This is not a question, I just want to remind everybody (because is not in the documentation), that if you want to use this plugin inside your themes for example, you can’t forget to instantiate the code igniter object $ci ($ci = &get_instance();).
Below is a basic sample that you can use into your child theme’s page.
$ci = &get_instance();
$data = array(
array('Name', 'Color', 'Size'),
array('Fred', 'Blue', 'Small'),
array('Mary', 'Red', 'Large'),
array('John', 'Green', 'Medium')
echo $ci->table->generate($data);
Hope this helps everybody.
Arthur Franklin
Here’s how I did it.
1. install this plugin:
2. set your permalinks to /%postname%/
3. create a test page. Codeigniter has a starter controller on ‘welcome’, so create a post or page named ‘welcome’ so that it shows up here:
4. in the controller file (wp-content/plugins/wp-code-igniter/ci/application/controllers/welcome.php)
add this line info function index:
$GLOBALS[‘ci’][‘fav_color’] = ‘red’;
5. in the blog content add this:
My favorite color is: [php]echo $GLOBALS[‘ci’][‘fav_color’];[/php]
6. view page, you should see:
My favorite color is: red
Now you are able to use Codeigniter for controllers/models and use WordPress for your views. The Codeigniter views folder shouldn’t be used as far as I can tell.
]]>I am trying to find some examples online illustrating how to use code igniter for plugin and widget development. I have alot of database interaction for the project I am working on.
]]>It seems that when permalinks are turned on, /%postname&/, that links to pages that CodeIgniter can’t resolve (because they are WP pages) get caught by CI and it throws a 404 error – stopping WP from processing the URI.
I’d like CI controllers to handle form POSTs, but WP to handle normal ‘static’ pages and posts.
I need help. Someone could tell me how to configure this plugin? I’m stocked a bit. ??
I’ve setup a working WordPress (localhost) site using its own functionalities and now I’d like to improve it with some new functions. However after activating the plugin on every page I’ve got the following message. ‘The page you requested could not be found.’
I read the instructions and searched a lot for find a proper solution without any success.
Any suggestion?
]]>hi everyone, i installed plugin wp-code-iginiter.
can i use the CI framework to build some plugin (of course work in admin page ) ?? i mean, can i use this plugin to build another plugin that work in admin (not in post or page) ??
thank in advance
]]>This does not work
]]>I thought I’d mention how I fixed Page not found
404 errors on the initial setup of a clean WP and WPCI installation.
The problem I was having was that only the frontpage, the wp-admin, and non-permalinks were showing correctly. Using permalinks on pages gave me a 404 error.
The problem boiled down to an incorrectly configured /application/config/routes.php in the ci folder. I added a single line to make things work:
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
...excluding these comments...
$route['(:any)'] = "welcome/index/$1"; # this line is new!
$route['default_controller'] = "welcome";
$route['404_override'] = '';
/* End of file routes.php */
/* Location: ./application/config/routes.php */
If I were the plugin maintainer, I’d mention this issue in the install instructions. Some CI users are not experienced enough to realize this problem right away.
Other than that, I’m very excited to use this plugin. I plan on using another plugin to insert php tags inside pages/posts, so that WP pages/post can function like a view in the MVC pattern.
]]>I’ve been looking for a plugin like this! I haven’t installed it yet, but I wanted to ask a question about how it might be used. I have a CI install in place and have been running WP as the view/content system. I use currently pull in some CI views using CURL equivalents to pull in information out of our system with CI.
I guess the first question is, can I connect to my existing CI installation/models/controllers still and just call the WP view?
I am assuming I can just pull my view code into a wordpress page? How does the this plugin work with accessing controllers and models?
Thanks for any help in advance!