I am not a very good developer but I figured that I would swap out a few things that needed updating. I would REALLY welcome pull requests or someone with more knowledge to take the lead.
]]>The options page is missing. As stirlyn posted three years ago, you have to change all the occurences of is_site_admin to is_super_admin.
Then on line 172 where it lists:
add_submenu_page(‘wpmu-admin.php’, __(‘WordPress Hashcash’), __(‘WordPress Hashcash’), ‘manage_options’, ‘wphc_admin’, ‘wphc_admin_options’);
You have to change ‘wpmu-admin.php’ to ‘options-general.php’.
This is for WordPress 3.x.
]]>A useful feature would be to have a whitelist which could be IP based, name based and email address based to make it so that regular people can easily get through.
]]>Out of the box, all my comments get:
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ’0 which is not a hashcash value.
even when commenting as a registered user.
I’m on WordPress 3.0.5 in multisite setup
]]>Keeps saying this and I have to trash it.
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
]]>this fixed it for me
]]>I just upgraded to WordPress 3.1 and WP-Hashcash is now broken. Either the update killed it or it’s not playing nice with one of my other plugins (although it’s been running with all the same plugins for almost 3 years).
It’s getting a hashcash value of 0 and sending all comments to Spam.
]]>For some reason, for some users only, the submit comment button is rendered unclickable when wp-hashcash is turned on. Deactivating it seems to fix it. I have found it on firefox, safari and chrome on mac.
This was not the case for some users a month ago.
build many spam blog.
]]>Using this pluggin I am very happy because the Pluggin does work since 2.6 at the momnet i started to use it. Big Work! THX