I have tried different guilds , different servers, different regions. I’ve tried in wordpres 3.9 and 4.1. I tried it in php 5.2, 5.3, 5.5 and not get it to work, always tells me I connect Unable armory. but if I try the https://eu.battle.net/api/wow/guild/dun-modr/Daggerfall?fields=members direction in internet browser, the api returned the info of my guild. because it does not work? wordpres gives me this message
Warning: file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wow-guild-retrieve/wow-guild.php on line 224
Warning: file_get_contents(https://eu.battle.net/api/wow/guild/dun-modr/Daggerfall?fields=members): failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wow-guild-retrieve/wow-guild.php on line 224
Unable to contact Armory.
i have a suggestion about the level restriction.
it would be great to choose my own level for the restriction.
For that i changed line 327 to
if ( $level >= $restrict ) {
and than changed the restrict shortcode to the min level what a char should have to show.
The default setting could be 1
in version 1.3.1 the pandaren icon doesn’t show up.
I had to change the id in wow-guild.php at line 125 to 25
i hope this helps.
EDIT: I’m playing on an EU server
]]>Hi i have this problem: “Unable to contact Armory”.
I revised my php info and i have allow_url_fopen “on”. so i dont know what im doing bad o.o
This is the code on a single page:
[wgr guildname=”Inténtalo Otro Día” realmname=”Dun Modr” region=”eu”]
Any idea?.
PSD: Here you have my phpinfo – https://intentalootrodia.esy.es/php.php
]]>In the png image files you need to capitalize the first letter of female and male for the pandaren. I did it myself but your update wiped over it.
]]>Is it possible to adapt this addon to non offi TrinityCore armory?
I am not able to solve how to fetch data from it.
If your Panda Icons didn’t show up in the latest table that is uploaded. Just open the zip file and you should see two icons, one for female and one for male. The Female and Male part of the .PNG file is not Capitol letters and they should be.
Once you fix this the images will show up correctly in the table after you re-load it back up.
]]>Hi Pal,
I entered this code:
[wgr guildname=”WarriorsOfWow” realmname=”Magtheridon” region=”eu”]
Spelling just like in Armory
And got this messages:
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/pqah167123/domains/wow-jade.eu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wow-guild-retrieve/wow-guild.php on line 214
Warning: file_get_contents(https://eu.battle.net/api/wow/guild/Magtheridon/WarriorsOfWow?fields=members) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/pqah167123/domains/wow-jade.eu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wow-guild-retrieve/wow-guild.php on line 214
Unable to contact Armory.
Can’t figure this out.
Please help.
Getting this error, i have my code as
[wgr guildname="From the Ashes" realmname="Khaz'Goroth" ]
]]>I love the widget, but would like to be able to show only the members of the raid team .
ie set a maximum rank level so that all ranks below 4 are visible.
Is that possible?
Thanks for your time.
]]>So I tried your plugin and found two little in the current version, although they’re easily fixable:
The images for the Pandaren have wrong names. The files are called race-Pandaren-male.png and race-Pandaren-female.png but the code needs the gender to start with a capital letter. I’ve renamed the files to race-Pandaren-Male.png and race-Pandaren-Female.png and it’s working fine.
Additionally, using the ‘restricted-mode’ to show only maxlevel-characters, I found that the plugin is still using level 85 as maximum. Again, easily fixable in the code (line 276), but maybe you want to correct it in the plugin itself.
]]>=== WoW Guild Retrieve ===
Contributors: manatrance, ZiLaK
Tags: WoW,warcraft,guild,roster,mmorpg
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.4.2
Stable tag: 1.1.1b
= v1.1.1b =
* Changed clicking on players names opens a new window with info from WoW
* Changed display from simple to advanced on WoW
* Added support for Pandaren class & Monk skill
Anyone have image and knows what i need to update in the php file for the monk images to show correctly?
]]>I am wondering if it is possible to change the color of the name character name to match their class. As you know Druids are orange, pallys are pink, and so on? I also noticed that when I changed the name of the ranking it still had a number next to the ranking. Is it at all possible to make the number go away?
]]>Can’t change the table background color. I’ve done everything. Help would be appreciated.
]]>i am getting this error when i use this please help
]]>Well I see the last reponse was a year ago so here’s to if I even get a reply on this but the Roster links for realms with characters in them, like my realm Kel’Thuzad are broken. The url for all the characters in my roster don’t show anything once it gets to the apostrophe. The url it points to is https://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/Kel
so of course it just leads to an error 404 on battle.net that the page doesn’t exist.
Please fix.