First of all, thank you a lot for this plugin which works miraculously well with WP 4.5.3!
It saved me hours of works and a lot of headaches.
For now, I only have 12 posts to test it, and it works perfectly. But as I’ll import 19 000 posts in my database, I was wondering if the WP_GeoQuery Class would slow the query.
Because I don’t do a simple query. I use three fields to perform the query: a keyword, a category and a location. And I don’t want the location calculation to be performed on each of the 19 000 posts.
So my question is: is the location filter done after or before the keyword and category filters? For instance, if I have 5 000 posts of “red” category, and my query is done with this category, will it make the “haversine” formula on 19 000 or 5 000 posts?
Hope it’s clear enough cause I’m not english.
Thanks in advance!
PS: Have you the intention of maintaining and updating this plugin? If not, would you like to be paid for it?
]]>Hi, I can see from your GitHUb posts that you’ve added the radius feature to the plugin. Just wondered if you could give me some guidance on how to implement it and get it working?
how to make the search form?
Thank you
]]>Really wish you continued development on this project. It’s simple and effective.
When can we expect radius option?