Hi, I have some suggestion to give the plugin more performance and reduce the number of queries used.
In some cases, the original code doesn’t work at all, if your product id start from a number greater than 30.
The file is wp-prestashop-cs.php
As you can see I put here only an example for the first case, random product without category.
First of all, the get_option calls doesn’t need to be inside the for cycle.
Than the method to get a random product can fail. This one choose a random product among all not only the first 30.
Many queries have been joined in just one.
This modification can be easyly applied to the single caregory case.
Hope this can help!
$retval = '';
//get size of image, default language, product selection type and category
$image_size = get_option('wppscs_prod_img_size'); //image size
$language = get_option('wppscs_ps_language');; //Prestashop language
$category = get_option('wppscs_prod_category');;//select Prestashop category
$store_url = get_option('wppscs_store_url');
$image_folder = get_option('wppscs_prod_img_folder');
if ($prod_selection == "random"){ //search whole database
for ($i=0; $i<$product_cnt; $i++) {
// get a valid random product
$prodtotal=$PrestaShopdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ps_product WHERE active=1");
//Get product image, name and URL
$product_array = $PrestaShopdb->get_results('SELECT pl.name, i.id_image, p.id_product FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON (p.id_product = pl.id_product AND pl.id_lang = '.$language.')
LEFT JOIN ps_image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product AND i.cover = 1)
LEFT JOIN ps_image_lang il ON (i.id_image = il.id_image AND il.id_lang = '.$language.')
WHERE p.active = 1
limit '.$limitstart.',1',ARRAY_A);
Using PrestaShop
Occasionally displays the same product more than once.
]]>Using PrestaShop version
Some categories produce the same single image every time, even though there are multiple products in same category
If you select a a category with nothing in it, it doesn’t fail gracefully, the html output stops. No error message, but the rest of the wordpress template won’t load.
I want to know if it was possible to select two or more category in the setting ?
]]>This plugin doesnt work when PrestaShop uses a new storage system for product images
]]>If you are on shared hosting the plugin will not working.
The plugin just connect to your PS (Prestashop) database and do not import products in your WP installation.
For this we need to access your PS database.
We have 2 options: remote access (on your root user access) or being on the same server with wordpress installation (not the case for any shared hosting).
We might change the whole logic in the new release and it may work for shared hosting.
Please be aware that we don’t have a release date for the new version.
First step is to add the database settings in PS Database settings under Prestashop CS left menu.
Second, you have to add Prestashop settings. Follow example to the right hand side.
Please be aware that the plugin has a known bug regarding the images for newer PS versions because Prestashop change the path of images started with version 1.4
Also, it can be a problem if you rename the default prefix on your Prestashop installation. (ps_nameoftable)
In order to better help you, we’ll need the exact error you get and a more detailed information.
]]>hi. the function for display product have random(0,30) for $product_id.
If is checked “load from category” and the category have few products (5), the function calls product id that not exist.
Also the “default category” is not good for query products.
I have added 1 category called “on the web” and assigned few products from different categories. But they not displaing coz haven’t default category “on the web”.
Thanks for the info! ??