I found your plugin and it looks great. I started simple with a snippet of CSS. When I go to publish, I get the following error: “An error occurred!
Invalid parameter(s): blobs”
What could be causing this and what can I do to solve it?
]]>I’m trying to create new gist but when I’m clicking the “Update Gistpen” button there is an error: “An error occurred! 405 – Method Not Allowed”
I checked the network and the request is getting status 405 with the error: “The requested method PUT is not allowed for this URL.”
I have added the Gist Token, but each time I try to Export or Import Gists from the Jobs tab, I get :
fail.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: [tcomb] Invalid value [object Object] supplied to evt$ (expected a Observable)
at Function.fail (fail.js:2)
at Jobs__assert (Jobs.js:47)
at onClick (Jobs.js:23)
at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:100)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:138)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:187)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError (react-dom.development.js:201)
at executeDispatch (react-dom.development.js:461)
at executeDispatchesInOrder (react-dom.development.js:483)
at executeDispatchesAndRelease (react-dom.development.js:581)
]]>I’ve installed your plugin on the latest version of WordPress and encountered errors below:
– Unable to create a new gist. After I clicked the “Add New” menu it just open up an empty screen
– Unable to go to WP-Gistpen settings. Clicking the settings button just open up an empty screen
I’ve set my WordPress to “Maintenance Mode”. Could this be the cause or there’s some problem with the WP-Gistpen plugin? Any idea on how to solve this problem? Thanks.
]]>I have a very weird issue. The page mysite/gistpens is 404 nothing found unless it is an uppercase G as in mysite/Gistpens then it works!
I have worked with WordPress a lot since 2006 and have never seen this, case sensitive URL’s on any hosting environment / provider.
I Know I could do a rewrite or do it with .htaccess but I have Not and shouldn’t have to.
Your Gistpen plugin says to create a page named gistpens and I did I have deleted it and recreated it 2 times in disbelief.
I created a page to test this at a site I was just starting to build while ago (for fun) and https://swsitedesign.com/Gistpens/ works while https://swsitedesign.com/gistpens/ does not.
The WordPress slug is “gistpens as it should be, and the WordPress URL’s historically have always has been lowercase that I have seen.
Maybe I am just too tired right now and overlooking the obvious, or else this is a very weird problem. I created another page and accessed it with both lower and uppercase URL with no problem so that led me to believe it is specific to your plugin, so I looked through the code to try to find where it sends the Gist data TO the gistpen page and see if I saw anything, (long shot I know) but there were a LOT of files in your plugin and I haven’t found that yet.
It’s about WP-Gistpen
In Admin panel, the accents are displayed correctly in code area but when I go to frontend the accentued characters are not displayed correctly in code area.
I use French WordPress and all others things are correct, including my articles.