I am using WordPress Domain Search plugin on the multisite network (WP Ultimo). But when I am trying to search a domain in the user dashboard then it is not working. it’s continuing loading.
Please help me.
Kundan V
]]>Hi Nerd! Lease help why the form goes to the top of page even it was pasted at the middle or bottom of page. Thanks
]]>Can your plugin be configured to support my own GoDaddy Reseller similar to your NerdWarehouse reseller account? If yes, how?
Great app …Thanks
Does the plugin wordpress Domain Search allow people to search for .com.au domain names or only American domain names
Is it possible to ad .ch in the search tool ?
I would like to point the research to this kind of website, is it possible ?
Thanks for your answer
]]>Hi I want to know if its possible to use a reseller acc of GD for the domain search similar to the nerdwarehouse search..
https://intechwebtools.com – reference
when iv update this plugin
show me error
Call to undefined function array_replace()
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
and i can not update my php and my php v5.2.17
please help me
]]>The HTML structure makes it easy to style one or more domain search bars. Each widget is wrapped in a div that has a unique ID assigned by WordPress in addition to a class shared by all instances of the widget. For your convenience the ID is displayed at the top of the widget options. Example CSS selectors you might use:
#wpdnsearch-1 {}
#wpdnsearch-1 .wp_dn_form {}
#wpdnsearch-1 select[name='tld'] {}
#wpdnsearch-1 input[name='submit'] {}
The selectors above would only apply to the first instance of the WordPress Domain Search widget, as indicated by the 1 (one) that WordPress assigned to it. To apply the same CSS to all instances of the WordPress Domain Search widget you would use the class on the wrapper div instead of the unique ID, like so:
.wp_domain_search {}
.wp_domain_search .wp_dn_form {}
.wp_domain_search select[name='tld'] {}
.wp_domain_search input[name='submit'] {}
There are many other combinations of IDs, classes, and elements that can be used to style your domain search bars. These are only a few simple examples.
]]>Instead of using as a Widget, can i use on the page/post ?
]]>i’ve been downloaded that plugin but when i hit enter it redirect to plugin site ….
i want it on my own page in my webiste … pls any idea