It’s a follow up to:
which I cannot answer directly to because for some reason “This topic has been closed to new replies.”
Anyway, while going through the code (just to make a quick assessment of the plugin), I’ve noticed that in
it looks that there is a variable name mismatch:
line 20: define(‘WPS_PLUGINS’, 1);
line 322: …, WPS_PLUGIN,
so to solve your error message you could try to add “S” to “WPS_PLUGIN” at line 322 in the source code.
My 2 cents.
I noticed the following message in my error log.
PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant WPS_PLUGIN - assumed 'WPS_PLUGIN' in /home/mywebsite/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sentinel/wordpress_sentinel.php on line 322
Is this a sentinel issue? If so, how to fix?
I’ve been running WordPress Sentinel for a long time with no problems. An update to a plugin is now giving an error such as the one above when I try and take a snapshot. The plugin used to be called WP Missed Schedule, but now it’s called √ WP Missed Schedule. The section number in the error changes every time, but the /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-missed-schedule directory just refuses to be snapshotted. I’m assuming that it’s the check mark in the name that’s an issue, though I probably should check the permissions on the folder. Every other directory is refreshing fine though…
I’m doing some tests locally on my PC
I have edited a file and did a manual scan
So now the file as changed status this is ok
but the time this occured was
2012-09-14 12:00 (around)
and it’s shows
2012-09-14 16:06:22
My Time zone is EST -5 daylight saving time activated.
I’m wondering if the scan is a manual scan only or it will scan file automatically?
If automatically:
At which frequency?
Is there a way to set frequency?
Is there a way to receive an email message to get notified?
]]>Would it be possible to add an option to “Watch” Other Directories such as the upload directory?
Sometimes, there appears: Install files have changed. I go to details and there is everything green and OK.
]]>Sometimes suddenly this occures:
Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for /home/domeny/domain.com/web/subdomeny/www/wp-content/themes/xytheme/img/attachment_icons/docx.png in /home/domeny/domain.com/web/subdomeny/www/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-sentinel/wordpress_sentinel.php on line 705
]]>Hmm for some reason mine keeps saying “WordPress Sentinel: Install files have changed” on all admin pages, despite having refreshed the changes and nothing showing as changed.
Is there something i can do to get it to not show that error?
]]>Hi, great idea and seems a better implementation to others I’ve seen.
Just wondering where does this plugin store all the info, is it in it’s own WP DB table, a WP core DB table or elsewhere?