I thought I was going to have to write my own plugin to implement Tag Manager code this simply until I stumbled across this handy little plugin – it wasn’t appearing in the main search results as it hasn’t been updated for a few years.
While implementing I’ve made a few tweaks/updates which I’ve [posted on GitHub](https://github.com/benhuson/wp-google-tag-manager/commits/dev). This includes:
* Use WordPress Settings API
* Only load colorbox script and styles on the required page in the admin.
* Update the documentation/screengrabs for the most recent version of Tag Manager.
If you’d like to take anything from my updates and include them that would be great.
I also notice you haven’t updated this plugin for a while. If you are looking for additional contributors I’d be happy to volunteer.
Kind regards
I just installed this plug in in my website, but as soon as I activated it, it created a redirect loop problem, and now my site doesn’t work. Is there a problem version? i’m using WP 3.7.3.
I deactivated the plug in and website came back to work properly, what can I do? I want to track my site.
]]>Google Tag Assistant says the code snippet placed by this plugin is incorrect. It should be immediately below the <body> tag, but is being placed well below that, so hard to verify tags are working correctly.