This is just a “For Your Information”, rather than being a bug or an issue …
I am using WPDB-Optimizer (latest release) along with several other plugins on both a ‘live’ site, and a ‘test’ site housed off-line using “Desktop Server” software.
The plugin ‘Admin Menu Editor’ enables one to customise the dashboard menu – basically the options on the left hand side of the admin screen. One can ‘move’ items from a ‘top level’ position – i.e. so that they’re there directly on the navigation bar, as WPDBO usually is – to the second level, or rename the menu item, etc.
If I move WPDBO to a second level position – in my case under the top level nav item ‘Tools’ – it stops working. Instead, I’m directed to a ‘warning’ notice informing me that I don’t have sufficient privileges to access that page. If I leave WPDBO where it is, I can access it normally, whether or not the ‘Admin Menu Editor’ plugin is active.
So it isn’t exactly a ‘conflict’ … the WPDBO nav item just doesn’t seem to like being moved. Not an issue really … just letting you know. I haven’t found any other plugins that don’t like it (I use 30 – 40 offline) so thought I should mention it.
Best regards (and ‘thanks’ … the optimizer plugin is one of those that when it works as it should you almost forget is there!)
]]>Opción: de enviar por mail el backup, y me ofrezco como testeador
opción: de solo guardar un numero x de backups por ejemplo los últimos 10
Gracias amigo nos mantenemos en contacto
]]>I like your db optimizer. I am a professional writer and artist and as such make many revisions. So I was looking for way to remove the 30-40 revisions from my db and your tool is just the ticket. Pero cuando hago una copia de seguridad, encuentro problema de 404. Como corecto este problema?
]]>WP 3.3.2, WP-DOT 0.2. I get this notice in debug.log:
PHP Notice: Constant HMBKP_REQUIRED_WP_VERSION already defined in [….]/wp-content/plugins/wp-database-optimizer-tools/wp-database-optimizer-tools.php on line 37
can you fix this?