Can’t see any info, I try with all shortcodes and nothing, the widgets nothing too.
I try it with the last version of wordpress
]]>Since the last patch there is a new race in the game for which there are no icons. As a result, the entire roster is shown shifted. Can this be fixed, please? I really don’t want to have to uninstall this plugin because it’s absolutely great. Thanks for your effort in advance.
Just started a new site for our group and was sad to see this plugin’s status has remained unchanged ??
Has anyone found a alternative?
Characters titles do not work. I get a null value for “current title” / there is no indication that a character has a title chosen.
]]>Hello there, could you please confirm if this plugin can be used to display information for best prices on auction houses and to specify for a specific type of item, such as chest armor, two-handed weapons, or something more recent like battle pets? Cheers in advance for any help you can give.
]]>So i have been using the plugin for a while now and love it. I really like the version of the profiles that have the avatar pics in them (specifically i would like to be able to show it for the guild officers) but it looks like that can only be done with a PHP function? You can’t embed these into a wordpress page, so i’ve just been using the shortcodes, which it doesn’t look like has an option for avatar pics. Is there any way to get the avatar pics into the profile using shortcodes or can you only do it with the php function? If that is the case, where do you put the PHP function to make it load properly, or what plugins would you recommend for embedding PHP functions in a wordpress page.
what port should my website host open for this plugin too work?
]]>Error occured during query. Maybe your website doesn’t allow outgoing connections? Response code:
you can see on this site what error i get
]]>Hey I’m trying to use the [wowpi_guild_members] but I want to specify a specific group I’ve tried [wowpi_guild=”Lux”_members] [wowpi_Lux_members] the documentation on how to use the guild=”guild name” function is not clear
]]>The current Mashery API no longer will work starting form Jan 2019. Blizzard has decided to move to much more complex authentication. OAuth. Oauth is secure key exchange method. Not sure why secure encryption was needed for wow data apart from if people want to create apps and services where users will log in with their blizzard accounts. This change will break every wow plug in in existence.
]]>Hello Again,
Long time no chat. Was in the site tonight doing some updates and noticed all of my plugins that leverage Blizzard’s APIs stopped working.
Blizzard recently moved over to a new system so all of their endpoints are different now. See documentation here:
I did a quick pass at your plugin and did a replace on the Blizzard URI paths (like 20 or so entries), but even with that I couldn’t get it working.
Can you take a look and update your plugin? Thoroughly enjoy it!
]]>The plugin is working perfectly, however “wowpi_guild_progression” shortcode does not show anything newer than Legion content, no Battle for Azeroth data is shown…
I have resaved the data to refresh the cache with no results, any ideas on what might be causing this or how to fix/force it?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi Adrian, Awesome plugin!
However, I just ran the update several times (from version 2.3.8, to 2.4), but after installation the pages with the shortcodes on do not display correctly (mostly blank), also when trying to refresh the cache and save the new settings from the back-end also produces a “white screen of death”, the process doesn’t complete…
WordPress version: 4.9.8
Memory limit: 512M
PHP version: 7.2.9
MySQL version: 5.6.40 (Maria)
Curl version: 7.61.0 / SSL: OpenSSL/1.0.2p / libz: 1.2.7
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2p 14 Aug 2018
ZipArchive::addFile: Yes
zip executable found: Yes: /usr/bin/zip
I have restored a back of the previous for now, and can provide a login if you’d like to take a closer look at the site and try the install yourself? ??
]]>Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Redirection limit reached, aborting in /******/******/*****_html/wp-content/plugins/wowpi/includes/wowpi_image_processing.php on line 25
Version: 2.3.8
Looks like the same error people were getting with the other new races. I tried the fixes that were posted about 4 months but sadly, didnt help.
I also tried addon settings / save button to clear any presumed caching error.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2921159 bytes) in [site]/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1978
I’ve been getting this error constantly since updating to the latest version of the plugin. The error only shows on pages which has this plugin loaded.
Previously, pages which had this plugin loaded insanely slowly – but at least finished loading. Now they load slow AND throw this error and nothing else loads on the page after it.
My guess is it’s because of the way the plugin gets its information. Ideally, there should be one call per page – not one call per actionable item. It’s impossible for me to list my raid team of 20 people because there is so much back and forth, instead of just one (start call -> scrape all info -> end call) VS (look for items->start call->end call, look for item->start call->end call, repeat 20 times).
Also, since the last plugin update, it’s not listing all achievements anymore. Only some are coming through. The rest are empty (BFA and a couple Legion ones). They show the earned date but not the name of the achievement or the picture.
]]>Hallo ich benutze dein addon WoWpi ich habe es auf einer unterseite, wenn ich von der startseite auf diese unterseite (Userliste) gehe schmei?t er mir oft fehlermeldungen raus… bei einem neuladen der webseite geht es wieder ohne probleme.. habe ich etwas falsch eingestellt oder woran liegt es… vorab ersteinmal 1000 dank für die mühe dieses sch?nen addons
Bonjour j’utilise votre addon WoWpi je l’ai sur un fond, quand je vais de la page de démarrage sur cette base (liste d’utilisateurs) il me jette souvent des messages d’erreur … à un rechargement du site c’est encore sans problèmes .. j’ai quelque chose de mal ensemble ou qu’est-ce que c’est … tout d’abord 1000 merci pour l’effort de cette belle addons
Hello I use your addon WoWpi I have it on a bottom, when I go from the start page on this base (user list) he often throws me error messages out … at a reload of the site is again without problems .. I have something wrong set or what is it … first of all 1000 thanks for the effort of this beautiful addons
]]>It seems that I keep on getting this error in my error log on the site:
[07-Aug-2018 06:34:03 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
in /home/omniuerq/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wowpi/includes/wowpi_image_processing.php on line 71
Some of the characters disappear and then reappears, making the roster never accurate. In the case of my page at first the GM was not seen as well as some of the others, then those chars appeared while some disappeared.
I believe it could be a caching error where its simply trying to query the whole list rather than look for updates?
Shortcode in use below;
[wowpi_guild_members hidecolumns=”6″ ranks=”0,1,3,5,6″ order_by=”5|asc” rank_names = “0:Guild Master|1:Officer|3:Raider|5:Trial|6:Social” paginate=”false” rows_per_page=”60″]
Thank you very much for a great plugin!
]]>Hello, I have the problem that I have no talents displayed by character.
That would be my shortcode:
[wowpi_character show=”ilvl,gear,talents,achievement_feed”]
and here is a picture of what it looks like at the moment: click here
What am I doing wrong?
best regards
first of all, i LOVE your plugin! but i find some problems that i have.
First of all on this page: that the middle box is the text who stands “Charakter” “Ausrüstung” and all the stuff is on the right side. Is it possible to make the box smaller that the right box with the items have more space?
And the second thing is that i find atm is here: in the memberlist is the text in white color (if u marked everything u see the text), how can i change this? I cant change it in the theme, cause there is no single font color in white.
And a Suggestion i would to do is maybe more infos about mythic+ keys? Mythic+ is an important Feature in WoW now and cause i want to have some Mythic+ Teams in the Guild it would be awesome if u can put some infos about the highest key a char do.
Maybe the API from can help with that?
Thx so far and good work with this awesome Plugin! Hope u still work on it!
]]>I put the short codes in but it is not gathering any information needed
]]>A few things…
First, I added a call for the “inset” style image that Blizzard uses. I prefer those to the smaller avatar.
(I have other customizations as well, but that’s the big one)
For anyone wanting to use the “inset” pictures:
Open wowpiimageprocessing.php
On line 58, add:
$inset_image_uri = 'https://render-'.$region.''.$image_uri_arr[0].'/'.$image_uri_arr[1].'/'.$image_uri_arr[2].'-inset.jpg';
On line 76, add:
$inset_image_get = file_get_contents($inset_image_uri);
if($inset_image_get!==false) {
Open wowpi_views.php
On line 121, change “avatar” to “inset”, or replace the whole line with…
echo '<a href="'.$upload_dir['baseurl'].'/wowpi/character_profile_'.$thumbnail.'.jpg'.'"><img src="'.$upload_dir['baseurl'].'/wowpi/character_inset_'.$thumbnail.'.jpg'.'" class="character_image" /></a>';
Second, images get outdated as soon as someone changes their transmog. I don’t know how to force-update the image…I have the character update set to every 2 hours in settings, but a full 12 hours later, characters are still out of date. Which leads to…
Third, rather than downloading the image onto our site (which is going to get bloated over time) I’d like to just link to the images that Blizzard has directly. I think it will be much faster loading as well (though obviously if Blizzard changes the link style again it will require updating, but I’m willing to deal with that should it happen).
I’m not really a PHP wizard, so I haven’t attempted to construct that myself. If anyone would like to tackle that, I’m keeping an eye open for updates. Alternatively I may tackle it and later update this page with results. Essentially I’d be linking to https://render-[REGION][PERSONALIZED CHARACTER INFO]
I sometimes get this error on pages I’ve made that uses the character shortcode.
Sometimes is happens, sometimes it doesn’t.
Is this an issue with blizzards api?
Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in C:\AWServer\www\clanroyal\public_html\rng_clanroyal_dk\wp-content\plugins\wowpi\includes\wowpi_image_processing.php on line 71
]]>Is there suppose to be aditional menu to set up plugin, so i can create a roster page.
Or is this just a backend thing?
Hey everbody,
I don’t know if here is still any support, but I will try it nevertheless. ??
I just found this awesome plugin but unfortunately I can’t get the shortcode paramters to get working.
I’ve tried [wowpi_guild_members ranks=”1″] and [wowpi_guild_members hidecolumns=”2,3″] but none of them works. Is it the wrong way to insert the parameters or is it because the plugin isn’t up-to-date ?
Best wishes
it seems there is a small glitch, since the allied races have been added (at least i guess it’s since then), their images can’t be retrieved.
Just take a look at my page, the image source of those is set to (unknown), therefore the alt text is shown with a small rectangle beside it, not really pretty. All other races do work though.
On the blizzard site the image are indeed available though:
Would be nice if you could take a look at it, thanks in advance!
Kind Regards
]]>Hi i have some problems with widget, and i dont know how to solve it. Can you help me with this. Below you see errors. And can you tell me pls how to do this picutere is attachment, what code do i have to use ???!!! Gretings from poland. Cheers
Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found in /home/alduviel/ftp/wp/wp-content/plugins/wowpi/includes/wowpi_image_processing.php on line 23
I’m having a lot of errors like that:
Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found in /[my storage]/wp-content/plugins/wowpi/includes/wowpi_image_processing.php on line 23
In only one character, i’ve got 6 errors! Is there any fix or a way to supress/hide this error line?
Thank you! ??
]]>hi there,
first, thanks for the plugin.
Is there a way to have active specialization when we add a character ?
Maybe with shortcode [wowpi_character name=xx show=spec] ?
Thanks for you’re help.
]]>So i can’t seem to get any avatar pictures to show, is there some setting or something to enable them for a profile? or is the feature not working at the moment at all?