I have been using your plugin from some years. It’s simple and effective. Now It is not working in woocommerce checkout. It shows the following error: Es necesario resolver el CAPTCHA. Intente de nuevo.
Best regards,
]]>The captcha gets ignored in lost password page of wordpress site.
The captcha is showing but captcha is not being checked on clicking the button. The captcha is getting bypassed in lost password page. I have also tried in localhost.
Plugin WP Captcha last updated: 1 year ago. Can you easily use? Will I be done with it?
I will add that I like this plugin. Thanks.
]]>The woocommerce login option has been removed from the plug-in settings;
There is no verification code displayed on the woocomerce login interface, but clicking login will also prompt ‘your captcha is empty Please try again.’;
How to solve this problem?
]]>Hi, firstly a big thanks for your great plugin and hard work.
I am getting critical error warnings in my “Site Health” page on many websites, and I have tracked the issue down to your plugin, WP Captcha. When I disable it the errors go away, and if I re-enable it they return. The 2 errors that appear are:
An active PHP session was detected
A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.
The REST API encountered an error
The REST API is one way WordPress, and other applications, communicate with the server. One example is the block editor screen, which relies on this to display, and save, your posts and pages.
The REST API request failed due to an error.
Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10022 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)`
(By the way, another issue I have noticed is that if the plugin is disabled even temporarily, it loses all the settings…)
I really hope you will be able to update the plugin soon and haven’t abandoned it, as it hasn’t been updated in a while. It is the best Captcha plugin I’ve used ?? (and to help support the development work you do, perhaps you should add a small banner & link promoting the pro version in the plugin settings page? As I’m sure many of your 10,000 users would support you and purchase it if it were a reasonable price).
Thanks again for all your work,
Regards Karen
Been using this plugin for sometime, and it does look a nice plugin.
But just now discovered that there is a bug somewhere as getting 2x Double slash in URL in:
any help would be appreciated.
I need to translate the sentence “Solve Captcha*” and the icon name “Soft Drinks”.
I sthis translation feature available. If not, any suggestion to modify the plugin ?
Using WordPress 5.8.2
When I install this plugin I can no longer access my site via the WordPress android app.
When I disable and delete this plugin it all works again.
Greetings, I really like your Captcha plugin; very useful. Any chance to have WP Captcha set up for Elementor and WP Forms? Thank you!
]]>Is there no support for this plugin?
]]>It appears that the Contact Form code is trying to place the captcha right after a text box (which makes sense most of the time).
As you can see on the form in the link, it isn’t working properly here.
Can you update the code so that the captcha is placed right before the Submit button? After all, there will only be 1 submit button on every form, right?
I need to translate these two sentences. Using WPML does not work because these two sentences seem to be missing. Could you help me to translate these sentences?
Can you please check this on urgent basis. I have added your captcha plugin for wordpress comments. It is showing correctly but on filling the displayed captcha, error message displayed i.e. “Incorrect captcha”.
Please look into this issue as soon as possible.
*** I am using image captcha
]]>At the moment the captcha box is tucked under the billing address and the border is around the state, phone email etc area.
I would like to move it to just before the payment button at the bottom of the page.
I have tried this:
remove_action( ‘woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form’, array( $this, ‘c4wp_display_captcha’ ), 10, 0 );
add_action( ‘woocommerce_review_order_before_submit’, array( $this, ‘c4wp_display_captcha’ ), 10, 0 );
But it doesn’t work. PHP is not my strong point so I was wondering if there is something I am missing?
Thank you in advance for your help and for creating this great plugin!
Some strings are not translated :
– image captcha :
public function c4wp_generate_captcha( ) {
$return .= ‘<br /><br />‘ . _e(‘Enter Captcha Here : ‘, ‘wp-captcha’).’‘; // <—-
– icon captcha :
public function c4wp_get_icons( ) {
‘c4wp_term’ => array (
‘1’ => array (
‘id’ => ‘1’,
‘name’ => __( ‘Cup’, ‘wp-captcha’ ), // <—
‘slug’ => ‘cup’
‘2’ => array (
‘id’ => ‘2’,
‘name’ => __( ‘Star’, ‘wp-captcha’ ), // <—-
‘slug’ => ‘star’
Can’t wait to have an updated version
When I create a page using contact form7 without captcha and provide invalid values in the fields, there is an error message which is shown correctly. However, after adding captcha, if I enter an invalid captcha or do not enter captcha, there is a rectangular box shown below with no error message at all. Kindly assist in getting this issue resolved.
Hello Devnath. My issue is with the button that refreshes the Captcha. It all works perfectly but the icon (Image) for changing the captcha characters, doesn’t show. Its a small image (gif?) but I can’t seem to find a solution, or a setting to change that particular part of the captcha. Is there a way to increase or decrease the size of that little image? I use CF7 and Elementor Pro. Also, if you fail the Captcha the message doesn’t appear.
we should strengthen the honey pot, we receive contactform7 spam forms
]]>Hello, thank you for your plugin. I want to ask you to add a translation option, for the line ” Enter Captcha Here :”. Located in the file: plugins/wp-captcha/public/image-captcha/class-c4wp-image.php (line 216). Now this is not possible, and I can only manually replace this phrase with the one I need.
I want to use wp captcha but it seems to have a problem with wordpress 5.6.
It appear on login wordpress but not on contact form 7.
However i checked “wordpress login” and “contact form 7”
Can you help me please thanks
How can I use the wp captcha plugin in gravity form? I am not able to see the form plugin select in setlists.
Does this plugin support, or will it in the future, the invisible version of V2?
Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.
]]>Once I am on dashboard, the images are broken.
Hi. Thanks for the nice plugin!
Can you please make some instructions on how to translate it to other languages?
I’m using icon captcha and via settings, I can change only “Captcha Title”, “Captcha Empty Messages” and “Captcha Error Messages”. However, I did not found how to change the description of the icon user should select i.e. “Soft Drinks”, “Flag”, “Paint”, “Car” etc.
Using Loco Translate plugin I generated wp-captcha.pot file but unfortunately, those names (“Flag”, “Paint”, “Car”) are not included there.
Any advice appriciated.
thanks for produce this plugin.
i translate it and please apply my translate.
and in setting panel WordPress is not right to left after go to plugin setting panel.
it was change left to right suddenly.
Captcha is not working for comments (completely ignored. Submitting would enable posting without having to check the captcha box) but is working for logging in and check out. Please help.
]]>I installed per instruction. I tried all setting, the plugin does not show up. As the screenshot shows, the capture is present. How do I get it to appear?
I have a request, I have updated WP, I have WP Captcha installed and after the update I cannot log in to the administration. I’m just a user.
Thank you for your advice or help
Missing editable input field for string “Enter Captcha Here : ” like “Captcha Title”
Plugin settings.
-> Other Settings
In the preview of plugin the images don’t load on unix key sensitiv file system.
Because your images ending with uppercase *.JPG and called from page with *.jpg lowercase in settingspage (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=c4wp-settings).
rewrite to ->