I’ve never used shortcode before so I could be missing something basic…
But I’m used to troubleshooting wp stuff and finding solutions. Searched the forum and the web but nada!
I do everything the documentation says and insert the shortcode but just get a blank where the applet should appear.
When I try the “onclick” version I do get the alt text with hyperlink properties but it doesn’t load anything when clicked.
This guy seems to have the same problem as I:
Hope you can help!
]]>In order to support multiple applets in the same page, all the IDs must be different.
So in wordpress_processing_embed.php
, you could have a counter:
global $pembed_id;
$settings['name'] = preg_replace('/^.+\//', '', $settings['name']) . (++$pembed_id);
You may also consider stripping non-alphanumeric character from the name. You never know if that path has junk characters in it.
]]>In the file wordpress_processing_embed.php
, in the code section that outputs the link for “newwindow”, $altcontent
needs to be escaped with htmlspecialchars($altcontent, ENT_QUOTES)
Otherwise, the altcontent won’t be able to contain single or double quotes.
]]>There’s a typo (double braces) for the height argument in wordpress_processing_embed.php
width=\"{$settings['width']}\" height=\"{{$settings['height']}}\"
]]>Looking at the popup.php code, I can’t help but notice that it’s full of variable references such as:
archive="<?php echo($_GETfile); ?>,<?php echo($_GETpluginurl); ?>/data/core.jar"
width="<?php echo($_GETwidth); ?>" height="<?php echo($_GETheight); ?>"
I don’t think the _GET* are intentional, right?