Hi! Would be possible that you add an alt attribute to the file icons? Like “Icon for PDF file”. Or any other way to set it?
]]>Hi @dholloran,
we’ve noticed, WP Better Attachments plugin still detaches image from post it was lastly attached to – I understand the WP-original logic behind that – BUT it is sort of unexpected for the end-user, since you can attach more images and this can create random behaviour of images randomly disappearing from older posts without any previous notice.
I’ve also noticed you’ve considered this 3 years ago here:
“Attach to multiple posts”
Could you please add the update that would allow attaching 1 image to multiple posts without actually detaching it from other post(s) ?
Thank you very much ! ??
I’m using Wp Better Attachments to rearrange images attached to some posts to then display them in a carousel in the order I want. In these same posts I’m also using a custom field created with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to upload another image with a different purpose. This image must not appear in the Wp Better Attachment list, but everytime I update the post (clicking on the WordPress “update” button) the image gets added and I have to Un-attach it every time.
Is there any option or anything else I can do to avoid this?
Thank you!
is there a way to remove the red file-icons that are on the top right of the Attachment form?
]]>No big thing but when I remove comments column in Media (Disable Comments plugin), WPBA produces the following notice:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: comments
in /…/wp-content/plugins/wp-better-attachments/classes/class-wpba-media-library.php on line 79
You may fix it when the opportunity occurs.
i installed this plugin and i wanted to change the asc order to a desc order to the images attached in my gallery with out having to do manually everytime i add new photo
Wondering if it is possible to hide the WP Better Attachments admin meta-box for one of my custom post types? Users getting confused by its presence since it does not apply to this particular CPT.
Thanks for any advice and thank you for awesome plugin. Been very helpful!
I’m trying to get the attachement files (jpg and mid files) and i have only the jpg files. How can i force the lugin to display the mid file.
Thank you by advance.
I am using latest version of WordPress, WPML and your plugin.
All the attachments associated via your plugin to a post at the original language are shown ok.
However to the other languages I see them twice or third times each.
I would like to delete the duplicates rows from my database.
Any help?
]]>I am working with a custom post type and attempting to display an attachments list in a table. I can attach media/items to the custom post and view them in the /edit mode. However, I’ve added the following shortcode to the php file that builds the table.
‘echo do_shortcode(‘[wpba-attachment-list post_id=”‘.$post_id.'”]’);’
I am able to output the $post_id and it looks correct. When the table loads and regardless of whether there are attached files, the output is always “Sorry, no attachments exist”
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
there is incorrect link on plugin description page. The correct one is https://www.danholloran.me/2015/03/08/wp-better-attachments/.
]]>Is it possible to display title (the image file name)in the gallery post?
When you fill in the caption field, the caption display, i just would like the image title to display so i don’t have to manually enter the captions.
]]>I have two questions.
1) Can I remove wpba-frontend.css from loading on front-end while not logged in? Its a very small file, but want to get rid of it from loading.
2) I saw someone else ask the same question, and never assumed it was related. And it might not be. But from time-to-time I find my sites images missing. Mostly related to images that were referenced directly and uploaded via FTP from a site mirror. Or from ACF options page. I wouldn’t have brought it up. But I see your site is also missing its images.
And thought I might ask.
]]>My attachments are connected to posts, they are displayed in a normal posts browsing,
However they are not seen after a Search — meaning posts appear without the attachments.
how to make attachments appear with posts after search as well ?
Thank you
WP Better attachments plugin don’t work when we activate ACF Pro(v5.3.6).
]]>Hello, i need one additional filed in edit area.
Now they are two:
Title and Caption
I need one more:
Title, Caption and Custom URL (for example).
I think it will be useful for more people.
Is it easy to be added?
Hi Danny,
First of all: thank you for this wonderful plugin.
I’m using the WordPress REST API V2. I include all attached images in a JSON response for a custom post type with wpba_get_attachments. This works great, except that the it only shows links to the original attached files, not the copies (different sizes) that were created for the attached images. Can I include all sizes for an attached image somehow via wpba_get_attachments?
Thank you in advance and kind regards,
]]>It seems, the crop editor “does not listen” when I drag the dashed box to a new location and then update.
It always goes back to the center, so it seems.
Any ideas?
]]>This plugin is perfect for me, but when I attach a PDF file then 2 links appear, one for the PDF file and one for the featured image of the post. I only need the PDF file, how can I remove the other?
]]>Hi there,
Is it possible for one image to be attached to multiple posts?
Seems when we try to attach an image to multiple locations, it detaches it from where it was attached previously.
Do you have any plans to add an ability to sort the attachments arbitrarily?
I am desperate to get a hook whereby admins can set any desired sort order for attachments which can be utilized in templates.
Thank you!
]]>how to get url attachment is posted in single.php
]]>Hi there,
I’ve been using your plugin and it’s working great.
There was a little issue that I fixed and I’m pasting the patch. When using HTTPS in the admin interface colorpicker.js is being included via HTTP and gives an error.
diff --git a/site/wp-content/plugins/wp-better-attachments/libs/wp-settings-api-bootstrap/class.wp-settings-api-bootstrap.php b/site/wp-content/plugins/wp-better-attachments/libs/wp-settings-api-bootstrap/class.wp-settings-api-bootstrap.php
index 9c1b13e..f85b93a 100644
--- a/site/wp-content/plugins/wp-better-attachments/libs/wp-settings-api-bootstrap/class.wp-settings-api-bootstrap.php
+++ b/site/wp-content/plugins/wp-better-attachments/libs/wp-settings-api-bootstrap/class.wp-settings-api-bootstrap.php
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
// enqueue color picker js and css
- WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . '/colorpicker.js',
+ plugins_url( 'colorpicker.js', __FILE__ ),
array('jquery', 'farbtastic'),
Hey newbie here, I love how your plugin creates editor buttons for Add Attachments.
But to display the attachments, I want to use EG-attachments styles and icons for displaying attachment links.
There are so many settings with your awesome plugin, I’m guessing it’s possible, but not sure what settings would need to happen, to just allow EG-attachments to display the attachments instead?
Thanks for suggestions, and input.
]]>Is there a way to add a link in the item description field? When I add an anchor tag it just displays as text.
replicating a page with attachments in other languages with WPML messes up the order in the new pages
I put together a clear walk through of the issue, now you will see clearly, I cant atached a .doc, here you can download:
I contacted the Theme developer Zyra and WMPL and both pointed me to the plugin Better Atachments….
]]>Hello everyone,
I’m trying to use WBPA on page to display attachments of a subpage.
I have a magazine page where the page current issue is the parent page, the issue itself (eg. N°1/2015) is a subpage. I attached several files to my subpage and want to show these attachments on the parent page.
I am using the following (not working) code for my parent page template:
$attachments = array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_parent' => 23,
'numberposts' => -1
$attachments = get_posts($args);
if ($attachments) {
echo wpba_attachment_list( array(
'open_new_window' => true,
'show_icon' => true,
'icon_size' => array( 48, 48 ),
'no_attachments_msg' => 'null',
) );
Does anybode have an idea why the code above does not work?
The plugin itself is a great piece of coding! And works like a charm on regular pages. ??
Thanks a lot!
]]>Thank you for the plugin and for updating it. Could you please consider also updating the changelog? It is always useful to know what has changed, in order to determine whether to upgrade to the latest version.
]]>WCK – Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Creator plugin is installed, debugging in WP is set to true. Following notices are shown when browsing WCK plugin’s pages.
]]>Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /(…)/wp-content/plugins/wp-better-attachments/classes/class-wpba-meta-box.php on line 99
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /(…)/wp-content/plugins/wp-better-attachments/classes/class-wpba-meta-box.php on line 66
I don’t have much information relating to what could be causing this so I’m hoping you might have seen this happen before.
Many pages in our website have attachments and they are referenced with the shortcake [attachments include =”14121″] for example…
From time to time, it happens that some attachments just drop off the published page… so even though they are referenced, nothing appears, so I go to the page editor, then scroll down to the WP Better Attachments tab and they are not there, they disappeared.
I have manually fixed this many times now, but I can’t seem to figure out what is causing them to drop off, as our website is quite big and there are many attachments scattered through the whole site.
Have you seen this happen before? do you know what could be causing this?
Thanks for your help.