PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Widget_SU has a deprecated constructor
class Widget_SU
function Widget_SU ($name, $max = 1, $id = ”, $args = ”)
PHP 7.x a method with the same name as the class name?
All of a sudden my posts using this plugin have had there formatting stripped. Any tags added in html all get stripped once saved. Does anyone have a fix for this or a better plugin recommendation? Thanks guys
]]>Is there an easy way to add the template choice to quick/bulk edit in the same way as page templates?
I’ll looking to update a blog with over 100 posts
]]>If I put the post-template.php file inside child theme folder, it doesn’t show in the drop-down in post editor.
I have to put the file on the master theme folder.
The problem is that in frontend it only works if the file is located inside child theme folder.
So I have to cope the file, theme folder for post editor, and child theme for frontend.
]]>I create a new file on : mythemefolder/mynnewtemplate.php with the comment “WP Post Template: Sans image parincipale” and no appear on the admin post ??
]]>Does this plugin have the option to restrict its use? I don’t want other users to have the ability to select post templates.
Please visit this page and you will see that while I’ve applied the custom template to this post and it successfully removed the side contents, the space for it is still there.
I’ve removed the sidebar and I’ve pasted my template code below. Any clue why?
* WP Post Template: Advisor Post
* Description: Page template without sidebar
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Twenty_Thirteen
* @since Twenty Thirteen 1.0
get_header(); ?>
<div id="primary" class="content-area">
<div id="content" class="site-content" role="main">
<?php /* The loop */ ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
<?php twentythirteen_post_nav(); ?>
<?php comments_template(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div><!-- #content -->
</div><!-- #primary -->
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Am I able to download the pore WP 4.1 version of this plugin. I am unable to get this version to work as my post templates do not appear in the drop-down after following your instructions. However, I have successfully done so with the older plugin after making the coding changes described by another user in order to make it compatible with WP 4.1 or higher.
Please allow D/L of the old version.
Thanks / Don
Is there anyway to rename default template or delete.
]]>Great plugin!
Hope you will consider updating this to work with child themes since that is recommended way to customize themes.
I modified the plugin to do this, but will have to again with each plugin update. Also not sure this method will work with older versions of WordPress since wp_get_theme() was added in 4.3
In the plugin file wp-custom-post-template.php I modified the function wp_get_post_custom_templates() to use the active (in my case a child) theme directory when looking for templates instead of the base/parent:
Comment out line 90:
//$theme = get_option( 'template' );
And add:
$theme = wp_get_theme()->get( 'TextDomain' );
Appreciate the plugin, used it to make a custom template for this article to not have a sidebar.
]]>It would be amazing if the Custom Post Template name could be added inside the json REST API?
How could that be achievable?
I first made the changes in:
to make the plugin compatible for WordPress 4.2.2
Then is settings, I checked off: Services
When I go to a specific service, I see “WP Post Template” but there is no drop-down. I looked at the FAQ and so I copied the file, page-fullwidth.php, into the root directory of my website but still the drop-down is empty.
So how do I get this to show templates in a drop-down that I can use?
Thanks / Don
]]>I tried to install that plugin, and all posts made after it was installed are completely EMPTY!!!
Uninstalled it, same thing. Every post I add, they’re all blank, only title, header and footer!
Please help…
]]>Using define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); in the config file:
Notice: get_themes
is deprecated since version 3.4!
Use wp_get_themes() instead.
in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/Testing/desktopserver/ on line 3391
Using get_themes which had been deprecated rather than wp_get_themes,
Could this become an issue if the plugin is not updated?
]]>Hi guys,
When I switch the permalink option in WP-Admin to ‘post-name’ the custom template plugin fails, in that it brings nothing through (works fine when set to ‘Default’).
Any ideas why this might be?
Kind Regards,
I’ve seemed to have lost this plugin’s settings menu item.
Can you give me the admin url where I can find the settings? Thanks!
]]>I can’t get this plugin working for WP 4.0 . It seemed to work on initial install (showed templates for selection) but after adding cpt templates has now stopped working. Tested on 2014 theme and genesis child theme. This is a shame , would be a very useful plugin.
The raw code required to provide template selection for CPTs is complex for what should be straightforward functionality. Would be good if wordpress sorted this out as part of core.
]]>Is there an option to add a dedicated archives page option for the custom posts / category I am creating with this plugin?
]]>I’ve been using WP Post Template fine for a project, now it does not show the custom post templates I have created when editing/adding a post. The widget is still visible in the sidebar though.
Strangely, the posts with custom templates assigned do still use the correct template.
I’ve disabled all plugins and even removed and reinstalled WP Post Template
Has anyone seen this before?
]]>First things first, i honestly DO NOT beleive anyone who’s voted this and wrote thank you or great has got this working with the instructions you’ve given, it’s impossible to understand this… And i hope everyone agree’s.
Your instructions are about as much use as saying
To fix the car take that thing off that thingy, and replace the thingy with a thingy And if you have problems with that thingy that you replaced with the thingy, then remove that thing, and replace it with 2 double thingys.
Go to Dashboard => WP Post Template and set your general setting.
Ok there’s just 2 boxes one with a tick and one saying default??? where do i go from here?
Create a new custom post template, you need to put the new file in the same directory as index.php
What new file? where’s it created the new file? do i just close my eyes and guess the name of what this new file should be called?
Does this new file have any formating rules? does it have any special chars for HTML/CSS/ does it only work on plain text?
just need to add comment (WP Post Template: Your New Post Template Name)
So now not only do i not understand what this new file is even called or what content it should actually contain.
But now i’m now supposed to add a comment (WP Post Template: … to where? to what? this is so confusing.
FOR anyone who has managed to figure this impossible task out
Can you tell me in real instructions how to do this simple thing.
Below is the HTML code i want to display as soon as a click “Create new Post”
<img src=”someimage”>
<img src=”someimage”><p> text </p>
<img src=”someimage”><p> text </p>
<img src=”someimage”><p> text </p>
<img src=”someimage”><p> text </p>
<img src=”someimage”><p> text </p>
And what file name to put it into? Much appreciated!
]]>Your plugin works well. Might I make a few suggestions. The plugin itself does not warrant being a top level Admin menu item. It should be place at minimum in the settings menu as a sub menu item OR be placed potentially in the appearance menu as it directly affects display to the end user.
]]>Why isn’t there some sort of tutorial for this plugin. The directions are pretty vague.
I would recommend a tutorial on how to make a standard full width template for a WP post, etc.
If I was THAT experienced in CSS & php, I wouldn’t need a plugin to help make it easier on myself.
The directions say “8. To create new custom Post Template you need to put the new file in the same directory/folder as your index.php and just need to add comment (WP Post Template: Your New Post Template Name) in your new post template file same as you do for page template.”
What new file? Am I supposed to create a new custom post php file to use? What would even be the point then of using this plugin. If I could create a custom post php file, I wouldn’t need this plugin.
Installed and worked great with the top level main theme, however I have child themes that I use but I get an error which is basically saying the file (template) cannot be found in the child themes directory.
How do I get it to use the top level directory for the post templates even if the child theme is being used?
Of course we also want to allow the child theme to have its own past templates if that is wanted, i.e. over-ride the top level post templates
thanks for this fantastic PlugIn!
I′ve got a question.
I have a custom post type called “news”. For this custom post type I`ve generated two different custom post templates – a “red” and a “blue” one.
When I add the different custom post templates in the back-end and preview it, everything works perfect!
Now I want to output the red and the blue news on <strong>ONE</strong> single page on my website. But I can`t find a way to query them, that they keep their custom post template.
Can you please help me – Thank YOU!