I really do like this plug-in, so I hope you can update the code. This problem happens on any website I install this plug-in to. This is an error I see:
Function wp_register_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. This notice was triggered by the WP-Font-Resizer-script handle. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.)
]]>You can see that when i click on + or –
Its changed some texts.
I am using tutor LMS plugin with Edali Theme
your plugin work great, but in the constellation Firefox browser on Android 11:
The minimize button don’t work.
It also increases the the font.
Hello Sir,
I installed wp-font-resizer plugin. but it is not working on site.
Please send me solution for this.
Thank You,
It looks like this is the plugin I am looking for .
But it is not updated.
Will it work with wp 4.3?
]]>I think that your plugin is amazing. Unfortunately it does not work with my theme. Can you help me?
]]>Does not work on posts and pages, but does resize the footer text in those areas. Using latest Mantra theme.
]]>Alot of my elderly customer are not familiar with websites and don’t really notice the re-sizer icons on my website (www.azztech.com.au) and was wondering if there was a way to add a floating header above the icons to indicate what they are used for?
]]>Nice and simple. Working great in WP 4.4.2.
Is there any way to move it to the right side of the window?
I’ve installed the plug-in this morning and it doesn’t seem to work. I’m using the latest version of WP and Visual Composer. It seems to work on a page that I tested that doesn’t use VC. And also doesn’t work on the pages that are Posts
Can you help please?
thanks for your help!
]]>Hey there,
Great plugin. One minor feature request: Could the size of the adjuster itself be increased maybe 300% for mobile clients? That way users can adjust overall text size without having to zoom in to actually make the adjustment.
HI, this is great plugin. Thanks you for that.
Is it possible to make it in slider like backtotop slider?
]]>It seems to increase the spacing in my site, but the font stays the same size.
]]>Hello, Thanx for this plugin. It works well on the WP but not in BBpress. Can this be fixed?
]]>i have installed this but cant see how to get it working ? the buttons appear but nothing works
please advise – it looks really cool in the corner of the site…
]]>Like the plugin. Is it possible to have it appear in the header?
]]>No matter what I click (plus or minus button), the font size does not change. I am using the latest version of WordPress.
Why are you dumping WP jquery?
Your plugin doesn’t behave well with the front-end editor, which is a shame because otherwise it is very useful.
JQuery is not compatible with Quirks Mode.
As it stand now it has to move to the deactivated pile.
]]>I just downloaded and installed this plugin and now I can’t log into my blog! When I type in my username and password a warning page that says cannot modify header information pops up and it won’t let me do a thing. How can I get into my site to uninstall this plugin if I can’t log into it?
]]>The plugin works very well. I have one request – can you have a setting to make it not appear on mobile? It does not make sense to have it on my iPhone.