard menu be hidden?
In the 3 main functions of the plug-in you first test if:
// Bail if earlier version than 3.4.0.
if ( $wp_db_version < 20596 ) {
Then you test if $wp_db_version >= 20596.
These latter tests could be removed to shrink a little your plug-in.
I have installed your plugin to hide helps and widgets from users’ Add new post screen (Author level). It worked for hiding helps and screen options, but some widgets are not hidden even if selected (revolution slider, language switcher, etc). Any clue ? thanks
This plugin works great with my site.
Now, I need to redirect users to the page from where he/she logged in.
Do I need another plugin for this?
]]>Hi. Just installed – works great, except for one thing – Jetpack still shows up, and it looks like subscribers could activate/deactivate Jetpack options. Do I need to do something special to disable access to Jetpack? Thanks!
]]>hi there just spotted and update for this plugin, not updated it yet because in the changelog for 2.2.1 its states “DrewAPicture was added as a contributor.” can you please define what this means for people using this plugin?
Kind Regards
]]>Hi, this does not work for “Book a Place Pro”. Tried as a “subscriber” it still shows. All the rest is hidden. Just thought you might want to add it to your list. Cheers, Groggo
]]>I’m using:
Paid Memberships Pro
Theme My Login
WP Hide Dashboard
Hide Admin Bar from Non-Members
I’m using a Coraline theme.
Other plugins are:
Contact Form 7
Download Manager
Download Monitor
Email before download
JetPack by wordpress
Simple Page Ordering
Ultimate TinyMCE
I’ve tried other dashboard hiders but I can’t get any of them to work.
Here’s my site: https://bunyapublishing.com
Tearing my hair out, nearly bald. Help.
Hi Kim! Great plugin!
For some reason the subscriber role can see both the Profile AND Media links in their Dashboard Menu!
Here is a screenshot:
How do I get the Media link taken away?
List of Plugins:
-WP Hide Dashboard
-Wishlist Member
-Theme My Login
-WP Courseware
WP Version 3.8.3
Thanks Kim!
I’m running a MU network and want to install it only at main site because the theme I’m using there is having its own login & dashboard pages for subscribers. My idea was to completely hide any WP user management screens, dashboard, toolbar or whatever in order to avoid confusion and use only my theme’s pages for subscribers.
I installed the plugin only at main site (NOT network activated) but can’t see any difference. When logged in, subscribers can still see the toolbar on top of screen and access their WP profile, as well as WP logout from there.
I’m I missing something here?
]]>I do not see anything about configuraton. Where is it?
]]>How would I go about hiding the dashboard for authors as well, in fact how could I hide the dashboard for all except admin and still allow the user to just edit their profile?
I freshly installed WordPress 3.8.1 w. Multisite setup
Plugins installed:
– More Privacy Options 3.7.1
– WP Hide Dashboard 2.2
Problem Description:
Dashboard Icon visible for user without any rights (Account was created within Network Admin -> User).
This happens when the user is _only_ created in Network Admin – User and not created/mapped to another Site inside the network.
See screenshot here
When I add/map the user to a Site the Dashboard icon is gone everywhere.
]]>Please recode it. thanks
]]>After I activated WP avatar, Dashboard came back for subscribers.
]]>I love that the “Howdy, user” with the “edit profile” and logout link remains on the right side. What I’d like to do is totally remove the [Site Name] menu on the left side. It only shows a “Profile” link, which is redundant, and clicking the site tries to take the user to the backend, which results in a permissions error since the user is a Subscriber.
I hope that made sense.
So, is there a easy way to completely hide the left-side menu from subscribers?
]]>When I go to activate it thats all I get…
“The plugin does not have a valid header.”
WP3.6, none of the conflicting plugins are installed.
I will find an alternative because I don’t have time to mess about, but thought you’d appreciate the feedback.
]]>Hello Kim,
I updated to version 2.2 as the download link states… However, when I load the plugin it is registered as 2.1 So I keep getting an upgrade notice.
Could you take a look at this?
This plugin is exactly what I’m after but doesn’t seem to QUITE work.
If I login and access the ‘subscriber’ site the dashboard link IS hidden from the ‘My Sites’ drop down.
However, if I then visit a site where I’m admin on, the ‘Dashboard’ link reappears in the flyout for site I’m a subscriber on.
I’m assuming this is a bug? Is it a known bug though?
many thanks,
]]>Hi! Just wondering if it’s possible to modify this plugin to hide the dashboard for everyone except admins? We have authors who we would like to have access to the post editor, image upload, etc. but not the main dashboard page. Is that possible? Thanks!
]]>Hi there, i got a very strange and serious problem, as administrator role I’m unable to enter in desktop area and edit nothing, even with the plug-in deactivated. Can you help me and tell me how the plug-in works and what are the tables or the data en the database that i must clear to return to the previous step?
]]>Have a user setup as a Subscriber. Can still see the Dashboard.
Multisite and version 3.4.2 of WordPress.
I tried both network activating and activating in the subsite and then I deactivated in the Network Admin area and within the subsite it looks like its still activated (because it says “Deactivate”).
The following plugins are installed in the Subsite and Activated:
All In One Event Calendar by Timely
Genesis Simple Edits
Genesis Simple Sidebars
Jetpack by WordPress
Redirect to Homepage by Bjorn Wijers
Slider Pro
Ultimate TinyMCE
WP Hide Dashboard
Please help.
Hello. I really like the WP Hide Dashboard plugin but I have just one question. How can I have my members sign in and be directly be put into the homepage instead of their profile page?
]]>Hide Dashboard for all except admin WITHOUT PLUGIN !
Just add that code in your functions.php
function remove_the_dashboard () {
if (current_user_can('level_10')) {
return;}else {
global $menu, $submenu, $user_ID;
$the_user = new WP_User($user_ID);
reset($menu); $page = key($menu);
while ((__('Dashboard') != $menu[$page][0]) && next($menu))
$page = key($menu);
if (__('Dashboard') == $menu[$page][0]) unset($menu[$page]);
reset($menu); $page = key($menu);
while (!$the_user->has_cap($menu[$page][1]) && next($menu))
$page = key($menu);
if (preg_match('#wp-admin/?(index.php)?$#',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && ('index.php' != $menu[$page][2]))
wp_redirect(get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/post-new.php');}}
add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_the_dashboard');
Et voila !
+ + +
Désactivate admin bar in site (front office) :
Just add that code in your functions.php
+ + +
Désactivate some menu, sub-menu or/and buttons of the admin bar :
Just add that code in your functions.php
function edit_admin_bar() {
global $wp_admin_bar;
$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('wp-logo'); // This line deactivate WP logo and it menu.
// if you want the logo but not the menu put this line :
$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('about'); // This line deactivate about link
$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('wporg'); // This line deactivate www.remarpro.com link
$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('documentation'); // This line deactivate the documentation link
$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('support-forums'); // This line deactivate the support-forum link
$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('feedback'); // This line deactivate the feedback link
$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('view-site'); // This line deactivate the sub-menu go to the site but not the button in the bar with the name of your site
add_action('wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'edit_admin_bar');