Should I expect a fix.
There are also notice and warning messages.
I’m using wordpress 3.8.3 and I would love to be able to make a contact us page on my website however I can’t do anything with this plugin other than apply a background image. The toolbar doesn’t allow me to drag the tools. I’m a wordpress novice so maybe it’s something simple i’m missing idk.
]]>I just activatie CP Designer but it doesn’t work. I filled in the Settings. Then in Desing when dragging the tools at Toolbar in Workflow they don’t show up.
Any solution? Thanks.
What seemed to be a great plugin is not working at all… it won’t let me do anything, so this plugin will de deleted for now.
I get this error:
]]>Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-contactpage-designer\includes\template.php on line 138 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 992
After upgrading to WP 3.6 I have the following error message on my webpage:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home3/pc142/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-contactpage-designer/includes/template.php on line 100 and defined in /home3/pc142/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 992
Is there a way to fix this without going back to 3.5? Thanks, Paul
]]>i tryied to debug it and found that there is some error at js file : wp-content/plugins/wp-contactpage-designer/js/admin.js?ver=3.5.1 at line no: 38,
Error at function : jQuery(‘.SelectTemplate’).draggable({
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘draggable’
handle: ‘.SelectTemplate h4’,
containment: ‘.CPD .Main’
Error : Uncaught Type Error [Object] has no method ‘draggable’
]]>Hi, im thinking about buying the “pro” version, and i wonder if its possible to put in a picture wich you can click on and it send you to a side. By means a linked picture. Sorry for my english.
]]>Hello, I am currently using a free version of this plugin, and I think it is great. It is very easy to use, make changes, and add virtually anything you would need on a contact form.
Everything on my form is working correctly, and all data is being passed correctly, however the submit message that is received when a form is submitted is far too short and hard to notice. Ideally, I would like to re-direct to a different page I designed, but I noticed that the pro version of the plugin is needed for this. I would settle for simply being able to increase the amount of time that the success message stays on the screen.
Within the settings section of the plugin, it gives an option to “Enable Show Popup Window”. When I check this box, I see no difference in what happens versus when it is not checked. I am honestly not sure what this is supposed to do. Below that it says “Event HTML DOM ID =” with a slot to the right of this which is blank. What is this used for? The reason I am asking is because I thought that maybe the length of the message can be controlled through here.
Any help would be great. I am very web savvy, so if I have to go into Editor and switch code around to make the change, it’s not a problem. I just need to be given some type of direction so I know where to start and what to look for.
Thank you
]]>This plugin wont work after 3.4.2 update……
]]>Hi can you tell me how I can add a URl redirect to the submit button I havent a clue where to add the code or what format the code should be.
Any help would be greatly appreciated out of 30 plugins this one is a life saver if i can get it to work by it redirecting excellent plugin.
If you could email: [email protected]
]]>Will you update the plugin?
]]>Hello There!
I am considering purchasing the premium version of the plug in and wanted to know:
1. does the initial purchase include future updates?
2. for a floating form design: do you have any references on how to create the modal frame?
3. are there going to be css3 transitions for the form textareas any time soon?
4. Are you reachable via email?
]]>Excellent plugin. The only contact plugin that worked for my site. I can send and receive messages without any problem.
I do have however a problem with Arabic text, as when I create a form in Arabic text, all entries are displayed as “???????” in the front-end.
How can I make it support Arabic language?
Many Thanks
]]>We have just setup a new support desk for Contact Us Page Builder. Although we do check this forum, it is not the best way to contact the support team for Contact Us Page Builder.
If you have a specific issue or question please email us directly at:
Thanks, Don
]]>Hi there. Nice plugin. Thanks for your efforts.
Quick question. Any plans to add a button hover effect in the future? At this point, it’s the only thing missing, in my opinion.
Everything else is outstanding. Thanks!
]]>The Load Template and Save Template functionality don’t seem to work at all — when I try to save a template, nothing happens, and when I try to load a template, I get an error popup that the template list could be loaded. Even thoug I can’t save or make changes to a template, if I push the New Template button, I get a popup about how my work will be lost.
The Apply Settings button doesn’t effect any changes to the workflow pane. None of the label text or settings I specify ever appear in my Template. The close window X that seems to exist in the demo doesn’t appear to be present here.
I don’t seem to be able to use this plugin at all. Probably just user error on my part. If someone can suggest what step I’ve left out that keeps me from being able to use this, that would be great. Thanks —
]]>I bought your contact form plugin and it installed fine but it will not save any templates that i make up which makes it pretty useless. Is there a fix for this and if not how do I go about getting a refund?
]]>Hi there,
I’ve created a website for a client that uses your contact form. I thought it was all going great until I recieved an email saying that in IE8 the text fields are so small you can’t see what you’re typing in them. This doesn’t happen in IE9, Firefox or Chrome.
Was just wondering if anyone might know how to fix this as a large portion of the clients customers are still using IE8..
]]>You could have put in your description that more than half the features you mentioned are premium addons and are locked from testing. This is nothing more than a demo. It’s worse than a demo cause you can’t even test or trial more than half the features that are locked.