Hi, This plugin looks very hopeful but I’m having no success with it. None.
I installed it, entered my id tag, api key, and secret key. I chose “com” for country although US would be more accurate. US is not on of the options, most of which look like domain suffixes rather than contries.
I saved.
I went to Products but get this message after I search:
An error occured.: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
I did it twice, creating a new set of keys in between to eliminate mistakes but it’s still not working. I don’t find anything in my account called “signing method”.
Do you have any tips? Does this plugin work? Is there another step?
Thank you!
]]>I have installed this plugin on another blog on another host and now I can’t enter a country in the settings as the drop down list is empty.
]]>Hi, thank you very much for the great plugin.
I added the shortcode [shoppingcart] in template.php with echo do_short code() and it works fine. But each time i refresh the page it adds another product to the cart.
Any help on this?
Also how can i add a Buy now button newr to Add cart?
]]>Hi there,
I have installed the WP Amasin plugin onto my WordPress. I have added all my amazon keys. Now when I go to products section and serach for products using key word or ASIN, it appears that the search is on but I do not get any results. I have waited for a long time and tried several times, but no success.
Can you kindly help me with this problem.
I do not find the Shortcodes.
]]>I had uploaded and installed WP Amazon Plugin.
I activated the Plugin in my Dashboard https://www.sacristies-of-the-world.com
I was trying to following these instructions below:-
“Activate your Plugin in your Dashboard and go to “WP Amazon > Settings > Amazon”. Enter your Associate Tag, your API Key and your Secret Key and choose the Amazon Shop where you are registered as Affiliate. Where do you find the Associate Tag. For this, you have to log into your Affiliate Account. In the left sidebar you find your Tracking ID. To find your API and Secret Key – which WP Amazon needs to log into the Amazon API – go to Product Advertising API > Manage Your Account > Access Identifiers. After you saved this data, the WP Amazon Plugin is ready to run.”
I logged in to my Affiliate Account to find my API and Secret Key, gone to Product Advertising API, Manage Your Account, and clicked on Access Identifiers. It asked me to sign in to my Amazon account which I have done. This is the page I am now on:-
I can’t find the Associate Tag, API and Secret Key. Can you help? Thanks.
]]>The line spaces between paragraphs on every blog post I had done disappeared a few days ago. Up until then, the layout was good. Line spacing between paragraphs were there in the draft and there when I published.
I am using www.remarpro.com twenty twelve, website https://www.sacristies-of-the-world.com
I was asked if I was using the Visual or Text editor and told not to switch between them. I was also told to try deactivating all plugins to see if any of them were causing the problem.
I answered:-
“All my posts have been written in Visual editor. But thanks for the tip. I won’t be tempted to switch between Visual and Text editor.
I deactivated all my plugins. I don’t have many. And the line spacing came back. So I activated them all except for the most recent one “WP AMaSIN – The Amazon Affiliate Shop” and the line spacing was still there. So that’s the one that has caused the line spacing problem.
So where to now? How can I get round the line spacing problem with WP AMaSIN? Thanks.”
I can only reinstall AMaSIN if the line spacing problem can be overcome.
There is a bigger problem too, relating to the Associate Tag, API Key and Secret Key. I can’t find them. I looked through all the www.remarpro.com plugins relating to the Amazon Affiliate programme. I chose AMaSIN because it looked the best one to me. So I am happy to persevere. I will put it in a separate post on this sub-forum. I’m not sure if that’s the right way to go … Thanks.
]]>Actually yesterday, I could still see the reviews in my product pages. Today it’s empty. I’ve enable error reporting in reviews.php and see in the php error log that the plugin tries to load the reviews from amazon and gets an HTTP 403 code back. Here an example:
[13-Jul-2013 12:01:00] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://www.amazon.de/reviews/iframe?akid=AKIAJAB5MKOA7GDOGKMQ&alinkCode=sp1&asin=B003465EGM&atag=benohead-21&exp=2013-07-13T02%3A32%3A06Z&v=2&sig=Ruq8LU4SnDwlnbyN3m5tVDLq0ovRINfX3CW0Vd1ZVhM%3D): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
in /var/www/vhosts/fenstersauger24.de/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-amasin-the-amazon-affiliate-shop/reviews.php on line 6
Fetching the URL manually, I get the following:
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 10:12:32 GMT
Server: Server
x-amz-id-1: 0839ET33YNZECJTVV4FB
x-amz-id-2: MiPAtCRxDnv8vEjVcc2CmxsUyJop0oO8g5ju9Yy0HqOMDHsmGHy0U/pIHhh33hL8
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
What’s the cause of the problem ? I really need these reviews in there !
]]>For some reason when i go to products and search for a product in my admin panel, it says could not connect to host.
]]>I had the same problem as you on the icon…the image is actually supposed to be an 18px square image, not 28px. 28px is the size of the box.