Is there a way to remove the author box from WP Product Review Lite? Please help!
]]>Hello there,
I am using your plugin on my site that is currently running PHP 5.3 version. I want to upgrade the PHP version to 7.0 and I made a couple of tests and your plugin is issuing warnings and errors for possible transfer to PHP 7.0. Will there be update and support for that version or?
Thank you in advance.
your plugins works really fine for us except for one big BUT.
With your plugin we get this error:
“The Redux Ad Removal extension required Redux Framework version or higher and will disabled until a Redux update is applied.
You are running Redux Framework version 3.5.4.”
And I don’t know if it’s because of this, but 38.3% of our server resources go to … which I can’t figurate why?
Please fix this situation, or we will have to switch. Thanks
]]>Dear Support,
GTmetrix shows that this message:
Avoid CSS expressions
On the file:
Can you fix this in future versions?
]]>After some debugging I found out that this plugin will redirect you to a not found page after trying to edit an user’s password.
]]>Hi, I would like to know if this plugin works with multiple authors.
very nice plugin but it lacks the ability to insert a website
I love this plugin, but I don’t want to exclude this plugin from certain pages. I’ve marked up the URLSs of the pages i want to exclude this from with a string in the URL. How would I exclude this plugin from showing on those pages with that identifier in the URL?
Thanks for the great plugin!
]]>Hi, when I use it on for example, it translate “About” in the tab, but not “About” in the headline in the same tab?
How do I translate this?
]]>Hi,i have using this plugin for quite some time and i love it:)
But recently, there is some issue with the plugin. The author box is not displaying properly, with words not enclosed in the Author box properly.I am using WP author Box Lite version.
Would it be possible to add a feature in the next release to disable the author box on invididual posts / pages ?
]]>Ability to add custom social media profiles. Thus ability to add any URL with any picture of choosing (from our own media library).
the “About Tab Label” can be translated in plugin settings – so far, so good.
But in the title of this tab “About XY”, there “about” cannot be translated?
See screenshot please:
Could you please fix this?
Thank you.
for some reasons I need to change the position of the author box in my posts. So is there please a function or template tag, that I can add in my single.php please?
Thank you.
Perhaps I am missing something. There are four sections in the admin panel, which are all preset. There seems to be nothing else to do. Not even enter profile images or author info, etc. So with no other options, I assumed the author box will just appear on the posts (I selected posts). Yet, the author box won’t show up at all on any of my posts.
If there are some extra steps to take that I have overlooked, please let me know.
]]>How can I put the name of the author in the tab and remove it from the text beneath?
]]>When I first installed the plugin, I was able to use HTML to format the Biographical Info section, but now, when I add formatting and click save, the formatting is stripped. Not sure what th problem is…
]]>Its taking too much to load and still 2 files failed to load.
This plugin is taking 2 seconds to load.
My whole site load time was 600 ms before update.
Please check screenshot from pingdom:
Hi, I implemented the free version of the plugin and I’m this close to going premium, but I have one question before I commit. Is it possible NOT to display the author box for a given author? I really don’t want the author box on my admin posts.
Looks like something is wrong with release 1.1:
No such file or directory in …/wp-author-box-lite_old/includes/ReduxFramework/ReduxCore/framework.php
IF my post is shorter than the excerpt length the author box info is fed into the excerpt please see below example where the only post content is the word “test” the rest is made up from author box info. How can I correct this? As I do not want to have to get rid of this plugin
test About the Author Latest PostsAbout Greg MarshallHi, I’m Greg, I built this very website !image testing – October 19, 2015My blog post – October 19, 2015Test – October 13, 2015
]]>Can the Pages and Posts be part of the list of recent articles that the author wrote?
I would like to have a list of contributors, can add a bio box of each of the authors on the site to a single ‘Contributors’ page?
I like the plugin but I cannot see any social links even I have selected many of social profile check boxes.
I used WP Author Box Lite for some times now, and recently discovered it overlaps the display of my social media sharing plugin in the Mobile Version.
Kindly check this link and take a look from mobile browser: (I look at Chrome browser)
Please compare it when opening from Desktop browser. In the desktop version, the social sharing at the bottom of the post is displayed correctly above the Author Box. However, in the mobile version, the Author Box overlap the social sharing.
Is it possible to move the position of author box or make it smaller? I like both social media sharing plugin and WP Author Box plugin, so it will be hard for me to change one of the plugin.
Thank you for your assistance.
great plugin!!!
cant get the latest posts for any user in the “latest posts” tab.
]]>Hi Everyone,
If in any case you’re site crashed after the plugin upgrade, please remove the plugin and re-install it again. I got some issue with svn upload on Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks!
Hi Everyone,
Some files have been missing from my svn upload earlier. If you are experiencing and issue after upgrade, please delete the plugin and re-install it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks!
Here is what we are receiving.
Warning: require_once(/home/sherrihenley/webapps/ishare/wp-content/plugins/wp-author-box-lite/includes/ReduxFramework/ReduxCore/inc/class.redux_instances.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sherrihenley/webapps/ishare/wp-content/plugins/wp-author-box-lite/includes/ReduxFramework/ReduxCore/framework.php on line 35
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/sherrihenley/webapps/ishare/wp-content/plugins/wp-author-box-lite/includes/ReduxFramework/ReduxCore/inc/class.redux_instances.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/share/pear54′) in /home/sherrihenley/webapps/ishare/wp-content/plugins/wp-author-box-lite/includes/ReduxFramework/ReduxCore/framework.php on line 35
]]>I have multiple authors on the website i am running. We would like an email icon for their Author box.
Is this possible?
]]>nice plugin but is it possible to add featured image for posts in latest post tab? can you please tell me how?