Ho creato una voce in trasparenza, e allegato un file dalla sezione media. Accedendo alla voce in back-office il file risulta correttamente caricato, dal lato pubblico la categoria associata è correttamente evidenziata, ma accedendo non viene mostrata alcuna voce.
Sto utilizzando tema Kadence
]]>We are receiving this alert from Solid Security plugin:
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability discovered by Abdi Pranata (Patchstack Alliance) in WordPress Plugin WP Attachments (versions <= 5.0.6)
]]>Buongiorno, dovrei usare questo plugin in un sito. Riceverà supporto e aggiornamenti o è stato abbandonato?
]]>Hello. When a file has ^ (caret) in filename, the plugin miss it in link.
Example: iscrizioni-4^.pdf is linked to iscrizioni-4.pdf
and the result is a 404 page.
The operators of the websites had load a lot of attachments with this namefile criteria. I don’t know if the problem was caused by an update… now is too late to come back.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion (please don’t tell me “rename all”)
Ho notato che il progetto WP Attachments è stato sospeso per motivi di sicurezza.
Dato che l’Amministrazione Trasparente non funziona correttamente (nel senso che non mi mostra allegati) senza questo ottimo plugin, vorrei chiederti se e quando ci sarà un nuovo rilascio di WP Attachments ?
]]>How to disable for pages by default?
how can I insert the file list with shortcode in my custom post type?
how to set Deactivate checkbox as default on new post, page etc…?
please show how to change the style of the header and/or add this functionality in a feature release.
<!-- WP Attachments -->
<div style="width:100%;margin:10px 0 10px 0;">
right now i also cannot simply add a custom css style because this plugin does not use any defined class, only the default html tag <h3>
i want to change the style for the header, simply reduzing the size for example
i changed in the source this
<h3>' . $orderby_html . get_option('wpatt_option_localization') . '</h3>
<span style="font-weight:bold;">' . $orderby_html . get_option('wpatt_option_localization') . '</span>
for my needs, i hope there will be an option in the settings in a feature release just like we can change the style now for the files and i will not loose this change without noticing in a distant future.
]]>Can I hide the header “Attachments” – it only has the class h3, so I can hide ALL the h3.
Can I make a customization of the “wp-attachments.php”
]]>Hello, there is a way to fix the WP Attachments section at the beginning of the post, BEFORE the post content?
]]>C’e’ un modo per migrare correttamente gli attachments gestiti da questo plugin? Quando si migra un sito da url sottodominio a dominio non vengono visualizzati.
Qualche idea?
Ciao, ho necessita’ di inserire questo plugin all’interno di un blocco di pagebuilder. Come posso fare?
]]>After updating to WordPress version 5.7.1 wp-attachments no longer shows attachments and does not attach any newly uploaded ones.
]]>Quando provo ad aggiungere un file dall tasto “aggiungi media” del plug-in (non quello di default di wqordpress) non mi visualizza la lista dei file, vedo tutto bianco… se uso quello di wordpress in alto a sinistra sopra il box di inserimento testo allora li vedo.
Ho wordpress e plugin aggiornati all’ultima versione
]]>Salve è possibile autorizzare il download dei file solo ad uno specifico range di ip ? Grazie
]]>Sto provando ad ordinare gli allegati ma non funziona la funzione di ordinamento con il plug in.
Utilizzo wordpress 5.3.6 con php 7.4
Please update line 94 of wp-attachments to check for valid post object. Here is the updated line to be used. This will correct the Notice: Trying to get property ‘ID’ of non-object notice.
if (!is_object($post) || $post->ID == ‘0’ || $post->ID == NULL || get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘wpa_off’, true) || post_password_required() || $checkrestrict ) { return $content; }
]]>It sees an error from the plugin in the search console. Attachments file gets indexed in Google. So how to add rel = “nofollow”. Check My Web url : https://top10ringtone.com/main-jis-din-bhula-doon-jubin-nautiyal-ringtone/
1. Either tell a solution or add an option to the new version.
2. And there is a suggestion. – Give the option to download the file in one click.
Within Gutenberg I have 2 options sections for plugins… the righ area and below the post / page content.
Activation WP Attachments 5.0.2 it breaks in the below area to open sections of other plugins. Switching back to 4.1.1 solves this
]]>After the update of WP and all plugins to the latest versions I stopped seeing the attachments of posts. However when I add new file, it shows.
What could be problem?
]]>Appena aggiornato alla nuova versione e l’editor non è più utilizzabile sia gutenberg o no
Same problems as other mention. I’am unable to attach an already uploaded file, but I am able to attach a new file.
Do you have a solution for this ?
Thanks in advance,
the plugin is not working on woocommerce orders.
I select the file, but nothing is attached.
Nothing appears, nothing is uploaded.
If I install the order attachment by phoenix this plugin works fine… do I need the competitors plugin to make it work? LOL ?? ?? ?? ??
]]>Hi I found two problems in this plugin:
1 – When I upload a new attachment to download, the plugin automatically inserts the link also in the post, just before the text, so you need to delete it manually.
2 – It is not possible to attach in a post PDFs that are already in the media library. If I try to select them, the plugin only inserts the link in the text field but doesn’t add the attachment to the list.
Is there a solution? Thanks
I am finding that unattached files are being deleted. I click the ‘unattach’ link to remove them from the page, but I want them to remain in the WordPress library and I want the files to stay on the server. But they are getting deleted. How can I fix this?
]]>Il plugin non funziona più correttamente.
Quando aggiungo un allegato invece di inserirlo tra gli allegati inserisce il tag a nel corpo dell’articolo o della pagina.
Ho controllato anche sul db e non aggiorna il campo post_parent sulla tabella wp_posts.
]]>I am currently using WP Attachment.
I want to move the attachment to another CDN Server.
Hi Marco, I would like to add more styling options to WP Attachements plugin. Namely I would like to add some classes (instead of inlined styles) to allow easy css styling of different parts. I would also like to add __() for attachemnts title. It is possible to customize it but I want to keep it for translations.
Do you have this project somewhere on git where I can propose changes?
Thanks for a plugin that provides functionality that I have not been able to find elsewhere.
As I’m trying out the plugin I experienced some PHP warnings that I want to inform you about. The following warnings happen when un-attaching a file in the media library.
Warning: Use of undefined constant HTTP_REFERER - assumed 'HTTP_REFERER' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /wp-content/plugins/wp-attachments/inc/attach_unattach_reattach.php on line 65
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at/wp-content/plugins/wp-attachments/inc/attach_unattach_reattach.php:65) in /wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1281
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/wp-attachments/inc/attach_unattach_reattach.php:65) in /wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1284
WP version: 5.4
PHP version: 7.2.23
Hopefully this helps with future updates.
Kind regards,
Jasper Bleijs