Google Search Console doesn’t recognize it. isn’t showing, what should I do? I need Amp, can you help me? It says that other Amps don’t show custom post taxonomies. How can I redirect to the home page or another site? This is a vital situation for me, please help me
]]>this plug in controlled my ads.txt file my ads.txt file shows this text
# easy AMP Plugin – GOOGLE, pub-6257427840544279, RESELLER, f08c47fec0942fa0. which creates issue with AdSense account, and I am unable to change ads.txt file
]]>The plug in keeps changing the ads.txt file on the server that google adsense uses to distribute ads and it ads other ads services and credentials to the ads.txt file. The ads.txt file stops working and the site stops serving ads and creating revenue.
]]>I have removed AMP plugin in my WP site. How I prevent now google search console to send me these errors?: ”
Referenced AMP URL is not an AMP”
The plugin does not work.
I now have the plugin installed.I have tried different urls and Google does not accept any how AMP.
In PageSpeed Insights does not work. test
Hallo Ihr Lieben,
wer kann mir bei folgendem Problem helfen?
Bei folgenden übersetzungen ist die Aktualisierung fehlgeschlagen:
* Fehlgeschlagen: übersetzungen für AMP it up! - Powerful AMP Plugin
I am helping someone having a problem with Google Adsense after installing this plugin. Could that be related? The ads are nor coming back after deactivating the plugin. Is there a way to remove the AMP-relation completely again?
Just installed your plugin, it seems to think there is a translation update for en-GB but fails when I tell it to do it?
Also if I try the google AMP test it fails as a non-AMP page
unless I add the ?amp=1
why does it not add the reference to the AMP version of the page within WP?
your info says just install and activate, seems this isn’t quite true
While translating for en_CA I came across some minor spelling.
Permalink to string –
In the above string there’s the following issues;
IP-adress should be IP-address
conset should be consent
Also in the plugin name ‘Powerfull’ is spelt ‘Powerful’
All the best
I’m on the en_GB review team and need some help with the terminology you have submitted. What does localliste mean in this context:
For the IVW measurement to work correctly, the line “*” (without quotes) must be added to the own localliste in the INFOnline account.
DO you have English version of this plugin?
Does it support major SEO plugins?
Also is this in some relation with the AMP plugin by Automatic?