When I use the shortcode on my post:
[apptoplist list=”topalbums” limit=”25″ style=”liststyle2″]
I get the top 25 albums from the US, as expected.
As soon as I change this to display charts from Australia:
[apptoplist list=”topalbums” limit=”25″ store=”AU” style=”liststyle2″]
I get a blank page. Is there an issue with the country code support? The RSS feed should be https://itunes.apple.com/au/rss/topaudiobooks/limit=25/explicit=true/xml that the data is coming from.
Please tell me if it’s possible to do sth like this https://www.topappcharts.com/search.php?show=category&category=Top+Apps
with your plugin. I need to show only subcategory in game. i Would like to look like on page above. Could you tell me where i sholud look to add position up or down and display it in table.
This is really sad. Sad to see that such a great plugin isnt supported anymore.
Or, am I wrong?
Hi, i was wondering if it is possible to display several categories on the same page?
]]>Hi, I understand this works to display the Info and Link to download the app, but is there a way to embed the actual app on the wordpress page? I am talking about a free to download app, so that should work somehow? Or am I dreaming, LOL, any info would be appreciated, thanks, Groggo , thanks for your Plugin, its great!
]]>Just received this: https://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/resources/phg-transition.html
Any idea about the possibility to change from TradeDoubler to PHG with this great plugin?
i have a problem with your plugin it doesnt show apps
the plugin is enable i have a post with only this code :
[appstore id=”284882215″ store=”FR” style=”full”]
for display facebook apps (https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/facebook/id28488221)
but the page is empty and the widget and the content in my post bug it doesnt display the apps and my text.
sorry for my bad english i’m french
can you help me ?
my website is on my virtual private server with wordpress 3.7.1 i have make a test with the default theme of wordpress.
by and thanks you
]]>Hello –
Thank you in advance for any help.
I LOVE the concept of this plugin. It is doing almost exactly what I need. However, I am hoping that I can be a little more specific with my searches.
I am currently simply using the shortcode creator that is on each page.
For example, if I choose ios, top paid, music – I get:
[apptoplist list=”toppaidapplications” genre=”6011″]
What I am hoping is that there is an easy way to be a bit more specific. Like, if I want to know top paid rock music, or something like that, where I can’t find a genre code?
]]>The plugin creates a category for every “gender” of an app when posting it. I have been trying to find this in the code of the plugin but I can’t get it.
My question is how can I disable this option or making the plugin create tags instead of categories.
Thank you!
]]>Im using the custom html option to show my screenshots, but how can i get them to show up with space between each screenshot? Right now they’re all pushed together, i’d like them to have a little room between each that i can adjust. How do i do this?
]]>Hi, great plugin! I have a few questions though.
1: is it possible to show screenshots using the thumbnails, but with the screenshots showing up when you hover over them with the mouse? Right now, they appear below the thumbnails which leaves a blank space tht i don’t like so much. Is there a way to do this?
2: For apps that provide screenhots for both iPhone and iPad, i would like to show just the iPhone screenshots, because it’s more clean and often the screenshots of iPhone and iPad are the same, so there’s no need to have them double. How do i do this?
Thanks a lot
I use this awesome plugin in my blog since 2011. In this weekend suddenly my first page doesn’t loads completely and keeps loading and nothing happens. I mention that i haven’t installed any plugin in this time. After 2 days of debuging, i’ve just deactivated all plugins and activated 1 by 1.
The only plugin that broks my first page to load is wp app store connect. After, i have activated all plugins without app store connect and it works.
Can we figure it out to find the problem? I have a lot of posts with apps and i have to edit them manually and i don’t want to uninstall this plugin.
Please can you say me how fix this Warning ? (It appeared today that I do not change anything in the plugin) :
Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /home/xxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-app-store-connect/lib/functions_common.php on line 136
I commented this line, but I hope it does not cause problem to the proper functioning of the plugin.
Thank you in advance for your response !
Does the local caching that this plugin does work with W3 Total Cache?
]]>Hi there,
this is an awesome plugin, however, I do get the following messages displayed in the plugin settings and on the posted page itself:
“Undefined index: artistiD in /mnt/web2/e0/87/51494587/htdocs/WordPress_01/wp-content/plugins/wp-app-store-connect/wp-appstore-connect.php on line 447 Notice: Undefined variable: languages in /mnt/web2/e0/87/51494587/htdocs/WordPress_01/wp-content/plugins/wp-app-store-connect/wp-appstore-connect.php on line 509 Notice: …..”
On the page it looks like this:
What could I do to correct this? I would appreciate a short feedback.
Many thanks,
]]>Starting from today the plugin doesn’t show anything.
I also tried to install it on a wordpress (latest version) hosted locally that is running on MAMP but the results are the same, also on my development server.
What could be the possible solutions to resolve this issue?
Best regards
I recently updated to v1.2 from 0.9. Since the update the plugin only displays this:
Version: VERSION
Languages: LANGUAGES
Requirements: SUPPORTED
Customer ratings: RATING
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance!
many thanks for great plugin.
I think it has a bug: I cannot override the default setting “settings / default values / App Store’s default country code” from a shortcode.
If “App Store’s default country code” is set to “US” and in a single post I have: ” [apptoplist list=”topfreebooks” country=”IT”]”
It always shows topfreebooks in US market, not in the italian one.
many thanks for your help