Merhaba. Eklentinizi indirdim ve wp-config.php dosyas?na define( ‘WPTURKCE_USER’, true );
kodunu ekledim ama ?al??mad?. Neden olabilir?
Is there any update to your thread at Stackexchange or an edit to the core already?
What does your plugin do exactly?
Does it use any of these 2 topics: WordPress slug issue with non-latin characters Slug Formatting : Acceptable Characters?
Does your plugin work with the latest version of WP and will it get an update because it hasn’t been updated for 6 years?
Will it lose its function if you update WP to a newer version?
Many questions ?? Thanks.
Merhaba Windows’da WordPress kullan?yorum. Eklentiyi kurdum bir hata vermedi ama URL’de Türk?e karakter kullan?nca 404 hatas? al?yorum. web.config’e bir ?ey mi eklememiz gerekiyor?