Is there any way to add more smiles of our own? Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi, is there any way that the smilies can be increased in size from 15×15 pixels to something else?
Many thanks
]]>Hi ! I’m French, so, sorry for my bad English. I’m going to launch my communal website in a few weeks and I really need to offer visual smilies for my members on the bbpress’ visual editor. Could you add this very important fonctionality to your plugin or help me to bluid it on my forum.
Thank you for your answer. And again, sorry for my English…
]]>hy again tx for the fix by the way ,)
now i search to add the smilies in a chat in a page where there is no comment zone or esle
so i have add nicly the content in the js
else if ($j('.quick-chat-message:input') . length > 0) {
myField = $j('.quick-chat-message:input');
value = $j(".quick-chat-message:input") . attr("value");
else if ($j('.quick-chat-message') . length > 0) {
var type = 'after';
var node = $j('.quick-chat-message');
but the thing is : the script is not enqueue in the page were the chat is so i add it with wp_enqueue so it is add in the page like i want (the home page with is_home() ) but i have some error like that :
“wpgrinsssl is not defined”
do you know how i can fix that ?
Thanks in advance !!
]]>hy bigup for the plugin so simple verry good !
But i have test to add ‘The New smileys’ plugin to add the new smileys they work in the comment but your plugin dont translate the code text of the smiles to the current smile see :
have you an idea ?
thanks in advance !
I wonder if the idea of ??having a popup at the top of the edition area of comment would be possible as does the Custom Smilies but only in the plugin admin area.
thank you for reading
I installed the plugin to the latest bbpress plugin – works great!
But i use a bootstrap Theme and after installing – the text editor and the emoticons list above dont be responsive… Is there any way to achieve this? It would be great!
Thank you so much
I’ using the Fancy Editor with buddypress 1.5.5, bbpress nightly: Version 2.1-r3920.
Couldn’t use the stable one since I wasn’t able to import an old buddypress-bbpress installation into a separate bbforum.
The smileys shows up above the tinymce editor but doesn’t get inserted when clicked. If I disable the editor it works as expected. Seems like a javascript error.
(Also: If you click the html-tab in the fancy editor, the whole smiley-div jumps down into the editor-window)
Thanks for your work guys!
Twenty Eleven theme, no other plugins – smilies aren’t showing up in the comments section.
]]>Hmm. Had a problem with wp-grins lite with 3.3, and as that hasn’t been updated in a while, I thought I’d try this one.
Main problem is that the smilies don’t show up in the back end. Works fine on the comment form, however.
(The problem with wp-grins lite is that the smilies are visible but clicking them has no effect – presumably the JS isn’t being triggered somehow)
To eliminate plugin/theme/oddness issues, I’ve spun up a test site with no additional plugins installed, with the same result.
Any suggestions[1] would be appreciated.
[1] Given the time of year, some time in 2012 will be fine ??
Any idea why WP Grins SSL wouldn’t be working on my site?
The CSS is loading, the JS is loading, jQuery is being called correctly it seems and I have an ID of #comment applied to the textarea.
It looks like it should work, but it …. just doesn’t ??