First of all, thanks alot for the development of the very useful and also free plugin! Especially in view of the GDPR this is an awesome plugin! Great work!
I wanted to ask if the plugin has the opportunity to also confirm the deletion of the user with the user password. If not, do you plan to implement something like that in the future?
Thanks in advance ??
Best regards, canuhelpmepls
Hi Sir,
Can you please test the plugin with the latest version of the WP and release it?
Thank you so much for this very useful plugin.
I have created additional WooCommerce my-account endpoint page, to display the shortcode, however in this case plugin’s front-end css and scripts do not loaded.
As I discovered the problem is in this condition:
apply_filters( ‘wp_delete_user_accounts_load_assets_on_frontend’, ( is_object( $post ) && has_shortcode( $post->post_content, ‘wp_delete_user_accounts’ ) ) )
So I had to replace it with the following:
!is_admin() && is_account_page()
Would be great if you could somehow fix this, to allow use the shortcode anywhere.
Thank you.
]]>Hello, thank you for your plugin.
Can you update the Sweet Alert libraries, please?
Thank, you,
I use WP Ver – 5.5.1 / bbPress Ver – 2.6.5
appear “Delete Account Button” to non-Administartor user’s profile page
When i click the button and receive message “Profile has been updated”
And nothing some happens
make to page(paginate is delete_account_page) and insert shortcode [wp_delete_user_accounts]
Access direct page url(ez:
It was possible to delete a page using shortcode.
I guess to problem point is
admin-profile.php -> wp_delete_user_account_delete_button();
wp_delete_user_account_delete_button(); <== this function not working(guess)
Best Regards,
do it work in multiite enviroment? can i delete from all the installation at once?
]]>I have been testing this plugin with WordPress 5.5 and no Delete button shows up anywhere on the site. Not in the WordPress backend anywhere either. I have tried adding the button shortcode to multiple pages and it does not work either. An update to be compatible with WordPress 5.5 would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi. It would be nice to mark that it is compatible with the latest versions of WordPress and Woocommerce.
It would also be nice to update the sweetalert libraries
Thank you
Hi, what is the shortcode for the front end?
]]>Hi there,
We have added this plugin to our site and it works very well. Is it possible to easily style the popup to make it match our custom theme?
Thank you.
After installing the plugin, it is nowhere to be seen in the wordpress dashboard. I believe it is supposed to appear in the settings tab. Currently running WP version 5.4.2
If I install the plugin and place the shortcode in “My Account” page withing the builder, is it ok for GDPR? Or I have to use some code inside to make it work for woocommerce GDPR?
On year ago you were talking about it, but it seems that you have not do it?
Will you or do we have to look ath others plugins?
Thank you ^^
fantastic plugin, thank you very much for working on it. There’s something that I ran into tinkering my schools website: it looks like both plugins are using SweetAlert plugin, might be just that, but the alert that pops up when trying to delete an account won’t look as it should, and what’s worse won’t expose the delete text field, so it’s impossible to delete the account. Both activating and cancelling the dialog throws errors on the JS console:
SweetAlert2: Unknown alert type: input
z @ weforms.min.js?ver=1.4.7:1
e @ weforms.min.js?ver=1.4.7:1
(anonymous) @ wp-delete-user-accounts.js?ver=1.2.2:56
dispatch @ jquery.js:3
r.handle @ jquery.js:3
weforms.min.js?ver=1.4.7:formatted:1127 Uncaught (in promise) cancel
O @ weforms.min.js?ver=1.4.7:formatted:1127
The plugin is Weforms.
I also tried to activate Weforms No-Conflict mode, no avail.
Thanks for the great plugin!!! ??
I show the button but the popup does not appear when I click
Is there a way to apply the deletion process to a custom button.
]]>Great plugin! I’m having one issue though and that is the process stops at the “Processing now” modal window.
I’ve added a delete account tab in the my-account page in Woocommerce and used the code that Ren kindly provided to load the front end assets:
add_filter( ‘wp_delete_user_accounts_load_assets_on_frontend’, ‘wp_delete_user_accounts_load_assets_on_frontend’ );
function wp_delete_user_accounts_load_assets_on_frontend( $load ) {
return true;
I disabled my Adblocker and that didn’t fix the issue. In the console the only thing I can spot is: SweetAlert: SweetAlert expects at least 1 attribute!
If I reload the page it logs me out, but doesn’t delete the user data.
Anyone have any thoughts or run into the same issue?
Cheers, Andrew
]]>In the oficial feature they say that the data that will be erased is the same that is exported. What about this plugin?
According to the Codex > wp_delete_user: “The user meta will also be deleted that are for that User ID.”
I needed access to the metadata before the user was actually deleted. Normally, the metadata is available before user is actually deleted in the action/hook delete_user: “If you need access to user meta or fields from the user table, use delete_user.”
But because your plugin first deletes the metadata itself and then calls wp_delete_user, the metadata was already gone.
Easy fix, I already created a pull request for you:
Is it possible to pase an user id into the shortcode so the user with this id gets deleted and not my own?
For example [wp_delete_user_accounts_id=’32’]
Any way to do this?
I would like to edit the alert message when you click the button, is there a way to just edit the texts or maybe just erase the alert entirely?
Thank you
]]>…after playing a bit with the shortcode, I didn’t expect the plugin to not working: on pressing “delete” the javascript stays on “processing…” and nothing happens.
And I also have a doubt: how can it delete an account if the user is logged in? Does it delete the account or the user’s data?
I needed to have my delete button in a template, so I added it like this
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[shortcode]”); ?>
but it doesn’t work and it shows the shortcode text
Do you have any suggestion?
Hi there,
nice little plugin ??
I’d like to redirect the user to a specific page once their account was deleted. Is there a way to do it?
]]>I want to thank you for your plugin and also I want to ask you if you can add possibility to translate word “Cancel” on button.
Thank you, very much.
Is this plugin compatible with WooCommerce yet? I know this is in the pipeline, but I’m looking for a plugin that lets WooCommerce users delete their account.
If it’s not working yet, could you estimate when you think it might be ready?
Cheers, Vinnie.
I am trying to get the plugin working in the woocommerce my account page.
I have the visibility working but the functionality does not work properly. Clicking on the button results in nothing. I am not really good in plugin development but I have made some changes in your core files. Adding the following code to the functions.php wil result in a delete account page in woocommerce.
I am also trying to convert this to a new class called, WP_Delete_User_Accounts_Woommerce. But Unfortunately I do not know how to add it to the engine. Could you help me with this? (this might result in a great extension for your plugin, covering woocommerce sites)
I have prepared a file called woocommerce.php, how can I include this in the plugin for testing?
Kind regards,
Great plugin!
Would you please make it translation ready to enjoy it in non english spoken countries/locales.
]]>Hi, I found the shortcode to display this on the front end in the other support post here however this doesn’t do anything. Ut creates a button with an id but nothing happens when clicking this button. From viewing the source it looks like the actual modal content (and even the modal) isnt actually generated so the button can’t open anything.
I used your shortcode example but simply changed the button text SO i HAVE [wp_delete_user_accounts label=”” button_text=”Delete Account”] I did try with your label too but same issue.
]]>Where is the delete link located