When clicking Submit on the form, there is nothing to indicate that the form has been sent. I’m using Enterprise v3 version of Recaptcha. Anything else I should be looking at that would cause this problem?
]]>Hi dev(s),
I’m interested in your plugin but before investing in the premium version I would just need something confirmed. Is it possible to make the custom fields mandatory?
Sorry, I wasn’t able to find the answer to this question anywhere!
I set up the reCAPTCHA with my existing WP Email Capture account and it’s not displaying on my website. The site and secret keys are both on the back end and the script code is also in the website header.
The spam is causing my email account to exceed its daily limits so I really need to get it up and running.
]]>I was getting a ton of spam with the WP Email Capture and set up reCAPTCHA with it, providing both my site and secret keys, and putting the reCAPTCHA code in the header. However it’s not showing at all on my site.
* Note that the email form isn’t working because the spam keeps making my account exceed its limit. But my understanding is the reCAPTCHA form should be there before submitting an email.
Thanks for this great plugin! I was tired of those plugins and services capturing emails on a external server when I have my own website server to store them.
Brief, I already tested your plugin and it works very good ! But I’m not receiving emails notifications as when someone fills the contact form and the only way to notice a new subscription is by refreshing the page of this plugin. Is there any way to setting up this plugin to send me an email notification when someone subscribe to my site as any contact form ?? Thanks for your help!
I have followed the installation and setup guides, added the sidebar widget, but when I go to test it I get no response or action when hitting the submit button.
(I purchased premium to eventually make a survey form, but am at the free setup stage at the moment).
If you are able to look at this any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>The pro version continues after a year or more to warn me that there is an update. I update, but it never changes to a new version and always says there is an update available. Are you going to fix this, or is there an update that I am missing somehow? I have WP Email Capture (premium) 3.9.
]]>Upon filling out the 2-field form and submitting, I get the error in the subject. No other information.
This plugin _did_ work at least once.
Host is Bluehost.
The “Subscription Page URL” was tested & is valid.
The “From Which Email Address” is valid and working; hosted at the same host that hosts the website.
I tried checking “Disable Headers”; no effect, same error.
I looked in the database using phpMyAdmin: I see the two tables:
Both tables are empty (0 rows).
On Bluehost I went to CPanel > Metrics > Errors:
Latest web server error log messages:
No recent web server errors exist for your domain: thegilmorereport.com
Latest suEXEC error log messages:
No recent suEXEC errors exist for your domain: thegilmorereport.com
When a user fills out the form the page refreshes and gives no indication that anything happened. The plugin is working correctly in the background, sending the email, etc. Is there a way to either include a message (thank you for submitting your details) or to forward them on to another page?
Is it possible to capture from which URL the email lead was generated?
We are using the sign-up forms for certain blog posts and would like to know for each user that signed up which post was the one “that worked”.
Thank you!
]]>I purchased the premium plugin the other day. I was able to get my license and get it installed. However, I can’t get logged in now. I need to purchase a second license but want to do it under my account.
The password reset function never sends me the reset email. I have been monitoring my email filtering appliance for any sort of email, but there has been no communication.
Please look into this and let me know how to get into my account.
]]>I recently installed this plugin and upgraded, adding the premium version.
Do I still need to have both plugins installed?
Also, the premium plugin is 3.9, but keeps asking me to upgrade to 3.9. I deactivated and re-activated both plugins, but it continues to ask for an update. Please fix this. Very annoying.
Love the plugin. sb
]]>We seem to be getting spammed by bots with bogus signups to our list. What is the best way to add a Google Recaptcha to this form?
]]>This is how it happens. Bots are spaming all unprotected forms. For that matter they use harvested email addressesto fill in the email field. This plugin sends to those addresses a confirmation message, but these people know nothing about your site. So after it happens to them the third time, they repport you for spamming.
That happened to me, I investigated the issue on my postfix, and come to the above conclusion. I had to disable the plugin until further notice since I could not find a captcha integration.
This could result in getting your ip blocked in case your server tries to send confirmation messages to a significant number of fake outlook or gmail addresses.
It IS a verry serious issue.
is it possible that the wp email capture sign up form is being used to send spam form the server
can we add a captcha or recaptcha
I am using WP Email Capture Plugin Version 3.7.1
on WordPress 5.2.2
The problem is I have 91 unconfimed e-mail addresses, in 2 days.
Two people have notified me that they are not receiving the confirmation email. However, I received the confirmation email when I first tested it a few days ago.
However, I also don’t receive the confirmation email anymore.
Also, when I click the “Export List” button, nothing visible happens. I did find a file from WP Email Capture in my download folder, but it only lists my one email address from me, that I was able to double opt in. Where are the 91 other emails?
More importantly, why do I only have 1 confirmed opt in. And why are people not getting any confirmation email?
]]>Everything seems to be working fine. My users can subscribe via the widget, they receive the confirmation email with their link, and they can confirm subscriptions. From the administration I can see the accounts, delete them, empty the unconfirmed ones….
The problem is that whenever you click on the confirmation link you get the error “wrong confirmation code”, no matter if the confirmation code is correct or not.
What could be happening?
The formatting of the email signup form is not very appealing when viewing in the Firefox browser. Will this be corrected in an update? Seems to work in the Microsoft Edge browser. The formatting is totally different in Firefox.
Thanks for your help.
]]>Having the same problem as the page link accompanying this message
from googling error
this error notice
had to disable plugin
Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for public_html…/////wp-content/plugins/wp-email-capture/inc/gutenberg.php on line 23
]]>Error: Email unable to be sent
Ok here is where I am at:
-plugin installed & activated
-I’m using Postman SMTP and its configured correctly
-I created the required pages
In testing:
-I enter a name & email address and click send
-I am correctly rerouted to the sign-up page
-I correctly receive an email with an address confirmation link
-I click the link and I am correctly rerouted to the confirmation page
The problem is the confirmed name/email is not appearing in the “Members” list in the settings, and when I click the “Download CSV” button in the settings, the confirmed email address is not there! All I see is “Name” and “Email” in the table. Any idea why the names/addresses are not appearing in the Members list or the CSV file?
I’m using 3.5 version of the plugin (included by widget) on WP 4.9.6
The plugin works fine but If I check “If you wish to enable GDPR settings, please check this box.” the Privacy Polici checkbox doesn’t appear and if I try to subscribe I receive error message “Error: Please Accept the Privacy Policy”
Thank you
]]>Hello – I’ve set up WP Email Capture on a client’s website and can’t get it to work. Not only does it not redirect to the subscription confirmation page that I set up, but it also doesn’t send or capture emails.
When I first built the site on my own server and installed the plugin, I was able to do one sign up test that seemed to work. But now, a few weeks later, we’ve gone live with the site on the actual domain and now the plugin seems to completely be inactive. Can you please help me trouble shoot?
The sign up form is in the footer of the website.
]]>Your last version is broken and it takes the site down with is!!!
It misses file gutenberg.php
From the access log:
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘C:\Inetpub\vhosts\******.***\httpdocs\wp-content\plugins\wp-email-capture/inc/gutenberg.php’ (include_path=’.;.\includes;.\pear’) in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\******.***\httpdocs\wp-content\plugins\wp-email-capture\inc\core.php on line 34
I’m using this plugin to capture the email of people that wants to download files from a “Download” page.
Thus, after filling the form an email with the “Download” page is sent to the user. Everything ok until now.
The problem occurs when I have a returning user. Let suppose the user lost the confirmation email with the link to the “Download” page… there is no way to get a new link filling the form. When the plugin detect an existing email it shows: Error: User already present.
Is it possible to allow returning users to submit again the form?
]]>I’m worried: buying the premium version is not possible. Strange landing with no access to buy.
]]>Thank you for creating this great plug-in. I am using it to offer a “content upgrade” download – a PDF checklist. So I want to change the email text that says:
Click Here to Subscribe!
Click Here to Confirm and Download!
The welcome message I wrote makes clear that they may be receiving additional email content in the future. Thanks again.
]]>Hi, I just delete all my unconfirmed emails by error.
Is possible to recover it ? It’s important for me.
All of our newsletter subscription “confirmation” emails go to spam. I’m using an actual email address for the reply that is our actual business email. The message also has no spam-like words or anything like that. What a drag. Over 1200 people have signed up, only 66, apparently, got the email out of spam and confirmed.
So, their emails must exist somewhere, correct? They must. We must find a way t o get them to confirm. How can we get access to all these email addresses so that we can take alternative measures to send them the confirmation email correctly?
Thank you.
Mike Liuzza
I would like to know if this plugin ties into themes/wordpress built in registration page. I want to have the ability to capture the registration data, I asked my theme support and they were unaware of a way to harvest the registration data (name and email).
If this doesn’t does anyone know of another plugin that would provide this information? I want to be able to email registered users.
Thanks in advance.