I’ve been using the plugin for several years already and around 1 year ago I stopped paying attention to my website.
3 months ago or so I found the plugin was not working at all. I had to disable it for the site to work properly because it (the plugin) broke the template behavior.
After several updates I got everything working, but the plugin now lacks its transparent background. Anywhere I put it there’s a white background outside the banners themselves.
Also the module/widget for placing in visual composer is missing so I’m only able to put an embeded shortcut.
I am testing your plugin so I created a test page on my site with two shortcodes, one for desktop and one for mobile. The first is ok on desktop, the second one shows both banners instead of just the mobile one. Here are the two shortcodes:
[wp_bannerize_pro id=”banner-azzurro” /]
[wp_bannerize_pro mobile=”1″ id=”banner-azzurro-mobile” /]
Am I doing anything wrong ?
It’s an interesting plugin, but I have a problem with the click Chart, in my case in the general view of the banner, I can see de number of impressions and number of clicks, but when I want to create a Chart report I can see the Impressions charts but in the case of clicks It is imposible to load the chart, Don’t show anything I don’t know where is the problem Can you help me please?
Thank you so much
]]>I am using Divi 4 if that makes any difference.
For the life of me I cant find the shorts codes for the banners, if I go to the Banners edit page I can see the banners that I have created but cant find the short code number. I even looked at your screen shots and did not see the location where they might be.
Also I might be looking for some custom features on your plugin, can you do this kind of work and how to you charge.
I am using Version 1.7.6
Thanks in advance,
I installed the plugin and I can’t sort the banners in the order I want. I saw that the Attributes for sorting option appears in the plugin images. But for me this option doesn’t appear. Can you help me?
Hello, we upgrade the plugin and website crashed. Once disabled wp-bannerize website is online again. If we try to activate the wp-bannerize a fatal error appear:
AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of WPBannerize\WPBones\Database\WordPressOption::offsetExists(WPBannerize\WPBones\Database\mixed $offset): bool must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists($offset) in /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/vendor/wpbones/wpbones/src/Database/WordPressOption.php on line 240’, referer: https://www.4homemenaje.com/wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin=wp-bannerize-pro%2Findex.php
Please, could you help us?
]]>I just upgraded to Version 1.7.1 and my website crashed.
This is the error I get:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare useDestructuringWithArray() (previously declared in .../home/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/functions.php:57) in .../home/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/functions.php on line 57
I rolled back to version 1.6.11 and it works fine now. I disabled the automatic update for now.
Please let me know when the fix is released.
Thank you.
]]>Hello, when I select the day and time to end the banner, the plugin does not use the local time but the standard time, I’m from Brazil and when I select the banner to go out at 23:59 it goes out 4 hours earlier, how can I fix this?
]]>I was reading about the issue at WordPress WP Bannerize Pro plugin <= 1.6.9 – Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability – Patchstack
Any solution to fix it?
Hi from Germany!
I am having problems with wp_bannerize_pro and the caching of wordpress.com (site is hosted there)
wordpress.com has its own cache – no plugin is used for and you cannot set the cache to off!
Site is always showing the same banners, even until i set the cache manually back. Have you ever tested and a solution?
Best Regards
Salve, ho usato il plug-in in diversi siti e ho notato che non segue la programmazione degli intervalli temporali per la visualizzazione, infatti pur segnalando il tempo passato dalla scadenza del banner in realtà continua ad essere visualizzato sul sito, ho provato a metterlo come bozza e nonostante cio pur avendo cancellato la cache il banner continua ad essere visualizzato sul sito. L’unico modo per non farlo apparire è stato quello di eliminare lo shortcode dalla pagina. E’ come se wordpress non tenesse conto delle impostazioni temporali riguardo all’articolo banner.
is it possible to enable the analytics as default for all banners?
it may happen that you forget to do it manually…
I don’t understand the analytics section in setting… What it does?
I’ve been using this tool for a long time and I’m very happy with it. Unfortunately, however, when measuring impressions/clicks, the database becomes huge! Mine is now 98GiB in wpbannerizeimpessions!
Is there any way to prevent the enormous growth? Maybe you’re thinking about including a function that deletes the data at some point? That would be great!
Best Regards
]]>Hello. Trying this code
if( function_exists( 'wp_bannerize_pro' ) ) {
wp_bannerize_pro( array( 'categories' => 'sidebar', 'post_categories' => array( 24, 67 ) ) );
But banner shows everywhere. Please help.
1.6.5 is crashing my site
This plugin failed to load properly and is paused during recovery mode.
An error of type E_PARSE was caused in line 41 of the file /home/choicem8/public_html/uasweekly.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/CustomPostTypes/WPBannerizeCustomPostType.php. Error message: syntax error, unexpected ‘string’ (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST)
How to fix? and how can I roll back to 1.6
I see in my a log an error like this:
…wp_wpbannerizeimpressions’ doesn’t exist per la query SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM wp_wpbannerizeimpressions
fatta da do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_wp_bannerize_add_impressions’)…
How can I exclude WP Bannerize random order from wp-rocket cache?
]]>Hello, I tried to install the plugin in WP 5.9.3 but give fatal error on activation. So in the way to explore the plugin I installed it in another site (WP 5.6.8). It seems really what I look for! But: sorry, myne is very dummy question, where i find the shortcode to insert the banner in a page?
Thank You very much in advance
[wp_bannerize_pro_geo country_code="US"]
can you see this text US
[wp_bannerize_pro_geo country_code="MX, CO"]
can you see this text Mexico and Colombia
I have this below the google slides and it only shows the US regardless of where you are. It seems to get the server where it’s hosted in South Carolina US not where people are connecting from.
Please help!
Thanks for your plugin! I saw that all banners i created doesn’t show in browsers using Adblock. It seems that Adblock is blocking those banners. Is there anything i can do to fix that?
Thanks in advance,
Hello, i am using the plugin an everythink works ok except analytics. I can not see impressions or click. The columns are empty. I realyze there is a javascript error loading wp-bannerize-impressions.min.js:
Uncaught TypeError: can’t access property “General”, window.WPBannerize is undefined
Could you help me? Thank you in advance
]]>Hello there,
I see in my PHPmyadmin these plugin’s tables:
Can you tell me please which are legacy ones to process to delete them?
I have setup the example you have on the front page, the geotargeting ust doesn’t seem to work. Could this be a conflict with some other plugin?
This plugin would be super useful if the geo-targeting worked.
congratulations on the plugin which is very well done.
Unfortunately, the click statistics don’t seem to work for IFRAME banners created by DOM javascript. The display statistic yes, but when you click on a banner the click counter is not increased. What can I do?
I installed it a long time ago on a client’s site, he wanted to change and today he asked to go back to the WP Bannerize Pro and now it’s giving an error when creating categories.
using this shortcode banners always show as vertical instead of horizontal, even when I change the layout to horizontal.
[wp_bannerize_pro categories=”tests-col-1″ layout=“horizontal” orderby=”random” numbers=”-1″]
Any idea on where can the problem be? Maybe it is because of my widget areas?
I am looking for an ad plugin for WordPress with one specific feature.
But I have been looking at some of your competitors too, and no-one seems to offer it. Really strange, because a lot of add-ons in Joomla offer this.
Take a look at the sidebar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6JtxUhgMtE
“X” number of ads is created in one ad group. This one ad group inserted as a grid only showing ads from this one ad group. They are rotation live without showing the same ad multiple times at the same time.
I really hope that you offer this.
I can’t do the translation to PT-BR, I have the .mo and .po file, but even with the files inside the folder, the plugin doesn’t change the language, it remains original English.
I’m also experiencing errors, when I click on the menu: (WP Bannerize Analytics Overview) it gives the following error:
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/site.com/web/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/MetaBoxes/Summary.php on line 41
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/site.com/web/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/MetaBoxes/Summary.php on line 42
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/site.com/web/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/MetaBoxes/Summary.php on line 59
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/site.com/web/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/MetaBoxes/Summary.php on line 60
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/site.com/web/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/MetaBoxes/Summary.php on line 71
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/site.com/web/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/MetaBoxes/Summary.php on line 71
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/site.com/web/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/MetaBoxes/Summary.php on line 72
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/site.com/web/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/plugin/MetaBoxes/Summary.php on line 72
I’m having a little bit of trouble figuring out the best way to add third-party impression or click tags (or any third-party tracking tools) within the plugin. How can I integrate the different tags into my banners? Any suggestions will be more than welcome.
]]>Ciao Giovanbattista, purtroppo dopo l’upgrade all’ultima release, il sito crasha.
Dopo un installazione manuale mi riporta questo errore:
httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-bannerize-pro/vendor/wpbones/wpbones/src/Foundation/Plugin.php on line 23
Grazie mille e buon lavoro!