thanks for this great plugin. I would like to ask you if it’s possible to have the function that when I hover with the mouse on a point of a line chart I see a little box that says me the value of that point.
As the title,If I were the two charts in the same post, all the charts can not be displayed.
Like this, If I used more one chart that will make can not be displayed, but mixed with other plug-in without any problems, Is that bug? Or i needadding a custom id to distinguish each chart? thank for your help, i love this plugin, But because of this problem, I can not fully use.
In the FAQ section, you explains :”Flot supports much more advanced graphs than are supported with these shortcodes, […] If you set the custom field ‘flot’ to ‘yes’, the plugin will load Flot for you. You can then just add your own javascript code in the editor. “
Could you add an example where you would implement this ‘flot’ custom field and and an ‘own javascript code’ ?
Many thanks in advance ?